Chapter 4 : Dr. Beatrice - Part 2

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-Beatrice : "Yup! The administrative board of Inclination Schools couldn't trust leaving such a crucial final decision in my tiny hands, even though they let me do the test. Well, since they should apply the law, they tried to pressure me into coming back in a few years, throwing prejudices at my face such as: 'Just like you've chosen the medical career today, what would guarantee us that you won't be back here one week later asking for a career switch?', but I was really determined to get things go my way.

Maybe they wouldn't have made a scene, if the result only showed one career potential.. But what made them lose their minds was the humanoid lady's announcement saying that I had major potential in two: medicine AND engineering. They even started to doubt the effectiveness of the LAW itself, as they considered its lack of limitations in my special case to be preposterous. So much so, that they've held an exceptional meeting, just to 'study' my test result. *Estelle gasped*

Yeah. Haha! I mean, can you imagine that? Anyway, by the end of it, they were all convinced I was fit for the big challenge. Apparently, that meeting's conclusion had forced them to eat back their own judgments and words, and ultimately accept my choice, very respectfully."

-Estelle : "And what made them change their minds?"

-Beatrice : "Firstly, I knew very well what I wanted to do with the precious knowledge I was going to be given. Add to that, the fact that I had a motive that made me stick to my aim even more, which made me stand out amongst the rest of the candidates."

-Estelle : "Did you watch a movie or something that had inspired you? I know it's very frequent for people to be influenced by the amazing messages carried by some of the stories. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case for you too, and-"

-Beatrice : "No! The truth is what follows : my dearest uncle was seriously injured right in front of my eyes that year, and died because of the heavy bleeding seconds before the ambulance arrived-"

-Estelle : "Ahem! Um- I'm sorry!"

-Beatrice continued : "-And the feeling of helplessness was hard. So damn hard, it made me wish I had a cure that could heal any type of injuries. *Estelle gently pat on her bestie's shoulder* As if that trauma alone wasn't enough, I also happened to witness his poor wife's mental health going drastically downhill since then. She was madly in love with him. The second she had learned his death, she went through a major mental breakdown which gradually led her to complete insanity. Thus, the creative idea, and of course the decision of getting into Medical Inclination School, that came with the obsession afterwards.

The second thing they found out was my IQ level. My 'intelligence and awareness' were significantly higher than most of the children my age. In short, my brain's age exceeds my own real age's by ten years."

-Estelle : "OMG! That's so cool! I heard that only one in a thousand of the students of Inclination Schools, which already are restricted to the most special clever people, is like that. Right?"

"Yes!", sighed Beatrice as she answered without much excitement: "This is why they allowed me to choose my own school, as an acknowledgment of my 'brainpower'. Yippie!"

-Estelle: "Ultimately, I think your parents weren't against it, since you're both a doctor AND an engineer now. Am I correct?"

-Beatrice: "Hmm- Not exactly.. Long story short, my dad supported me all the way, although the school I've chosen was in another city-"

-Estelle: "IN ANOTHER CITY? At seven? ALONE? What?!"

-Beatrice : "Haha! Yup, but mom was thinking further ahead, and didn't want me miss out on my childhood

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-Beatrice : "Haha! Yup, but mom was thinking further ahead, and didn't want me miss out on my childhood. So, she tried to persuade me to change my mind. That's why I had to find a solution to make everyone happy : I decided to stay at a local M.I.S, until I pass the first stage, then transfer to the one I actually wanted. Mom reluctantly accepted my proposition as she knew that the first stage requires at least three years- Ah! Whatev'!"

-Estelle: "What?"

-Beatrice: "Don't worry about it! You will get it later. *Estelle nodded and stayed silent* You know? I still remember my first day at M.I.S as if it was yesterday : I was the youngest and the shortest in the group. So, all the students believed I was a visitor. At the beginning, they crowded around me, being all nice, wanting to play with me. Then, some of them asked me questions like 'Sweety, are you here with your parents? Does either of them teach here?' . "

-Estelle : "Haha! They were trying cheap flattery, to win your favor!"

-Beatrice : "YES! How did you know? Haha! They were literally expecting me to put in a good word for them with my assumed 'parent who happens to be their teacher' to win a better appreciation amongst their peers. Can you imagine that one of them even had the audacity to say it straight away : 'you will tell your parent that I'm a good boy, right?' ?

I was too chocked to answer, until an actual teacher made his entrance into the classroom, and quickly introduced me as their new classmate. Haha! You HAD to see their faces, especially when he announced how old I actually was. I laughed my ass off that day, secretly, over their priceless reactions. They looked like they were suddenly splashed by ice cold water on a snowy day! What made things complicated for me though was the obvious way teachers couldn't help favouring me. I was naturally gifted. So, I never struggled to understand any lesson at all. And because my classmates were used of being seen as the smartest in the room, they couldn't digest well that someone like me would beat all of them in their strong suit. The difference of knowledge was too obvious whenever I expressed my own passion about medicine. Now that I think about it, maybe I, unintentionally, was an annoying show off, and hurt their pride without even realizing it, that's why they ran from me like I was some plague."


I hope you enjoyed reading this part, even more interesting things are yet to come. I will see you next weekend. Don't forget, vote with the little star and share your opinion with me in the comments. Have a great week! ^_^ ~Faty.B

Imagination is the key to the enigma _TOME 1_ by Fatéma-zahra BenmoussaWhere stories live. Discover now