.................The Epilogue...( to the last chapter!)

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Apparently the last chapter needed an epilogue...🤷‍♀️


Seventeen minutes past eight. The sound of his key unlocking the door was three minutes earlier than she had expected, and when he walked into the Loft, her smile was everything between pleased, triumphant, and....... smoking hot.

His hair was damp she could tell that even from where she was lying on the couch. Good. He had found the time before coming home to shower because they wouldn't have to waste time with him retreating to the bathroom to clean away the grime and smoke from shift.

He dropped his bag by the door and shrugged out of his jacket, but let it go, dropping it next to his bag.

Kicking off shoes and socks that went the same way, he made his way to the couch, and so far, not a word had been said by either of them.

Standing in front of her, eyes nailed to hers, he pulled his shirt over his head, hands going to the buckle on his belt, the action becoming acutely fascinating for the prone Stella, her breathing caught somewhere between lungs and nose. Kelly was clearly in no mood to wait, she noted, pleased by his impatience.
Jeans were pulled off, and his arousal was pretty apparent, from the bulge that was in his shorts, a sign that there had been too many weeks of abstinence when sex had been overtaken by other emotions, like fear, exhaustion, and trauma to her body, but it was back now, full on front and centre stage and both of them were at the same place with thinking about it and needing it.

Stella shifted on the couch to make room for him, one hand already reaching to draw him to her, when he put one knee on the couch, her body twisting onto its side as he lay down so she was flush against him, his warmth stealing over her.
There was a moment, suspended in time, when their eyes were just trapped inside each other. She could see clearly, the dark hairs broken through his skin, a dark shadow over his cheeks, jaw and chin, and she ran a finger along his jawline, seeing herself reflected in the blue iris's.

"What took you so long?" She murmured.

"A couple of calls got in the way.......Why....did your ICE 'friend', have to drop in, and take care of you?"
He was looking at her mouth, soft breath brushing her face, knowing full well that her 'emergency friend,' was never going to be enough.

"I thought I'd wait to see if someone else would come rescue me instead..."

"Good call."

His hand slipped underneath her T and up along her ribs, one finger running along that scar that would always remain a constant reminder, and then cupping around one breast, his thumb testing out her nipple. Stella put her hand on his and pressed it tighter, telling him that she needed more, swallowing agitatedly, hearing his breath catch at how turned on she seemed to be already.
Sitting up impatiently, she pulled her T over her head and threw it on the floor. A slow grin stretched over his face. She wasn't wearing any underwear at all, and unable to resist, he touched her between her thighs, smiling further when she gasped at the first touch drowning her in her own arousal.

The temperature between them already sizzling, got hotter really quickly, the atmosphere inside the Loft, sultry and even though somewhere in the recesses of his head, he was thinking he needed to take it easy with her, she wasn't helping him with that, with the way she was squirming under him. En route home, he had planned that he would take his time, but that really wasn't happening despite the best will in the world, his own desperation to feel her around him and to be inside her, bordering on its own kind of madness.

His mouth went down on hers, hard and possessive, her tongue meeting his hungrily pressing herself up against him. A sigh that sounded like a half sob escaped from somewhere, her fingers clutching at damp hair that felt lusciously soft to the touch, his hard on pressing into her belly. His leg had inserted itself between hers, and she wriggled, one of her thighs hooking over his, loving the friction it caused when he moved it against her. Somehow, she had rolled under him, and he was picking up where he had left off last night, her nipples desperately seeking the attention of his exploring mouth. Her whole body was tightly strung, her breasts heavy, nipples engorged, a pulsing between her legs that was a continuous deep ache, pleading for more intimacy.

Stella enjoyed sex, and once the teenage years had passed and she matured through her twenties, she had learnt more about her body and what she liked and also what her partners liked. But sex with Kelly had been on another level since the start. She didn't know if it was because of how she felt about him or whether it was because the way they just seemed to come together during it, in some really explosive way. But oh god, how she loved doing this with him.
Taking his hand, she drew it in between her legs, groaning deep in her throat, welcoming the familiar touch that had the ability to send her crazy.

It only took a dozen strokes, over flesh that was a bundle of throbbing nerve ends for him to bring her a crashing release, Stella's mouth buried in his neck, shaking against him, mumuring words of incoherent love and lust.

Their foreplay was already an intense prelude, but when she climbed from under him and started to trail her mouth down his body, he stopped her, one hand in her hair.

"No.. I'm not going to be able to hold on..." The color of his eyes had turned a deep, tumultuous grey blue sea.

Understanding, she smiled at him, moving back up and straddled his hips, slowly lowering herself onto him, and as he pushed inside her, it sparked another reaction, the few weeks of not having this making their bodies crave more.

"Stella, fuck, I've missed you." It was an agonized whisper of helplessness, ground out against her mouth as he moved inside her, each clinging to the other like they were a lifeline.

"I know, baby..... I.....ahhh...." She leant forward over him, her brain sending out its own desperate signals to her body to move in time with each of his thrusts with increasing intensity.

Maybe it was because they had just missed this or maybe it was that everything they had experienced in the last few weeks now rose up and overwhelmed them, and this was the only way they could both tell each other the truth of what was going on inside their heads about what had nearly happened that day at the RPG.
Either way, their lovemaking was a different type of tender storm for both of them, wrapping them up in a new kind of closeness.

Afterwards, he pulled a blanket over them exhausted but replete, keeping one arm around her. They should have retreated to the bedroom to sleep properly, but there was a languidness about them that was like they had taken a sleeping drug, both of them still tangled together, and semi concious. A haze wrapped itself around every muscle and even the brain, had turned the lights out to a dim.

"Nothing beats this......" Her murmer was muffled and drowsy in his chest.

"Second that." He kissed the top of her head, one hand stroking her hip.

There was a silence for an elongated while, and both thought the other had drifted off to sleep. Kelly's hand was resting on her hip under the blanket, and his eyes were half closed drifting away to sleep. He couldn't explain or quantify this feeling that he had right now, a deeply felt security which he only found when he was with her, but behind it, there was an awareness of a fear of being without her that left him struggling to deal.

Stella was breathing him in, her face buried into his chest. Everything about him special to her. His smell, his feel. His touch. Everything. If anything, the last few weeks had bound them even closer if that were possible.

The only downside of this kind of love was one being without the other.

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