Mrs. Coral Sea Creatures Class

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I was walking to Mrs. Coral Class when I saw my best friends forever, Shell.
"Hi Shell!"
"Hi Blossom!"
She walked over to me and we started to walk to class together.
"Are you ready for class?" Shell asked me.
"Yes I am, I hope we are learning about dolphins."
I opened the classroom door.
"Me too!" Shell said happily.
We enter the classroom and there was only Mrs. Coral in the class.
"Hi girls." Mrs. Coral greeted us.
"Hi Mrs. Coral." I greeted Mrs. Coral back.
"Hi Mom." Shell greeted her mom back.
"Hi sweetie and what did I said about calling me mom at school." Mrs. Coral said.
"Not too, because people will think you have favorites."
"Now that out of the way, what do you think we are learning in class today?" Mrs. Coral asked.
"Dolphins?" We guess.
"Correct, we are learning about dolphins today."
"Yay!" We said happily.
"Here you go girls."
Mrs. Coral gave me a flower, while Shell got a seashell.
"Thank you Mrs. Coral."
"Your welcome girls. Can you girls be a dear, and help me put these papers on each desk, please?"
"Yes we can." "Thank you girls."
Mrs. Coral spilt the papers in two piles and gave them to us to pass out.
As I put the last paper down, all our classmates started to enter the classroom.
"Okay, we are done." I said to Shell. Shell and I did our secret handshake, before sitting in our seats that are next to each other.
"Good morning class." Mrs. Coral said.
"Good morning Mrs Coral."
"Today we are learning about dolphins. Do any of you know anything about dolphins." Mrs. Coral asked.
Shell raised her hand.
"Shell, what do you know about dolphins?"
"I know that my spirit animal is a dolphin, there are 42 species of dolphins, and a dolphin's pregnancy lasts between 9 and 16 months." Shell answered.
"Amazing and I love how you brought up that your spirit animal is a dolphin. It's rare for people to get a dolphin as their spirit animal." Mrs. Coral said.
"Anyways you see the paper on your table, you need that paper and a pencil because we are going to school aquarium to learn how dolphins behave and act around humans."
(The way I am going to describe how dolphins behave and act around human is probably not right, but I am going to do this anyway. :) )
All of us reached the school aquarium.
"Do I have any volunteers to go to the aquarium of dolphins and hang out with them while we observe you?" Mrs. Coral asked.
Shell and I both raised our hands.
"I am not surprised that our own two pillars in this class volunteer. Go ahead girls."
"Yay!" Shell and I speed walk our way to girls locker room of the aquarium. We changed into our swimsuits.
(Imagine a school swimsuit.)
I grabbed my seashell necklace and put it around my neck.
"Are you ready?" Shell asked as she walked to the door.
"Yes I am."
We walk out of locker room and jump it to aquarium. Our swimsuits changed as soon we hit the water and we can now breathe underwater. Also talk underwater.
"Can you girls hear me?" Mrs. Coral asked.
"Yes we can, Mrs. Coral." Shell said.
"Good, now I will let the dolphins out." Mrs. Coral pushes the button on her device and a door opens.

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