Chapter 4 : Dr. Beatrice - Part 6

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-Beatrice : " So, after successfully creating the antidote, I tested it on a volunteer, and it worked. But still, my previous experience would not let me have it. I needed to be entirely sure that it would work on you too, before presenting it to you.

That's why I added an unnecessary condition, just to be safe: the consumer of the grey pill being capable of remembering ANYONE from their past. And for that reason, I wanted to know your memory's state. I've tested it twice: one of them worked.

Now, you know why I've invited Raneem over. Recognizing her was a sign that you were ready-"

In the meantime, Estelle's was experiencing accelerating palpitations, as her memories were being recovered. When it was over, her face was fully covered in tears and sweat. Suddenly, she yelled : "The close person with a blurred-face I used to see in every dream was my own brother, and the one I thought of as a stranger was Peter before we even became friends! OH! Lumos IS ADAM! OMG! I can't believe it! The concert was my OLDER BROTHER's!", before fainting.

Beatrice leaned the girl's back on a wall, then called someone whose name appeared on the screen as Lumos : "Hello! Adam?"

Beatrice leaned the girl's back on a wall, then called someone whose name appeared on the screen as Lumos : "Hello! Adam?"

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Chapter 5 :  Hi I'm Peter.. I mean Julian III - Part 1

'Always be brave and never give up. Every problem has a solution. When it gets too hard for you, remember that the biggest strength resides in the union and that imagination is the most important weapon.'

-Peter: "Ugh! I'm at the verge of losing my mind! I KNOW it's a message from someone out there. But as long as I ignore the identity of the sender, I'll just call it <the magic book's prophecy> . I've read this sentence ten times already and still can't figure its meaning! So frustrating! I was- *the ringtone of his phone distracted him. It was an incoming call from 'Dr.Beatrice'* Yo! What's up Beatrice?"

-Beatrice: "I'm good. We have to meet. Something came up!"

-Peter worried: "Is it Estelle?"

-Beatrice : "No, she's fine. Only exhausted after recalling everything. I took her home to rest. Adam's taking care of her now. Listen! We have to meet ASAP! Like RIGHT NOW!"

-Peter relaxing: "Ah! Phew! You scared me right there! Thank God everyone's alright. Hmm- should we meet at the dock?"

-Beatrice replied: "Yeah, sure. See you in a bit.", before ending the call.

-Peter: "What? Don't look at me like that! You know she wouldn't have uttered a single word anyway, had I asked her over the phone. So, why waste my energy trying? I know, I'm crazy for talking to your portrait Amanda. What to do? I miss you so much! Yes, I have discovered the truth few years ago, but my love for you never changed mom! Hm- I should probably get going now! I'll leave the riddle letter thing for later."

Peter is tall gorgeous young man with a raven black wavy hair, and big beautiful green eyes. Being from a royal family makes it his duty to behave elegantly in front of people, as well as taking care of his own mental health, intellect, and of course his fashion style. That trained him to be very wise, and logical. Nevertheless, His closest friends nickname him 'the happiness virus', because he does spread happiness and positivity wherever he goes. It's very rare to see him in a bad mood.

 It's very rare to see him in a bad mood

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But the moment he's angry, one of his eyes' color turns dark brown, due to his mixed bloodline.

/// When someone's born with parents from two different worlds/planets, genetics laws don't apply the way we know them///

Thanks to this special blood, he has a naturally fit body. The truth is that he only visits the gym to remind his best friend Adam, better known as Lumos or 3D star , to get out of it. They've known each other from Art Inclination School, from which has also graduated with a Fashion design & painting major. 

His age is a matter of debate though. He's lived nineteen years, but Somniuma doesn't count two of them. That time-riddle is a mystery yet for you to uncover in the next events. For now, let me tell you about 'the truth' he's mentioned earlier:

318years ago, in a very far away planet called Magia , ruled a queen named Regina whose beauty was the talk of the land. Always graceful with her head held up high, which might be mistaken for arrogance. But she's fair, wise and strong. Her eyes were green, and anger turns them dark brown. Like her own people, her silky long hair is raven black. The eye color change is also a common feature in planet Magia, along with their long life span that goes as far as a millennium each, and their bodies' natural unwithering fitness. It's like they freeze them at twenty, because they never look one bit older over the years until they die. 

One day, Regina was checking her security systems as per usual, only to find an intriguing stranger roaming in her kingdom's streets. With one clap of her hands, she made him instantly appear in front of her. When she asked him who he was, he claimed to be from planet Chougo, and precisely Somniuma land, and that he came through a portal in a secret hidden world. In this world, a queen named Sophia ruled alongside her brother Maleek. Together they named it: Infinita.

Regina couldn't believe the existence of a place other than her own planet where magic could be practiced. So, she put him in jail, just like her counselor, and cousin Nwar advised her.

She felt uneasy about it though, as she kept analyzing what's been said, and thinking to herself: "right, what if he told to truth? Logically speaking, it would take someone from Chougo around three hundred years to come here. So, assuming he was traveling towards us since the day he was born, he would be at least 300 years old. There is no sign of metamorphosis potion or any type of magic in his blood system. This means one thing: the man should look very old, which again he sure doesn't look like it, this of course if he would even live to be 300years old. I know for a fact, that no one is blessed by our unique long life span elsewhere-", that's why she decided to pay him a visit few days later, in his prison cell, seeking answers.


Do you think that the stranger that Regina found said the truth?

I hope you enjoyed reading this part, even more interesting things are yet to come. I will see you next week. Don't forget, vote with the little star and share your opinion with me in the comments. Have a great week! ^_^ ~Faty.B

Imagination is the key to the enigma _TOME 1_ by Fatéma-zahra BenmoussaWhere stories live. Discover now