Mrs. Suki's Archery Class

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"Hi, Mrs. Suki!" I said.
"Oh, hi Blossom. How are you doing?" Mrs. Suki asks.
"I am doing good. Hbu?"
"I am doing wonderful! Oh Heart there you are!"
"Hi mom." heart said.
"What is the matter, and why is your face red?"
"I am fine, mom!"
"Oh okay!"
"Okay, girls, what do you think we are doing today?"
"Are we shooting with love arrows?" Heart answered.
Mrs. Suki hands Heart and heart arrow.
"Mrs. Suki, are you sure we should be using the love arrows?"
"What do you mean, Blossom?"
"While, anytime we use any of the not normal arrows, something always goes wrong." I stated.
"That's true, but today we have to do love arrows." Mrs. Suki said.
"Okay then, sweeties, can you grab the bow and arrows from the closet?"
"Yes, Mrs. Suki." I said.
"Yes, Mom!" Heart said.
Heart and I went into the closet.
"Okay, I see the bows, now where are the love arrows?" Heart said.
"They are in the back. I will take the bows, while you go grab the arrows, since if I touch it, I will fall victim to the love arrows spell." I said.
"Oh yeah! Okay, bye Blossom."
"Bye Heart!"
I walk over to bows, and grab them and take them to the classroom.
"I am back!" I said.
"Oh there you are, Blossom!" Mrs. Suki said.
"Is there anything else you need help with?" I ask.
"No, but, I have a question."
"What is your question?"
"Does my Heart, have a crush on someone?" Mrs Suki asked.
"Where did you get that from?" I said frantically.
"Blossom, I know, I flushed a face when I see one."
"Oh, okay. To answer your question, yes, she does."
"Yes, Heart has had this crush for a while."
"Wow. Is it someone I know?"
"Really! Hmmm. I don't know. Who is it?"
"Sorry, can't tell you."
"Why not."
"Because she is my friend and I will not betray her trust by telling her mom something, she probably is not ready to tell you yet."
"Oh okay."
"Blossom, you're the best!"
Heart puts the love arrows down and runs to me.
"Oh there you are Heart, did you get lost in there?" Mrs. Suki asked.
"No! I heard your conversation, and I wanted to see if Blossom would tell you my crush or not."
"So, you do have a crush!" Mrs. Suki said.
"Yes, I do." Heart said.
"But, why did not tell me about this, you used to tell me about all your old crushes." Mrs. Suki asks.
"Because, this one is different."
"How is it different?"
Before Heart could answer, the bell rang and kids started to enter the class.
"Oh, class is starting, Blossom and I have to get to our seats. Bye, Mom!"
Heart grabbed my hand and dragged me to our seats.
"You, okay Heart?" I asked.
"Yeah, it's just I don't think I am ready to tell my mom about my crush on Amber." Heart said.
"I know."
I patted Heart's shoulder.
"Okay, class, I want everyone to grab a bow, and start walking to the archery." Mrs. Suki said.
Everyone grabs a bow, while Mrs. Suki is holding all of the love arrows.
"Yes, Heart?"
"Do you think I should tell my mom about my crush?"
"It's your choice."
"I know, but every time I tried to tell her, something happens to stop me from telling her."
"Is it because, Mrs. Suki tries to get you with a boy or talks about a boy,when you try to tell her about your crush."
"But if you want my opinion, I think you should tell your mom."
"Yes, because your mom was the love pillar before you, and had a few girlfriends during her time as a pillar." I said.
"Really, I never knew that."
"Yup. Mrs. Suki got together with your dad in her last month of the high school section."
"Really, how do you know all about this?"
"Mrs. Lily's yearbook."
"In the yearbook, there are a few photos of Mrs. Suki and her girlfriend of that time. And in the last page of the yearbook, there is a photo of Mrs. Suki with your dad."
"Okay, everyone, grab a arrow and go stand near a target and wait for the next directions." Mrs. Suki said.
"You should tell her after class." I said, as I walked over to grab an arrow.
"Mrs. Suki, can I have my love arrow, please."
"Yes, here you go."
Mrs. Suki handed me a special love arrow.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome sweetie."
(After everyone grabbed an arrow and are standing near a target)
"Okay! Everyone, for today's class, we are going to be testing your aim."
Mrs. Suki grabs her bow and arrow and walks over to an empty target.
"Okay, everyone watch."
Mrs. Suki sets up her bow and arrow, and shoots a bullseye.
(Everyone claps)
"Now, I want everyone to do that. Does anyone want another example?" Mrs. Suki asked.
No one raised their hand.
"Okay, everyone, get ready and fire!"
(Everyone is the class shot a bullseye)
"That was amazing everyone. Now I want everyone to take two steps back."
(Everyone took two steps back)
"Now shoot from there."
(Must of the class got a bullseye, the rest hit the target)
"That was good, now I want you guys to take two steps back after every bullseye you make. Can you guys do this?"
"Yes, Mrs. Suki." the class said.

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