The Man You Deserve

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S7 Ep 22.....FINALLY! I'm not going to say anymore....... !

(Some birthday fluff for a friend...)


Hermann was left talking to himself as he saw Stella disappearing through the door, a perplexed look on his face. Casey looked across at him from the bar and shrugged. He assumed it must have been something pretty important for Stella to hightail it outta Molly's the way she just had. And he would pretty much bet his last dollar that it had something to do with Severide given she had been asking where he was. Why the two of them didn't just admit that they still loved the bones of each other was beyond him.

Coherent thought had been the last thing on her mind as Stella had run out of Molly's and jumped into her jeep heading out to Kelly's cabin. When she pulled up outside she let out a long breath seeing the Mustang parked outside, but she wasn't sure if the breath was one of relief or one of trepidation.
But it was too late to second guess herself now because she was already walking towards the door and knocking with the palm of her hand.

The door opened after a few seconds and he stood there looking at her, his face tired and strained a rag in one hand as if he'd been busy fixing something. Leaning on one side of the door frame he said nothing for a moment during which Stella opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. But it was Kelly who spoke first.

"You deserve a better man than me."

Whichever way she had thought this conversation would go she hadn't been expecting to hear that and her heart froze, and then dropped to her stomach. What did he mean? But he was looking at her with a humble sincerity that she had never seen before. "So I decided...... I decided I'm gonna be the man you deserve."

There was an infinitesimal pause between him saying the words and her brain computing them. And when they did her face softened with all the love she had been trying to bury somewhere deep inside her since the day outside the Loft when she had told him she couldn't be with him anymore. His face and eyes were shadowed with an appeal for trust and for another chance that she couldn't resist even if she had wanted to.
Stepping towards him she put her hand behind his neck and pulled his head to hers, kissing him and giving him the only response she could. And in turn, he kissed her back, relief, need, and love all mixed up in that kiss, backing into the cabin with her, their lips still joined.
The crackle of flames from the fire in the grate was the only noise over the sound of their breathing. Stella reached for his sweater helping it over his head and then his and her hands were tugging at the buttons on her shirt, sliding it off her shoulders and dropping it onto the floor. The warmth of her skin under his hands filled his senses, his brain and his body.
God, it had been so long and he had missed her, lifting her as her legs wrapped around him and he carried her to the couch dropping onto it with her underneath him.

It was frantic and needy, jeans being unzipped and discarded, her legs clinging around his waist and then enveloping him inside her, gasping at the familiar feel of him, nails curling into his skin at the same time as his rapid driving into her was already pushing her over the edge.

The fire was still spitting out cinders when Kelly pulled a blanket over them, Stella moving around and over him so that he was underneath now, his arms staying around her, one hand resting possessively on her hip, one of his legs hooked around hers.

"Oh, I missed that." Stella's voice was breathless but sated.

Kelly chuckled and she heard the low rumble from his chest under her ear.

"What?" Stella raised her head to look down at him.
The shadows had lifted from his face and there was a contentment that illuminated his eyes with twinkling lights.

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