Mrs. Aura Flight Class

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I heard my alarm going off. I wake up and turn it off.
"Time for school!"
I started my morning routine and got changed for the day.
"Good morning mom!"
"Good morning, sweetie."
"What's for breakfast today?"
"French toast."
"Here you go." My mom hands me two pieces of french toast.
"Thank you mom!"
"Your welcome, dear!"
I start eating my french toast.
"Blossom, it's time for school."
" I am coming mom!"
I wash my plate and grab my bag and give my mom a kiss goodbye.
"Bye mom!'
"Bye, dear, no forest!"
"Yes, I know!"
I start walking to school, when I see Astro and Windy walking to school together.
"Astro! Windy!" I called to them.
"Oh, hi, Blossom."
"Hi Astro."
"Hi, Blossom."
"Hi Windy."
"How has school been going for you, Astro?" I asked.
"It's been good, but it always gets better when I am next to this beautiful girl." Astro said.
"Astro!" Windy said, flustered.
"Aww!" I said.
"But in all seriousness, it has been good." Astro said.
"That's good." I said.
"We are here." Windy said.
I look and see, we are in fact here at school.
"Okay, you girls get to class on time, okay."
"Okay." Windy and I said.
Windy walks over to Astro.
Windy kisses Astro.
"You get to classes on time as well."
Astro was super flustered.
"Will do. I love you." Astro said.
"I love you too." Windy said as she walked over to where I was standing.
"You ready?" I asked Windy.
"Yes." Windy said.
"Okay, let's go."
We started walking over to Mrs. Aura's classroom.
"We are here." I said.
I open the door and hold it for Windy.
"Thank you." Windy said.
"You're welcome." I said.
We walked into the class to see the class was empty.
"Welcome girls."
"Hi, Mrs. Aura." I said.
"Hi mom." Windy said.
"Well, since you girls are here early, can you help me set up for class?"
"Great! Blossom, Windy follow me, but first, Windy, could you be a dear and grab the wind bag for Blossom?"
Windy grabs the wind bag for me and walks over to where we were standing and we start walking over to the wind forest.
"What do you think we are doing today, girls?"
"Are we flying?" Windy answered.
"Of course we are flying, this is a flying class, but what can we do?"
"Are we flying through the course again?" I answered.
"No." Mrs. Aura said.
"Then, what are we doing?" Windy asked.
"We are testing to see how long you lasted in the air, without falling to the ground."
"Oh okay." I said.
"Oh, look we are here." Mrs. Aura.
Windy and I look and see that we are in fact here.
"Okay, now Blossom, I am going to test you first, because of your disadvantage."
"Okay. But what about class? It's going to start in 5 minutes." I said.
"Oh yeah, Windy, could you do me a favor."
"Huh? Oh yeah sure." Windy said.
"Can you explain/teach the class, while I test Blossom?"
"Yeah, I can do that."
"You are the best!" Mrs. Aura pulls Windy into a hug.
"Mom!" Windy said embarrass
"Okay, okay. I love you!" Mrs. Aura said.
"I love you too, mom." Windy gave Mrs. Aura a kiss on the cheek and the wind bag to her.
Windy starts walking away, while waving goodbye to me. I wave goodbye back.
"You ready, Blossom?"
I grab the wind bag from Mrs. Aura and open it, to allow enough wind out so I could easily fly.
"Okay, I will start the timer once you are in the air."
I jump and let the wind pull me up in the air.
"Good, now don't let the wind throw you around. Stay calm and don't move too much." Mrs. Aura said.
I knew I had to keep a calm mind, if I did not want the wind to throw me around.
I lasted about 25 minutes, before I heard a noise, which caused me to lose focus and the wind took this as a chance to start throwing me around.
The wind continued to throw me around for five minutes, before it threw me to the ground.
"Blossom!" Mrs. Aura said.
Before I hit the ground, I felt someone keeping me from falling to the ground with the wind.
"Blossom!" Mrs. Aura runs over and checks up on me.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Someone dropped their wind bag on the ground and made you lose focus." Windy said.
"But, who saved me?"
"Windy." Mrs. Aura said.
"Thank you, Windy." I said.
"It's nothing. It was my fault anyway, since I decided to bring the class over here to watch you take your test, so they know what they are doing today." Windy said.
"I am so sorry!" One of my classmates said.
I look up to see Camira.
"I was so focused on watching you take your test, that I did not pay attention to where I was walking and tripped on a branch. Which caused my wind bag to open, and make you lose focus. I am so sorry!" Camira said.
"It's fine. I am fine." I said.
"Blossom, are you sure, you are fine? You got thrown for five minutes straight." Mrs. Aura asked.
"I'm fine, really, and all thanks to Windy." I said.
"Okay, then. Good job, Blossom. You lasted for 30 minutes up in the air ." Mrs. Aura said.
"Really!?" I said, shocked.
"Good job, Blossom. I knew you would do amazing." Windy said.
"Thank you, Windy." I said.
"You're welcome, Blossom." Windy pulled me in a hug. I hugged back.
