Lunch Time

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It was finally Lunch time, and I was so hungry.
"I am so hungry." Amber said.
"Me too." I said.
"Me three!" Shell said.
"Hi Shell, how was your last class?" I asked.
"It was good in the beginning, but as the class went on it started to get boring."
"What were you even doing in that class?" Amber asked.
"We were practicing making bubbles and having people inside of them."
"How did that turn boring? That sounds amazing." I wondered.
"We were practicing, when all of a sudden someone was messing around, and hurt Cordelia. So the teacher spent the rest of the class lecturing us about not messing around when making bubbles."
"Oh no. Is she okay, I can use some of my healing flowers to heal her." I said.
"No, she is good. I took her to Mrs. Lily to be healed."
"Okay, good."
"Blossom, you are really too kind." Amber said.
"I know."
"There they are" said one of my friends.
"Hi Windy, Snowy, Heart, Sunny, and Lunar." Shell and I said.
"Hi Heart." Amber said.
Amber went over and sat next to Heart
"Hi Amber, how was your day so far?"
"Good, now that I am sitting next to you."
"Okay, stop with the flirting lovebirds." Snowy said.
Amber turns red and Heart's cheeks turn into a light side of pink.
"Hahahah." We all start laughing.
Shell and I sat next to each other.
"Yes Blossom?"
"What are you doing here?"
"My mom and Lunar's Mom needed help with somethings around the school, so they asked Lunar and me to come and help them." Sunny explained.
"Oh okay. I am happy you are here." I said.
"So what period do you guys have after lunch?" Sunny asked.
"I have Swimming with Sea Creatures Class." Shell said.
"I have a Fire Fighting Class." Amber said.
"I have an Ice skating class." Snowy said.
"I have Tornado making class" Windy said.
"I have archery class with Blossom." Heart said.
"Lunar and I still have to help out." Sunny said.
"Do we have to?"
"Yes, we do Lunar." Sunny said.
"Shell and I are hanging out after school, do any of you want to join us?" Snowy said.
"I can join." Heart said.
"If Heart is going then I am going." Amber said.
"Simp." Snowy said.
"I am not." Amber said.
"Yes you are."
"Okay, stop it you too." Sunny said.
"Fine."Amber and Snowy said.
"Okay so Snowy, Heart, Amber, and me and are going is anyone else going?" Shell asked.
"Lunar and I can not go. We are teaching the kids in the elementary section." Sunny said.
"Actually Sunny is the one teaching, I am just there to watch the kids." Lunar said.
"Well, yeah you try to teach the kids how to use guns and knives." Sunny said.
"I do not see what is wrong with that."
"The children's elements are water and light, not dark. Lunar!"
"What year are the children you are teaching Sunny?" I asked.
"They are in the first year of the elementary section."
"Okay, I was wondering if you are teaching a little girl I know. I think her name was Stella?"
"Yeah I know her, she is the sweetest, but sometimes she acts like a little gremlin." Sunny answered
"Yup that's definitely her."
"Blossom, what about you? Can you go?" Heart asked.
"No, sorry I am helping my mom with my cousin Annabelle." I said.
"Really, How old is Annabelle?" Heart asked.
"She is two, in a few days she will receive her elemental name and element."
"What elemental name do you think Annabelle is going to get?"
"I hope it's Lumi." I said.
"That is such a pretty name."
"I know right. It means snow in French."
"That is so cool."
"I know right."
"Okay so Windy can you come?"
"Huh, what were you guys talking about, I do not remember." Windy said.
"Windy!" Heart said.
"Heart, calm down. You need to remember that Windy forget things very quickly." Sunny said.
"I know, but!"
"No but, missie."
"Sunny, acting like a mom again." Amber said.
"Of course, she is acting like a mom again. She is the mom of the group." I said.
"Thank you Blossom."
" You're welcome, Sunny."
"Anyway, Windy, Heart is wondering if you want to hang out after school?"  I said.
"No, sorry. I am going on a date tonight." Windy said.
"Oh yeah, I forgot that Windy is in a relationship." Amber said.
"They are so cute together." Heart said.
"So, what's his name?" Shell asked.
"I love that name!" Shell said.
"I do too!" Heart said.
"Windy!" Astro said.
He runs over and hugs Windy from behind and gives her a kiss on the cheek.
"Awww!"Shell and Heart say together.
"Astro!" Windy says fluster.
"Sorry,Windy!" Astro lets go Windy.
"Are you ready for our lunch date?"
"Oh yeah, that was today. But yes." Windy gets up from her seat, waves goodbye to us, while she walks away holding hands with Astro.
"I hope, when I get into a relationship, that it is going to be just as cute as theirs." Heart said.
"You hear that Amberrr." Snowy said.
"Shut up!" Amber said flustered.
"What's wrong Amber? Why are you red?"Heart asked.
"Because she likes y-" Amber puts her hand on Snowys mouth to stop her from continuing her sentence.
"Amber likes someone!?" Heart said surprised.
"Yeah, she does." Snowy said.
"Really! Who?"
"Is it a person in any of her classes?"
"Is it someone, I know?"
"Yes, you know them really well."
"Oh, I have no idea who it is. Can you tell me?" Heart asked.
"Sorry, no."
"Why not."
"Because it is not my place to tell you."
"Oh okay."
"Does everyone know about Amber's crush except for me?" Heart asked.
"Yes." Shell said.
"Oh okay. So only Amber, Snowy, Shell, and I are hanging out after school, so where do you guys want to go?" Heart asked.
"Maybe, the park near the school?' Shell said.
"That sounds fun." Snowy said.
"Okay, the park it is." Heart said.
"Blossom?Are you there?" Heart waved her hand in front of blossom's face.
"Yes, Heart?" I said back from my daydream.
"I wanted to ask you if you are ready to go to archery class, but you were distracted. It looked like you were looking at something or someone." Heart said.
"What!?" I said flustered.
"So it was a person you were looking at!"
"Okay it was a person, but I am not telling you who."
"Why not?"
"Because, you will try to find everything about him, just to see if he is good for me."
"So it was a guy!"
"Dang it."
(The bell rings)
"Well, that is the bell. See you guys later!" I grabbed Heart and walk away.
"Blossom, please, tell who it is."
"No, Heart!"
"Hey, Blossom"
I turn around and see ???.
"Oh, hi ???. Is there anything you need?"
"No. I just saw you and decided to say hi."
"Oh okay. Well we got to go. See you later ???."
Heart and I continue to walk to our class.
"Was he the one you were looking at?" Heart asked.
"What no!" I said flustered.
"So it was! You and ??? would make such a cute couple."
"Me with ???! That is never going to happen!" I said still flustered.
"Oh really, that blush says otherwise." Heart said teasley.
"Oh, if that's how we are going to play, then you and Amber would make such a cute couple too." I said.
"Huh?!" Heart said flustered.
"Oh look we are here." I said as I walk into Mrs. Suki's Archery Class, leaving Heart outside of the class, still flustered from my comment.

Thank you for reading my book and goodbye!

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