Mrs. Lily Plant Growing Class

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"Mom! I am going to school." I said.
"Okay, just make sure you do not go into the forest near your school." My mom says from across the room.
"I know, you tell me everyday" I said. "Okay, now run along, we do not want you to be late, now do we." My mom than gives me a kiss on the check. "Oh yeah, bye mom, love you mom." I closed the door and started running to school.
"I am glad, you made it to school on time." Amber threw a light punch to my shoulder.
"Haha, very funny Amber." "Come on Blossom, we do not want to be late, I do not want detention again." Amber than starts running down the hall to her class.
"Okay coming, and also you gave yourself detention." I said loudly.
(Time skip)
"Good morning class" Mrs. Lily said.
"Good morning Mrs. Lily" We said back to her.
"Now did everyone finish their homework" Mrs. Lily asked.
No one said anything.
"Okay then-"
"I did it" I interrupted her.
"Oh I am glad, that our earth pillar did her homework." I got from my seat and showed her my little apple tree. "Good job, Blossom. It's looks amazing and is very healthy" Mrs. Lily put the apple tree on her shelf.
"Now that homework is out of the way, everyone please follow me outside." Mrs. Lily lead us to the school garden. "Okay now that we are outside. I want you to each get a fruit that represents you or your elemental name."
All the students start running all over the school's garden to find a fruit, expect for me.
"Blossom, why are you still here?" Mrs. Lily asked.
"I don't need to find a fruit, when I can just do this." I then grew a strawberry bush and I grab a strawberry from the bush and gave it to Mrs. Lily.
"I see you are the only one who use their nature powers to make their fruit. Blossom could you be a dear and go get everyone and bring them back here?" Mrs. Lily asked.
"Yes, I can Mrs. Lily." I then ran off to find my classmates that are still trying to find their fruit.
(Two minutes later)
"I got all of them, Mrs. Lily." I said.
"Raise your hand, if you got your fruit."
Nine out of twenty students raise their hand.
"Wow" Mrs Lily said, shocked.
"I guess only Blossom did the assignment correctly. Do any of you know how Blossom was the only one, who got the assignment right, when nine of you got fruit?" Mrs Lily asked.
No one raise their hands.
"Blossom, can you tell the class, what you did?"
"I have a better idea, Mrs. Lily, I will show them." I said.
I then grew another strawberry bush.
Everyone was confused (expect me and Mrs. Lily)
"My assignment was to get a fruit and this is a plant growing class, so it makes sense if you grew the fruit that represented you." Mrs. Lily explained.
"Ooh, that makes sense" Rosie said.
"Time to go back to class." Mrs. Lily said.
(Time skip)
(In the classroom)
The bell rings
"Okay everyone, goodbye and have a good day." Mrs. Lily waved us goodbye.
I exited her class and now it's time for Mrs. Coral Sea Creatures class.

Thank you for reading my book and good bye!

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