Not Like This...

661 16 6

Down is Better... S6 Ep 6..

This one's for Alaskalight... requested some time ago....😬....but I finally got to it!!!

So Stella gets pretty wasted at Molly's and Kelly, always the gentleman is looking out for her

So what were they both thinking after he said..... "Not Like This...."


Stella swayed a little on the spot, the alcohol rolling in her stomach, her head spinning, but even through the alcoholic haziness, she felt her heart dropping to her feet. She closed her eyes, regret and embarrassment climbing up her spine. Shit! Fuck! Fucking fuck! What the hell had she just done?!

"Not like this."
The mortification of his rejection burned inside her, and she was pretty sure had set her face alight too. And my god, she was belatedly wishing that she hadn't done what she had just done. Kissed him. Ground open and swallow her up, moment? was definitely one of those.

Inside his bedroom, Kelly sat down on the edge of his bed and took a deep breath. The door was still open, and he stared at it for what seemed like an eternity, willing Stella through it. Despite his chivalrous pulling away from her, his dick was arguing very visibly about turning her down and had he not withdrawn and escaped to his bedroom, he didn't think he would have been able to withstand her proximity for very long. Particularly given that when she had kissed him, he had desperately wanted to kiss her back...and do a lot more to her than just kiss.
He forced himself to stop his thoughts from wandering further into sex with Stella scenarios. She was hammered and didn't know what she was doing. And had he done what he wanted to do, there was every chance that in the morning she would regret it and as much as he wanted to fuck her brains out, his male pride wanted her to remember it!

So instead, he had said. "Not like this."
And now his rock-hard prick was taunting his judgement.

Kelly fell back on the bed, listening to the sounds of her movements, hearing her muttering something unintelligible to herself, unsteady footsteps sounding across the floor. He stilled for a moment, and damn it, he was hoping she would head towards his room.
But everything went silent, and he just lay there wishing that she hadn't been so wasted.

Eventually, he got up and went to the doorway to find out what she was up to. A small smile stretched across his mouth. Stella was lying on the couch, curled up asleep, one arm hanging over the edge of the couch. Walking over, he thought about waking her up , but she looked totally out of it. Watching the gentle rise and fall of her chest, he decided against waking her, instead picking up a throw and coverering her with it, gently tucking it around her. He pushed away tendrils of her hair that had fallen over her face, his hand resting for a second on her face, taking in the fans of her dark lashes lying in crescents on her cheeks, a small frown on her face, as if the angst of the last couple of days and the thumping hangover that she was going to have, were already part of her dreams. Without realising he was doing it, he leant down and kissed her forehead, thinking how much he was going to miss her around the firehouse but grateful that at least he would still have her around the loft and acknowledging with a grin that she had added something with her loud and bossy presence that had been missing around the brick walls and wooden floors.

But whilst Stella slept, for Kelly, sleep was elusive that night, turning over in his bed for what seemed like the hundredth time and punching the pillow, scowling at the clock. Maybe he should just bang Hope again, he thought grimly, but that idea was dismissed as soon as he had even thought it. The little devil on his shoulder jeered at him that it wasn't Hope he wanted to bury himself inside of or Hope whose mouth he wanted all over him. A very vivid image of him in Stella's apartment filled his head. It was in the weeks after they had first had sex, and now he groaned, closing his eyes in pained frustration, one arm going over his eyes. She had given him a mind demolishing blow job after shift one morning. They had been flirting all shift, subtle innuendoes being dropped, her hand very intentionally brushing against his groin behind the kitchen counter and then underneath the table during dinner until he had cornered her in the laundry room and very graphically whispered what he was going to do to her right there, if she didn't stop teasing him, only for her stop him in mid sentence by pushing herself against him, and shoving her tongue in his mouth, uncaring who might walk in. They had barely made it through her apartment door next morning when Stella had pinned him against the wall, tugging at his belt and zipper, and slid down his body onto her knees.

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