Mrs. Suki's Archery Class Part Two

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(Everything was going well when.....)
Someone hit Amber with a love arrow, and that someone was Heart.
"Oh no!" Heart said.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I may or may not have hit Amber with a love arrow."
"What?!" I was shocked.
"I saw Amber, got distracted, and that might have caused me to hit Amber with a love arrow."
"Oh my! Heart!"
\"I know."
Heart and I ran over to go check on the passed out Amber, but when we got over there it was too late.
"Yes, Blossom?"
"I see a heart on Amber's cheek."
"Yes, look."
I point to the pink heart on Amber check.
"Oh no, the spell is already in effect."
"Yup, and since you hit her with the arrow, that means."
"Amber is in love with ME!" Heart said, while blushing.
"Girls, what are you doing over here, and why is the fire pillar passed out." Mrs. Suki asked.
"Oh ummm."
"I shot an arrow and it hit Amber. I am so sorry mom, I did not mean for this to happen."
"Heart, you are a pillar, things like this should not happen with you. Someone else it is fine, but you it's not fine. Mrs. Suki said mad.
"I know I am sorry." Heart was very sad.
"I know you are angry right now, Mrs. Suki, but remember the matter at hand." I said.
"Oh yeah! We are not done here missie." Mrs. Suki said.
Amber starts to wake up and looks right at Heart.
"Umm, hi?" Heart said.
"I love you." Amber says.
"Huh?!" Heart said.
"I love you so much, let's get married." Amber jumps into Heart's arms and hugs her.
"Amber, I need you to let go of Heart." Mrs. Suki said.
"Amber, it's me, Blossom, can you look at me for a second."
"Hi, Blossom, do you want to be the flower girl for Heart's and I's wedding."
"I would be honored!"
"Blossom!" Mrs. Suki said.
"Oh yeah right, Amber I am going to need you to let go of Heart."
"No!" Amber said again.
"When, if you don't let go of Heart, she cannot get ready for the wedding."
"Oh Okay."
Amber lets go of Heart. Heart still super flushed.
"Okay, good. Now we have to go get you change for the wedding, so say goodbye to Heart, Amber."
"Bye Love!"
Amber runs over to Heart and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Heart still flushed.
"Okay, come on Amber."
"I am coming!"
(Heart point of view)
"Heart, wake up!" My mom said.
"What happened?"
"You fainted after Amber gave you a kiss on the check."
"Oh yeah."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am okay, mom."
"Good, now let's crash the wedding!"
"What do you mean no!"
"I mean, we can still have the wedding, but during the wedding, you can shoot Amber with a heartbreak arrow. Also where is the class?" I said looking around
" I ended class early. Also, great plan, dear! Now let's get you dressed for your wedding."
"Oh yeah." I said blushing.
(We get to the dressing room.)
"Wow, I never thought I would see you in this until you graduated."
"I know, but I am so happy!"
"Yes, dear?"
"Are you not mad that I am getting married to a girl?"
"Of course not! Why would you ask that question?"
"Because, you always talk about me getting together with a boy when I grow up."
"Oh, yeah, but that's because you only have boy crushes before, so I thought, you like boys."
"Also, why did you never tell me you dated girls in highschool?"
"Huh, who told you that?"
"Blossom, she saw you with a lot of girls in Mrs. Lily's yearbook."
"Oh. Okay, it's time I tell you the truth. Sit down."
I sat down next to my mom.
"When I was young, I was not allowed to date until I graduated."
"Because my mom's element was fire not love, so she believed I could wait until I graduated to start finding love. There was also another reason I was not allowed to date until I graduated."
"What was it?"
"Because I liked girls."
"Since my mom's element was fire, she did not understand or learn that people can love the same gender. So I would hide my girl crushes and girlfriend from her."
"Wow, I never knew grandma was like that."
"Yup. I spent my entire years in the high school section, falling in love with girls, because I knew as soon as I graduated I would not be able to anymore."
"Wow! But, did you meet dad, because of grandma."
"Yup. I just gotten over a 2 year relationship, I still was super sad, but I had to go to my classes or my mom would get suspicious. So I was trying to shoot a love arrow, when I hit your father by accident."
"Just like me!"
"Yup, and I gotten in really bad trouble with the old love pillar at that time, because I was the new love pillar, but all I could think about was your father."
"I had shooten a boy a year younger than me, and now he was madly in love with me."
"But I thought dad was older than you?"
"He is, but his birthday held him back a year."
"Oh, that makes sense."
"Back to the story, Your father woke up, and kissed me on the lips. I was shocked. A boy just kissed me. I was red, but when I looked at your father's check there was no heart mark."
"Turns out, your dad element was dark, which makes them unable to fall under the love arrow's spell."
