Chapter 5 : Hi I'm Peter.. I mean Julian III - Part 5

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Regina handed over to her son a book, that had a thick cover made of ebony, which was decorated with amazing carvings filled up with pure gold. Peter took it from her immediately, and thought about this question: "Am I really Regina's son?". The book opened on its own. The page it was opened on, had this specific message written in it :

+ The uncovering of a long hidden secret, might be tough in the beginning, but time heals the soul.

+ When someone searches for something wholeheartedly, they're rewarded with finding it.

+  As long as there's love within the family, there's no difference between a biological parent and an adoptive one.


-Peter spoke sarcastically: "OMG! So- apparently, I have two moms now!  One of them is a queen, my real father has escaped and is nowhere to be found. Wow!"

-Regina: "Look son, I won't force you to do anything. You might as well stay here if you want, or come with me. The choice is yours. To be honest, the most important part for me, now, is that YOU accept me."

His breath feeling much heavier, Peter tried to keep it together, forcing few words out: "I uh- get it. Ahem! This is just too much for me to take in one day! Now, if you guys'll excuse me.. I think, I- should go.", then ran away as fast as his weakened knees could carry him, hoping for the rain to cleanse his soul, and take away his suffering.

Let's go back now to the present time, which means the year 3102 in Somniuma, and exactly at the abandoned dock :

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Let's go back now to the present time, which means the year 3102 in Somniuma, and exactly at the abandoned dock :

Peter watched the waves crashing into each other whilst waiting for Beatrice to come.

-Beatrice: "Hello Peter!"

-Peter: "Hey Beatrice! This name sounds a bit weird to me, now."

-Beatrice: "Aw! Would you rather that I'd call call you 'your royal highness, prince Julian III'? *she acted as though she was out of breath* Oh My God! That's just so long, don't you think?"

-Peter laughed before answering : "Haha! No, on the contrary! Estelle's friends are welcome to call me Peter."

-Beatrice : "Haha! Exactly what I prefer!"

-Peter: "That's good. Okay, now tell me what was the urgent thing you talked about?"

Beatrice told Peter all about what she'd witnessed at Lumos's concert, then about Milvus.

-Beatrice said: "I checked the seats after everyone had left, and I found that hideous creature's phone right where he'd disappeared. I could hack into his personal network line, and that's how I could get this video call's recording. You won't believe with whom he was communicating then! Look!", before finally showing him the recording.

-Peter: "And to think that he said 'idiotic genius'.. huh! Apparently, he didn't imagine that the same girl would discover his plan. Now, I understand that the weird message on the magical book was meant to be a warning."

The two of them kept talking about it for a long time, making several assumptions. After that, Peter called his mother Regina, to inform her about the most recent events. The latter reassured him that everything was under control. When he calmed down, the prince noticed his friend's worry, so he asked her : "What's wrong?"

-Beatrice : "Honestly? Very soon Adam will come, along with Estelle, and I'm truly scared of her reaction when she'll get to learn the WHOLE truth. I just can't imagine losing my best friend."

-Peter : "Listen, it surely will be hard for her to accept, at first.. Kinda like what happened with Adam. Remember? *Beatrice nodded* But Stella is fairer, and just ADORES her friends. In any case, you had NOTHING to do with anything that had happened. So, don't worry about it! You won't get rid of us!"

 So, don't worry about it! You won't get rid of us!"

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Narrator Beatrice :

I really did well by coming to the dock, and talking to Peter. His encouragement made me feel better about this whole thing. The way he speaks really does remind me of my late dad's talks.

Yes, I was too used to my own loneliness, but I've secretly always wanted to have friends like Adam, Peter and Estelle. And just when I've had enough of waiting, destiny surprised me with my bestie first, two years ago, then my two guy friends last year, only to test me about them all, in the hardest possible way.

Now, not much time is left before my mask is fully lifted before my beloved best friend. The same one I was forced to put on in front of her for a whole year. I just couldn't face her with the truth before protecting her with the antidote, that nullifies the danger in which the first invention had put her.

Oh God! I still remember Adam's reaction, the day I told the guys my secret. The least way to describe it was rage. Who did come to the rescue back then, and tried to soothe things up between us? Yeah, Peter!

Flashback to some events that had happened few months ago:


"Now that you both know, Adam, Peter, I hope that you understand that I've never meant to hurt anybody, and that you guys still accept me as a friend, regardless."

My two friends kept thinking for a long time. Suddenly, Peter chose to break the silence first : "I'm truly sorry that you had to sacrifice that much to, you know, help us. Of course Beatrice, you will keep being our friend! Right bud? *He jokingly hit Adam's shoulder to get a response, but that was in vain* Uh- Helloooo! Adam?"

Adam had a lifeless look on his face. He just stared into the void. Suddenly, he just stood up, and went out of the room. So, Peter followed him out, signing to me to stay right where I was.

Few moments later, I could hear Adam screaming from the other room, saying to his friend: "Nah! I can't dude! I. just. can't Peter! Whenever I'll look at her face, I'll remember the fools who caused us all this pain! Add to that the fact that we have to forbid ourselves from approaching Estelle, in fear of hurting her! Ain't that crazy?"


I hope you enjoyed reading this part, even more interesting things are yet to come. I will see you next time. Don't forget, vote with the little star and share your opinion with me in the comments. Have a great week! ^_^ ~Faty.B

Imagination is the key to the enigma _TOME 1_ by Fatéma-zahra BenmoussaWhere stories live. Discover now