"Huh? Yes, Mrs. Aura?" I said, as I broke the hug.
"Can you be my assistant for this test?"
"Sure." I walked over to Mrs. Aura, as she handed me a clipboard.
"Blossom, can you write down the times for each student?"
"Yeah, I can do that."
"Good, now can everyone line up." Mrs. Aura said.
Everyone lined up.
"Now, one by one, Blossom and I test you to see how long you can last in the air." Mrs. Aura said.
One by one, they took the test, some were good.
"25 minutes, good job Camira." Mrs. Aura said, while I wrote 25 minutes under Camira's name.
Others not so good.
"5 minutes."
"2 minutes."
"3 minutes."
This went on until it was Windy's turn.
"Windy, we ever you are ready." Mrs. Aura said.
Windy jumped a little bit, and the wind immediately put Windy really high in the air.
Windy has been in the air for 26 minutes, and looked like she could go on for an hour.
(5 minutes later)
Windy now has beaten my record by a minute.
"15 minutes left until class is over, and until Windy beats the all time record set by me." Mrs. Aura said.
"What is your record?" I asked.
"44 minutes." Mrs. Aura said.
"Windy is so cool!" I hear Camira say.
I notice that most of the class is bored or asleep.
"Mrs. Aura?"
"Yes, Blossom?" Mrs. Aura said, while still looking at Windy.
"Is it okay for me to take some of the class to the classroom?" I asked.
"I notice that most of the class is daydreaming or actually sleeping, so I thought that I would take class, so they could take a nap, before their class."
"That's an amazing idea, Blossom. You are such an amazing person, and completely understand us windies."
"It's nothing, Mrs. Aura. I am just happy to help." I said.
I handed back the clipboard to Mrs. Aura and start walking over to where the class is sitting.
"Can, I have everyone's attention." I said.
Everyone that is awake looks at me.
"Okay, now that I have most of your attention. Anyone who wants to take a nap before their class or needs help going to their next class, follow me back to the classroom." Everyone that daydreaming woke up the ones that were sleeping near them and grabbed their hands and started following me to the classroom.
"Okay, is that everyone that wants to come with me? Camira, are you sure you want to stay here?"
"Yeah, I am sure!" Camira said, while looking at Windy.
"Okay. The class is open whenever you are ready." I said.
"Thank you." Camira said.
"No, thank you." I said.
"Thank you, for being you." I said.
Camira looked at me, with tears in her eyes.
"Blossom, you are the best!" Camira said as she wipes her tears.
"Aww, thank you! Okay I have to take these sleepy beans to the classroom. Bye Camira."
"Bye Blossom."
I start walking over to the class and start leading them to class so they can get some shut eye.
"Okay we are here everyone. Everyone who wants to sleep, go to the back of the class." I said.
Half of the class goes to the back of the class.
"Okay, I will back in a second, with blankets for everyone."
I walked in the closet and grabbed the right amount of blankets, and closed the closet.
"Okay, I am back." I said, as I see some of them sleeping standing up.
I walk over and turn the desk into beds, and help each one into the bed, and put a blanket over them.
"Okay, now what classes do you guys have?" I whispered.
They each took turns, telling me where their next class is.
"Okay, everyone, get in a line, if you feel like you will wander off, from the group, please hold hands with someone you trust in the line.
Only three kids went and held their trusted person's hand.
"Okay, let's go."
We walked all over the school, taking them to their next class.
After I finish dropping them off, I walk back to the classroom, to see Mrs. Aura, Windy, and Camira.
"Oh, hi guys." I said.
"Hi." Camira said.
"Welcome back Blossom, did everyone get to their next class safe and soundly?" Mrs. Aura asked.
"Of course, we had no problems. How was the test, Windy?"
"It was good."
"Windy beat my record by a minute."
(The bell rings)
"Oh that's the bell, Windy, Blossom, you guys can go to your next class." Mrs. Aura said.
"Okay. Come on Windy, I will walk you to your next class" I said.
"Okay!" Windy gives her mom a hug goodbye, then starts walking over to me.
I open the door and hold for both Windy and me.
"Thank you." Windy said.
"You're welcome. What is your next class, Windy?" I asked.
"I forgot. Sorry."
"No, it's fine. Do you have your schedule?"
"Can I have it for a second?"
"Sure." Windy hands me her schedule, and I look and see what her next class is.
"Okay, I know where it is, and luckily it is near my next class." I said.
Windy grabs my hand and we start walking over to her next class.
"Yes, Blossom?"
"How did you keep your mind calm during the test?"
"Oh easy, I fell asleep. Oh we are here, bye Blossom." Windy said.
I watched as Windy walked in her class, still shocked from her answer.
"Sleeping, huh." I said.
I start walking over to my next class, Mrs. Crystal's Snow Making Class.

Thank you for reading my book and goodbye!

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