"So, why did dad kiss you?"
"I asked your father the same question, he said that when he was younger, he got lost in a park and was hurt, and a girl came and saved him. Turns out I was that girl, so to thank me for helping him that day, he kissed me."
"That's a weird way to thank someone."
"I thought the same thing, but it was also because I was the first person to ever treat your father with kindness, your father grew a crush on me, and told his parents, when he grows up he is going to marry me."
"Aww, that's so cute."
"I know! So after that day, your father and I have been happily dating ever since."
"But that still does not answer my question on why you never told me about you liking girls."
"I am getting there. After I had you, I noticed you only liked boys and never had interest in girl, and my mom was so happy about it. But I thought that meant that you were going to grow up like my mom and think dating girls was weird. So that's why I never told you."
"Oh my! I am so sorry that I made you feel that way."
"It's okay, now let's ruin this wedding so you won't have to get married to Amber."
My mom got up and grabbed my hand.
"I don't want this wedding to get ruined!"
"Why not?"
"Because I like Amber, mom!"
"I have liked Amber for two years, mom."
"Why have you not told me!"
"Because, you always talked about me getting together with a boy, so I thought you would hate me, if I told you I liked a girl."
"Oh, my dear!"
My mom hugs me.
"I am so sorry that I ever made you feel that way."
I break out of the hug.
"It's okay mom! I am just glad that I finally told you about it."
"Let's get you married!"
My mom grabs my hand and drags me to the courtyard.
"There you guys are!" Blossom said.
"Where is Amber?" I asked.
"She's been waiting." Blossom said.
Blossom walks over to my mom, and can finally see Amber. She is standing in a suit looking right at me.
"Let's get the wedding started." Blossom said.
Blossom was in a beautiful dress with flowers all over. She was the perfect flower girl.
My mom walked me down the aisle, since dad was not here to do it.
"Take good care of my baby, Amber." My mom said.
"I will." Amber said.
I finally got a chance to have a close look at Amber. She does not have the heart mark on her check anymore.
"Your love mark is gone." I said.
"Yeah, Blossom uses a dark flower to bring me back."
"Do you remember everything?"
"Yeah, I am a little embarrassed, but I am happy."
"Huh, why would you be happy?"
"Because I get to married to the girl of my dreams."
"The girl of your dreams?!"
"Yup, Hazel Angela, will you be my girlfriend and make me the happiest girl in the world."
I jump into Amber's arms, she spins me around. When she puts me down on the ground, and kisses me and of course I kiss back.
"That's my baby!" My mom said crying.
I break the kiss to turn around to see my mom.
"Don't cry!"
I run over to my mom and wipe her tears.
"These are happy tears! You better not break my baby's heart, okay, Amber!" My mom said.
"I would never dream of it." Amber said.
Amber pulls me in for another kiss. She breaks it, leaving me a blushing mess.
"I have a gift for the couple." Blossom said, holding two small boxes.
"What is it?" I asked.
"If you open them up, there are soulmate rings."
Amber and I open our box, and we see rings. Amber's ring is a ring with a fire design with a heart cut out from it, while Heart's ring is a ring with a heart gem.
"Now put them together." Blossom said.
Amber and I put our rings together, they fit perfectly.
"Blossom, you're the best!" I said.
"How do you even get this?" Amber asked.
"I got it from your mom." Blossom said.
"Yup! Those rings, I made for you when you were a baby, so when you got married, I would give you the rings, as a gift for finding your soulmate." My mom said.
I ran into my mom's arms and gave her a big hug.
"Thank you so much mom!"
"Of course, anything for my baby. Now runs along sweeties. School is going to be over in a few minutes. Don't you have plans with your friend today?"
"Oh yeah, come on Amber! Love you mom! Thank you again Blossom!"
I grabbed Amber's hand and ran into the school to go find Shell and Snowy.
(Back to my point of view)
"Mother like daughter."
"Huh, what are you still doing here, and what do you mean?"
"Both of you feel in love with a fire girl."
"HUH! You know about that!"
"Of course, most of the photos I talked about to Heart were the same girl. The one you spend two years dating.....

Mrs. Phoenix."
"Yeah, we broke up, because we fell in love with other people, but who would have thought that our daughters would fall in love."
"Only the goddess of Love would know."
"Please don't tell Heart about this!"
"I won't, but you're going to have to tell her when they want their parents to meet."
"Oh no!"
(The Bell Rings)
"Oh that's the bell, I wish you luck Mrs. Suki."
I walk away, and start walking over to my house, where my cousin Annabelle is waiting for me.

Thank you for reading my book and goodbye!

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