Chapter 2 : The only witness - Part 2

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/// Beatrice is still the Narrator ///

It's 8PM at home:

We admired our own reflections in the long mirror, one last time, before going out. Oof! We're bomb!

In no time, we were in my floatomobile, and heading towards Technoart. A few minutes later, on the way, I noticed that my own excitement had finally rubbed off on Estelle. She started asking me impatiently, every two seconds : "Ugh! When will we get there?", "OMG! Are we there yet?", although she already knew that it's a 20 minutes ride, at most. Haha! Cool!

The ambience at the theater was like this:

The audience members were racing to get to their respective places, although their e-tickets already specified their seats. What to do? When art calls, you gotta answer! Right? The pushing had made quite a mess, but I'm not worried at all. It is impossible for a problem to happen here! The reason why I'm over-confident is that the organizing teams don't leave anything to luck! They use very advanced monitoring technologies, for example security drones were literally hovering everywhere, watching over us. We're talking about the second biggest show of the year, and thousands of attendees.

The sound of the chairs' automatically opening locks echoed in the theater. Whenever someone walked passed their seat, they hear 'click'. After that sound, pretty golden letters appear in LCD technology at the top of the fancy leather chair, forming a welcoming sentence which goes like : " WELCOME" followed by the name of the seat's owner, then "Please sit down and enjoy the show".   

People were literally coming from everywhere! And no matter how vast the theater is, it looked packed with the all fans and watchers. Luckily, the creative design was paired up with advanced technologies to an extent where it made everything safe, going smoothly.

Oh! The VIPs who own the same blindingly bright silver tickets -like ours, have finally made their appearances. They were proudly holding the ticket- or very proudly shall I say, next to their chests, showing it off. As if they were silently shouting : " Hear ye, hear ye! Make way for us! We're very important you see!", moving slowly towards the special doorway in such an exaggerated arrogance, noses very up in the air.

I wanted to poke Estelle to witness all of this, but I found her already having a hard time containing her chuckle. She almost even pointed at one of them, but looked at me instead. Communicating with our eyes, we burst out laughing aloud together. Oh well! We're alike! It's very difficult for us to control ourselves during situations like this one.

For fun, we tried to copy their odd walks, but that was impossible to achieve due to the completely out of control, hysterical waves of laughter we had, with every step we took. That was on one hand. On the other hand, you have no idea how weird the rest of the party glanced at us from time to time! No wonder, we looked like penguins next to them! 

When we've finally reached the special door, we stood in front of it in a clean line waiting for our own seats to come pick us up, according to the numbers engraved on our tickets. Once the owner sits correctly in it, the very comfortable, yet, beautiful armchair moves -on the rails that were especially designed for the ride, then takes the VIP to their rightful place in the privileged section with the best view! Yes, yes! The armchairs moved! How did they move ? You may ask. It's simple! The organizing team was remotely controlling them to do so.

I've met that team by chance recently, as I'm close friends with one of the participants in this show. That's how I was actually lucky enough to secure the two VIP tickets. Haha!

I waved at them when I saw them, and they nodded right back with a big smile on their faces, then sign praised my bestie and I for our elegance tonight. I don't deny that they looked so fine in their silver suits, but I just didn't dare to return the compliment. So, I simply smiled. Ugh! I HATE compliments! They're too awkward! I never know how to answer that. That's why I either be on the defensive mode, or just stay silent like I just did.

After a little bit of patience, it was our turn to sit. And before we could, Estelle  brought my attention to a strange looking dude. He made sure to choose a faraway spot. But even from that distance, I could sense his obvious nervousness. How did I conclude his state of mind? Simple: I caught him check his tablet, and sneakily look around the back stage, repeatedly, as if he's lost something or someone. Oh! What's up with him now? Is he- is he trying to hide this time?  Hm- Nice try!

Since analyzing odd people's personalities is my cup of tea, my curiosity led me to sneak a glance at him, again. And once I had done that, I could swear that I saw his face features transforming into something scary. Hm- Are his unusually sharp eyes the source of this sensation? Is it because of the weird 3D tattoos around them, that appear as though they were animated? Who knows?

I turned to face Estelle and urgently asked her : "Have you seen that?!", and the moment she answered : "seen what?", I knew that she didn't notice any of this. So, I convinced myself that I was hallucinating. I didn't have time to look more into his behavior as the lights turned off in the theater announcing the show's start.

An utter silence immersed the whole place, the audience was holding its breath, heart racing, so excited and ready for the curtains to finally open. It was as if time momentarily froze. I was too into that, when suddenly, something else caught my attention: I don't know how I could hear  a hiss coming out of his mouth, despite the large distance between us. It was way too clear indeed! I instinctively turned his way as though my senses were trying to make sure of what they heard, and I was even more surprised of what I saw.


I hope you enjoyed reading this part, more interesting things are yet to come. Stay tuned! I will see you next weekend. Don't forget, vote with the little star and share your opinion with me in the comments. Have a great week and wish you a very happy new year! ^_^ ~Faty.B

Imagination is the key to the enigma _TOME 1_ by Fatéma-zahra BenmoussaWhere stories live. Discover now