Special information for chapter 3

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The special gloves that are brought up in this chapter are like the necklace in chapter 2. But this time it has to deal with fire. Like the water necklace, the gloves help Blossom with the element of fire. The gloves have fire in them, so when Blossom punches with the gloves fire will engulf the gloves.
(Do not worry, as long as Blossom does not take off the gloves, she will be fine.)
The fire element in the beginning of time has been used in combat for centuries. Since combat is used with the element of fire a lot more than the others, the school made one of the classes for the kids/teenagers with the element of fire to have a combat class.
The school picked Mrs. Phoenix as the teacher of the combat class, because of Mrs. Phoenix being very skilled in combat. Also the school was so impressed with the way Mrs. Phoenix uses her fire powers in fighting.

Thank you for reading my book and goodbye!

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