Chapter 4 : Dr. Beatrice - Part 1

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"Every secret is destined to be exposed on its right time, even after a while". That's what Beatrice always says. And on this beautiful sunny day, she shall willingly uncover some of her mysterious life's secrets. That 'right time' she used to mention, doesn't always have to be 'convenient' for the concerned parties, but destiny has its own plans, and doesn't really care much about ours now does it?

-Beatrice : "I owe you an apology Stella, you really shouldn't have discovered my secret profession that way!"

-Estelle : "I thought I was your best friend, and that we had no secrets-"

-Beatrice : "You are! I promise! It's just that I was afraid."

-Estelle : "Afraid? Of what?"

In the meantime, two little birds, one green feathered, and the other red feathered, landed on the side of the gorgeous fountain, right near the spot where Beatrice was sitting, absentminded. She was making small circles with her finger on the sparkling water, that resulted in an unnoticeable little whirlpool underneath.

The red feathered bird spoke is a very clear deep male voice: "Don't you dare telling her Bea!", to which the girl shook her head in disbelief, then secretly blamed herself: "Oof! I really should lay off reading fantasy books!", but right after that, the green feathered one talked in a cute female voice: "Oh don't pay attention to him! She's your friend! Of course she should know!"

"HUUH?!", yelled Beatrice tripping, and falling down on her bottom, stunned. She completely understood the birds' language.

Estelle immediately jumped to help the pale girl, who, at that very moment, heard a senior's voice inside her head this time: "Bea? My young granddaughter, greetings! You grew up so well! Don't be afraid! These are your guardians who watch over you, send me your news, and make sure-"

Beatrice covered her ears, closed her eyes, and yelled internally: "NO! Who are you? Oh! Whoever you are- Not now please! Leave me alone!"

-Green bird: "Lord Julian II, I already said that this definitely isn't the right time."

-Julian II: "You're right Greenie. Beatrice forget our conversation- for now! It seems that you have a tough mission ahead. Let's keep the surprise for later. Reed! Greenie! Look after her, as usual. And if anything at all happens, you know what to do. Goodbye!"

No longer in a trauma-like state, Beatrice forgot her grandpa's words and also the birds'. As for the latter ones though, they kept silent from then on, only observing with their little eyes.

-Estelle : "Are you alright?"

-Beatrice : "I don't- I don't know! My foot slipped."

-Estelle : "Hmm- You looked like someone who's just seen a ghost!"

-Beatrice : "Haha! Me? Why?"

-Estelle : "No idea! Here, let me help you up."

-Beatrice sitting back in her spot : "Thank you! Look, you should know that I'm not scared of you, or in other words, scared that you'd snitch. But I'm more worried that you might change the way you see me, and treat me as if I was some weird creature, like most people did in the past. You already call me 'Genius' when you don't know..."

-Estelle : "So, I was right then! You DO have a very rare intelligence. I noticed how you're always doing your best to hide this fact, but you just- stand out!"

Beatrice frowned, and quickly wiped away her tears, trying to conceal them, as she remembered few unpleasant past events. 

Estelle pat her best friend's shoulder reassuring her saying: "Well, I'm still here! And as you can see, nothing has changed, right? I've always believed that the person capable of understanding me has to be a genius! I love you my dear, simply because you're you, and that's honestly what matters most to me. Your intelligence is a part of you. So, it should never be a shame to you. I'm always proud to have someone like you as a best friend! The people who treat you differently, or hate you because of it, are just jealous as they're incapable of being like you or even close! Tell me the whole story now, I don't think that this is something that might really stand in your way."

A bright smile finally found its way back on Beatrice's thankful face, as she nodded agreeing with her last statement: "Exactly! The worst part about having brainpower without experience, is that it might be sneakily used by some bad manipulators to harm people, when you're not even aware. *Estelle's jaw dropped, but kept quite waiting for the rest* Thanks for your kindness. I also know how eager you are to know your family, and the reason why I kept their identity from you. *Estelle nodded* but you need to listen to my story first, because it leads to all the answers you want. Okay?"

-Estelle : "I just don't see how both subjects are related, but I trust you."

-Beatrice : "Good. So, I'll start from the beginning: the Medicine Inclination School.

I was seven, when I took my very first serious decision : to be a special doctor. So, I asked my late father Sammy  to take me to the Inclination test center. He wasn't against it at all. On the contrary, my determination made him proud. My mom though, didn't really appreciate the idea of sending her child at that very tender age. Like you know, the age of the students attending the inclination schools usually starts at thirteen at least. Even the chances of being tested when the subject is underage were very slim. That's why my parents had a very big argument about the matter. Nevertheless, my dad managed to convince her to grant me my wish, as Amal's law was on my side : ' Any Somniumian has the right to pass the test no matter how old they are. If the candidate succeeds to get a result, they are considered mature enough to make their own decision in some matters without needing a parent, if they're minors. ' Do you get it?"

-Estelle : "Absolutely! But I don't think they expected someone of your age though. I am sure they wanted to lock you up in a lab when you've nailed the test. Haha!"


I hope you enjoyed reading this part. Stay tuned! I will see you tomorrow. Don't forget, vote with the little star and share your opinion with me in the comments. Have a nice day! ^_^ ~Faty.B

Imagination is the key to the enigma _TOME 1_ by Fatéma-zahra BenmoussaWhere stories live. Discover now