The Lieutenant's Test..

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This one was inspired by a question from gdehn79

S9 EP6 Blow This Up Somehow...

Oh, Kelly! Did you really think trying to protect Stella from the White Shirts gossip by ghosting her was a good idea.?!


She might as well have not bothered staring at those test books all night. Not one word was sinking in. Maybe it had been the right thing to blow off the test, even though Chief Boden had told her to think about it for a couple of days, and officially, she was still doing that.

Her head was swimming with the same thoughts. Kelly. There was a crushing weight that was pressing down on her, making her want to either scream or cry or both.
It was just as well that Sylvie was out tonight because she didn't want to be bringing her down with this gloomy shit about her and Kelly again.

Stella closed her eyes, tears threatening to flood behind her eyes, but angrily she fought them. She wasn't going to let him do this to her again. No! No! No! But her heart was arguing with her, yelling that it wanted him back with her, his blue eyes dancing with hers, his smile knocking her down, his arms holding her tightly against her. Fuck! Fuck! She hated him. No, she didn't! She loved him!

A knock on the door startled her out of her misery. Who the hell was that?
Pulling herself off the couch, Stella went to the door and looked through the peephole. Her heart lurched.

Opening the door, she stared at him for a split second before stepping aside to let him in not able to ignore the belligerent look that he gave her which instantly got her back up despite her thundering heart.

Kelly walked in and turned to face her, not saying anything, hands in his pockets. Stella raised an eyebrow, her facial expression giving away her rising anger. Did he think he could just walk in here unannounced and look at her in that way like she was the one who had done something wrong?!

Both of them were thinking the same thing at that moment. As arguments went, this was one was of epic proportions, although neither had spoken yet.

"You have to take the Lieutenants test." He snapped, surprising her.

So he had heard she was pulling out. She wondered if the chief had told him. But Kelly wasn't going to dictate what she did about the test because he didn't give a crap about her or the test.

" You have no say in this! You have been MIA." She retaliated angrily.

"I've been MIA because I thought that was best for you...Chief Conway told me the white shirts say the only reason you were moving up the ladder was that you're with me.......I didn't tell you because I figured it would mess with your head and you deserved better"

"You thought I couldn't handle that?!" Stella asked incredulously, staring at him.

Stella stared at him in angry bemusement. Oh my god, was he seriously telling her that he had been ghosting her to protect her from what people were saying and because he thought that would mess with her head?! Did he really know her that little?!

Angrily, she shot him down. She wasn't like him with a white father at the top of the chain to protect him. She had done it the hard way, alone and fighting every step of the way.

"Then why aren't you taking the Lieutenants test... you don't need my help... you have to know that!" He demanded, thinking this was going very badly and at the same time his head and heart hurting at her words about coming up alone. If he had any doubts about how badly he had handled this, they were disappearing fast.

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