13. Best Friend's.

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Here's Short Update! <3

Jimin scoffed as he looked away crossing his arms over his chest and Hoseok gulped at the younger's tantrums.

Hoseok hesitantly placed his hand on Jimin's shoulder, thankfully the smaller didn't rejected his touch but he is still sulking, Hoseok can see his pouty lips.

"Jiminie, I am sorry baby. Please give me a chance to explain." Hoseok pleaded desperately as he slightly squeezed the smaller Omega's turned.

Finally, Jimin turned towards him with raised eyebrow. "Really? After years you want a chance to explain yourself? What is your explanation of ignoring me from years? You totally shut me down? You didn't even wanted to see me, tell me why? Because I was poor?" Jimin asked, his anger is visible in his voice and orbs, his fist clenched on his sides as he looked at the older omega with teary eyes.

Hearing Jimin's last words Hoseok immediately shooked his head, he never think that Jimin belongs to poor family, he new it, but he never thought like that.
"Jiminie what are you even saying? You already know it's not like that." Hoseok said softly as he held Jimin's hand in his.

"Then? What is it? What is the reason behind your disappearance?" Jimin asked blinking away his tears, he don't want to cry here. He didn't want to create any drama here.

Hearing Jimin's questions Hoseok didn't know how to answer him at this moment, of course he wants to tell his best friend why he left him suddenly after High School, but not like this, not here.

Jimin understood that Hoseok is hesitant about something. "You don't have to tell me, I am not anything to you anymore so, it's fine. I don't need any explanation." Jimin said as he rolls his eyes, Hoseok bit his lips.

He didn't know how to convince his best friend that he was helpless at that time, and knowing how Jimin's Alpha father is he didn't asked any help from Jimin.

"Jiminie... It's... it's not like that, I just don't know how to tell you at this moment." Hoseok tried to make Jimin understand, Jimin understood that his friend is not making any excuses, he understood that there is something big happened in his life, where he had to cut all ties to everyone. "Jiminie, can you please come to my house, I will tell Jungkook to take you with him, I just don't know how to explain everything at this moment, here. Please minie." Hoseok pleaded making puppy eyes in front of the smaller omega, who nodded his head while rolling his eyes and it didn't take Hoseok long to pulled the smaller in a tight hug.

"I am sorry min, I didn't wanted to... But I was helpless." Hoseok sadly mumbled in the hug, as he felt Jimin caressing his back to make him calm down.

"I just... I thought you don't want to be my friend because I am poor and because of my... Father." Jimin mumbled back as they both pulled away from the hug.

"No it's not true, I never thought what you father think about anyone, and you are not poor min, you are husband of millionaire." Hoseok said caressing the Omega's cheeks, even though the Omega didn't want to blush right now since they are very serious but his cheeks turned  pink. "You are not the reason, I was just too ashamed to face anyone after-... I am the reason, it's not your fault Jiminie." Hoseok said softly and the smaller nodded his head.

"Umm... Is Mr. Kim is your Alpha?" Jimin asked as he saw his best friend turning red and pink.

Cough Cough.

"N-No, he is not... Umm, not for now." Hoseok stuttered waving his hands.

"I am hurt." Hoseok's heart skips few beats as he heard deep voice just behind him, Jimin's mouth opened in shock but he quickly closed it. "I have to work hard." Taehyung said dramatically as he gave Taehyung a bottle of water after opening the cap. "I am sorry for taking so long." Taehyung said and Hoseok just nodded. "Mr. Jeon?" Jimin heart jumped as he heard Taehyung. "Do you want something? I mean wine? Whisky? Or something else?" Taehyung asked and Jimin just denied polity, he didn't drink.

After a few minutes chatting with each other, Taehyung dragged Hoseok away in a dance floor, leaving the smaller omega standing there alone awkwardly but after just some movement he heard from behind.

"Can I have this beauty on the dance floor."

To be Continued.

Thank you so much for reading!❤️

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