Chapter 2 : The only witness - Part 4

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Last year's autumn graduates, Lumos's class, made their entrance. They came up holding fiery torches in their hands, by which they lit up their juniors' lifeless ones, inviting them to join the rest of the party on stage. Each class danced, jumped happily, and made a circle. One group, kept rotating clockwise, and the other counterclockwise. Then, the two circles merged into a big centered one. After that, all of them joined their torches together in its middle, before finally breaking the form off gracefully in a synchronized twirl, and aligning. In the end, everyone stood there, breathless, but ecstatic, facing the crowd proudly as a sign of continuity. Or, maybe it just meant that the family's getting bigger with more full-fledged artists. Haha! Whatever floats the interpreter's boat.

Everyone was there in the front, but Lumos was nowhere to be seen, even though he was part of the autumn graduates. Weird! Oh, wait! He's back there, behind all of them. I think he is working on something. I stood on my toes trying to sneak a peek: "Oof.. I- can't- ugh- see- through!", I muttered to myself.

They're hiding him! On purpose? Nah! They just want to piss me off. Haha! Nice one!

Anyway, after few minutes, the spotlight focused on Lumos again, who danced his way through performers, bewitching us by his beautiful voice, and new song

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Anyway, after few minutes, the spotlight focused on Lumos again, who danced his way through performers, bewitching us by his beautiful voice, and new song.

The better surprise though, was what he was trying to show us. Apparently, our 3D star was out of sight for a good reason: painting a surreal landscape. It was wonderful to say the least. The right word to actually describe it, doesn't exist.

Estelle gasped the moment she saw that masterpiece. She loved it. Right? I mean, there's no way she wouldn't. I couldn't think much of that, as I was too distracted by the awesome painting.

Ayy! I KNEW he wouldn't disappear just like that!

With a sign from him, it was the cinematography department graduates' turn to show off their awesome skills

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With a sign from him, it was the cinematography department graduates' turn to show off their awesome skills. So, thanks to the 3D-projection, or more specifically, the holographic technology they have used, the stage was lighted up with the most amazing colors, and the result of their collaboration was breath-taking. They've truly created a fairy tale world right there!

Meanwhile, I noticed how well the press was doing its job. They didn't miss a single chance, to take plenty pictures of the brightest star of the show, whenever he moved. However, there was one voice in particular, I recognized more than others. Of course, she's here! Being the most famous reporter in 'C.S&D.N' and all, it's only normal for her to cover such a huge event.

I heard her speaking to her camera as such: "There he is! The charmer of the crowds. Seriously, is there an art this 18 year old boy doesn't excel in? Painting, singing, acting, AND even occasionally writing too, like I heard from his colleagues. Whatever his strategy might be, it's working; because his fan base is growing so fast, and we're getting more and more questions from you guys concerning him everyday, that we can't keep track. One of the traits by which our 3D star seems to be characterized is the inexplicable sorrow in his gaze. Today though, it seems rather different. What could have happened? He's so mysterious and THAT is sexy! We're officially intrigued!  Forget about this one, who can tell us what's the actual color of his iris? Is it hazelnut or green? His eyes trick me into believing that he changes contact lenses in every scene. Don't forget to watch the next episode of your favorite program Celebrities of Somniuma & Daily News, next Wednesday, to hear all the answers from Lumos himself."

But- but this means that- "AAAAAH! ". This is perfect!  He's invited to be on the best program whose core mission is promoting worthy celebs!

I know that Lumos is already well-known on his own, but this invitation, to him, is more like an official acknowledgment of his impact on the entertainment industry.

I was so happy about the good news, that I didn't spare a second to spread the word around me. Suddenly, the odd looking guy with the blood red hair, I saw at the beginning of the show, caught my eye again, when it wasn't my intention to look at him at all, this time.. _

/// Dear reader, there's an underscore '_' now , which means that Beatrice is no longer the narrator and since I haven't claimed another character to be so, I'm the narrator now///

Milvus, -the odd creature that was being watched by Beatrice, looked human-like if he's seen with normal eyes. Maybe, you'd think he's a little bizarre with all the 3D tattoos surrounding his scary eyes, but there's nothing particularly suspicious about him. Beatrice  though, isn't a normal girl. And the most interesting part about this? Even she, doesn't know how special she actually is.. yet.

The creature took his chance to mutter few gibberish words, when everyone else was preoccupied watching the rest of the show, and Lumos was heading backstage. The words let the spell that took the form of a sparkling purple smoke escape, slowly through his hands. He then directed it towards the audience's idol.

"You, who gathered the power of all the dark lords, kill with your darkness the traitor Regina 's son! Now! ", whispered Milvus, laughing hysterically.

In the blink of an eye, Lumos was surrounded by the magic which made him pass out. And while he was knocked out on the ground, the smoke made its way into his body from his nose, then filled up his head, before heading towards his chest. Milvus watched this happen with enthusiasm saying: "Bye-bye Julian !", until he felt that something wasn't completely right. And the feeling was correct, because once the smoke had reached Lumos 's heart, it stopped spreading, and shot right out of where it first entered. The spell went back to swallow its confused caster, who desperately spoke his last words, before disappearing into thin air: "W-what? T-that's not fair! Noo!"      


Wonder why the spell froze when it reached Lumos's heart? Stay tuned to find out!

I hope you enjoyed reading this part, even more interesting things are yet to come. I will see you next weekend. Don't forget, vote with the little star and share your opinion with me in the comments. Have a great week! ^_^ ~Faty.B

Imagination is the key to the enigma _TOME 1_ by Fatéma-zahra BenmoussaWhere stories live. Discover now