Chapter 3 : Estelle, remember! - Part 3

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Yeah, I guess I've been doing it constantly in the past, because I enjoyed using it to send my soul explore the farthest places. And the main reason for doing that was because it gave a new definition to the spirit's freedom. Add to that the fact that I usually came back from my journey charged with positive energy, as opposed to spending the one which is needed to separate my etheric* body from the physical one. An energy for another, you get me?

///The first layer of aura that surrounds our physical body is called the etheric body. It's the necessary part of our being we use when we're conscious to move our physical body around, and when we are sleeping, it leaves the latter so we may dream.///

But concerning the experience I recalled in my dream this time, I believe it was rather special, and way too different from the kind of adventures I usually had- apparently. That night, I was with an old friend, who wanted to study... Um- What was her project called again? Ah, yes: The exceptions of our consciousness in neurophysiology!

During the projection, I've been through an unexpected type of trouble which was due to an uncanny coincidence. I'll tell you all I remember about it right now:

I chose to visit the fairies' forest then, which is so called, as you know, because of its beautiful fireflies that fly around in the dark, making the enchanting big trees and the clear river sparkle like magic. I've always loved to contemplate its pictures on the aerial news*.

///the aerial news is an advanced new type of media with projections no one can miss in the streets as they pop-up out of nowhere in the air according to the area's hot topic at the moment.///

Once I reached there, I stopped for a while, like I always do, as a girl who loves some alone time, thinking just how wonderful that landscape was. Also, knowing for a fact that no one's capable of hearing OR seeing me there, because only my soul was traveling, I shouted at the top of my lungs: 'WOW! THIS PLACE IS PERFECT!', but I was surprised by the voice coming from the other side of the small bridge that responded: 'The full-moon makes the scenery look even more magical!'

I turned to face him instinctively, and not giving much thought to the matter, I yelled again with the same level of excitement: 'THAT'S SO TRUE!'

-'I know right! But- why are you shouting?', he replied, and the moment he did, I finally understood that he was actually talking to ME! So, of course, I HAD to make sure: 'W-what? You just heard me? Can you- see me?'

-The stranger: 'Yea! How could I not? Am I deaf or something?!'

'No wonder, your aura doesn't look like the others'! '

-The stranger instantly flew to my side on the bridge, and asked me: 'You, uh- can tell the difference between auras ?'

The blood froze in my veins for a second bestie, before I found in myself the strength to answer his question: "I sure do. Your aura is sort of silverish, whereas an astral projection traveler's is more like gold. The latter though is a thread of light that connects the etheric body to the physical. The normal people's aura looks, well, regular, nothing more than what we normally see in our everyday life. You-'

I stopped talking the moment I noticed his irritated reaction to my speech. He sighed so deeply, as he tapped his foot impatiently, that I almost lost control of my etheric body,

then spoke to himself in a whisper-like tone: 'What's up with auras, and ethiric, and whatever is all of this nonsense? Come on brain! What the hell is this girl saying right now? If I have to lose control over my dream, and you have to step in to...

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then spoke to himself in a whisper-like tone: 'What's up with auras, and ethiric, and whatever is all of this nonsense? Come on brain! What the hell is this girl saying right now? If I have to lose control over my dream, and you have to step in to make-up something, at least be more creative, or in this case, maybe Hm- less creative..'

His comment made me laugh so hard, to the point that my friend, who was watching over me, told me when I came back, that she saw me SMILING briefly! I smiled DURING the experience, can you imagine that?!"

- Beatrice : "Uh- Okay? What's so weird about this?"

- Estelle : "Weird? Huh! The weird thing bestie is that during the astral projection, the traveler's body stays like a corpse, cold, and immobile. So facial expressions like smiling, cringing, etc are impossible to expect! The major changes only happen usually at the very beginning of it, and the very end. Or at least that's what our professor told us on the knowledge bonfire*. So, MY body was the first exception to the rule, because well- I smiled!"

///The knowledge bonfire is a fun gathering of interested people in a certain subject previously posted on the notice board around fire outside campus, where students exchange their knowledge about said topic, under the supervision of an experienced professor in the matter///

Beatrice nodded to show her understanding, noted what has been said, then asked her best friend: "I wanna know something.. Is this stranger you were talking about the same guy you usually see in your dreams?"

-Estelle : "No, it's not him!"

-Beatrice : "Are you positive?"

-Estelle : "Of course! His voice is distinctively different."

-Beatrice : "Can you remember his name?"

-Estelle : "Unfortunately, no"

-Beatrice : "Hm- Kay! What about what happened next?"

-Estelle : "Oh, THAT! I think I do, but I don't see how it could be of any help to our quest!"

-Beatrice : "Don't say that! Literally ANYTHING you recall, no matter how dull it may seem, can be helpful. And if we suppose that a part of what you're saying didn't really happen, we can take it as an exercise to train your memory."

-Estelle nodded: "So be it! In that case, I'll tell you the rest of my story:

From the stranger's last words, I drew the conclusion that he didn't believe a word I said, or maybe he didn't even understand it, that's why he thought that our interaction was merely a part of his own dream! So, I told him: "I get it now! That means you can't see the auras-"

Suddenly, he scowled, losing what was left of his patience. Although I can't recollect his facial features clearly, I could tell. At first, I thought that he couldn't accept a fresh information, for being a little too much. But I changed my mind soon enough when he said: "Okay brain, so you're absolutely set on playing tricks. Guess I won't be able to control this dream if I stayed near this girl, but what if-"


Who do you think that stranger is? Why do you think Beatrice has made Estelle think about this dream in particular? That's what we will discover in the future parts!

I hope you enjoyed reading this part, even more interesting things are yet to come. I will see you next weekend. Don't forget, vote with the little star and share your opinion with me in the comments. Have a great week! ^_^ ~Faty.B

Imagination is the key to the enigma _TOME 1_ by Fatéma-zahra BenmoussaWhere stories live. Discover now