Background information for Chapter 2

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For pillars, you have to go to class five minutes early to help set up class, the only exception is the first block.

A game that happens between the pillars and their teachers is that the pillars guess what they are doing or learning in class and if they get it right, they get a prize that represent their element (Like a dark/space pillar will get a moon rock), that you can use at the end of the week to get stuff like a homework free pass or candy.

Also the necklace Blossom put on her neck at the girls locker room has elemental properties. It has a little bit of the element water in it. Blossom has it, so she does not drown in the aquarium, because only people with the element of water can breathe underwater and talk too.

When the swimsuits change, once Shell and Blossom hit the water. Is because people with the element of water (or have the seashell necklace Blossom had) have a water form. That helps them talk and breathe underwater. (It is like a mermaid form, but without the fin or scales.)

When it comes to spirit animals. Everyone gets one, but not everyone knows which spirit animal they get. (There is only a 15% chance of you finding out what your spirit animal is.) Some people find out which animal is their spirit animal when they're in danger. Others summon their spirit animals, by using an element move of their element, but it takes a lot of power. So not a lot of people do it this way. (Only 2% of people do it this way.)

Spirit animals are based on their human's element. (Like kids/teenagers that have nature as their element, could have a deer or a hedgehog as their spirit animal.)  Girls are given a boy spirit animal and boys are given a girl spirit animal.(Later in the story, you will find out why spirit animals are assigned this way.) Spirit animals are assigned to people, based on the thing you have in common with them, like you both wanted the same job. We are not allowed to fall in love with our spirit animal, because the spirit animals are thousands of years old and most of them were married before they died.
Some elements that have animals live in their element(nature, water, and snow.) are taught how to communicate with them.

Spirit animals have human forms. Spirit animals in their human form are very rare to see because it takes a lot of power for spirit animals to turn themselves into a human. Spirit animals that are in their human form have characteristics of their animal form, like deer's have deer ears on their head. Also, why spirit animals are never in their human form, is because some spirit animals, like water spirit animals, can't be on land for too long unless they have a lot of water bottles full with water to make sure they do not dry out.

Thank you for reading my book and goodbye!

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