Sub Zero Temperatures....

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S9 Ep 7 Dead of Winter.

This was requested by romanogers_stucky forever.❤️

Given that we are heading for the s11 finale tomorrow....... and well.... who knew?

And guess we still don't.

This is for every Stellarider that believes, every Stellarider who is hurting and it's for all of us after tomorrow...... whichever way it goes...

Because it's been one hell of a ride.❤️

This is from me to all of you with love because we deserve some Stellaride fluff, and we deserve to see them as this....


The best part about having a row with your girlfriend is the making up part, Kelly decided as he parked Stella's jeep outside the cabin, the claustophobia of the city already forgotten. A small bag each, some supplies to keep them fed and hydrated and just the two of them alone in the cabin and the three inches of snow that covered Illinois. It was his idea of heaven.

However, even heaven has its heating challenges because it was positively arctic when they got inside Benny's old wooden structure.

"Oh my god, it's freezing!" Stella shivered, rubbing her gloved hands together, her breath vaporising in the cold air.

Kelly laughed at her exaggeratedly pained expression."Anyone would think you've never experienced a Chicago winter."
Bending down, he grabbed pieces of wood from the basket and placed them in the grate to start up the fire.

"Yeah, but my days off are usually spent in a warm and cosy apartment not spent freezing my butt off in the back of beyond!" She retorted, wrapping her arms around herself. "I swear it's warmer outside!"

"What happened to icy roads, snow-covered driveway, sub zero temperatures, and the two of us... sounds hot?!"

"Think I may have pictured it a bit differently in my head." She muttered with a wince wrapping her arms around herself. "I forgot how cold this cabin gets!"

"Grab me some newspapers from the table over there." He pointed to the dining table at the far end of the cabin, still trying not to laugh at Stella's overt face pulling.

Crumpling up some sheets, she handed them to him to add to the fire.

He put down some kindling into the grate before lighting it, waiting for it to catch alight, and then leaned back on his haunches to look at her.
He loved the simplicity and the solitude of the cabin for when he needed it, but since they had been together, he wanted her to love it too and in his head he had pictured them using this as their escape from the madness of their other life.

"Sorry, babe. Maybe I should have taken you somewhere with proper heating."
His murmured apology was muted.
Her knit hat was pulled down low on her head, a red woollen scarf wrapped tightly around her neck and chin, a big padded jacket all but burying her. There was no way a breath of cold air was getting inside Stella's winter defences. He had an overwhelming urge to wrap her in his arms and, for the thousandth time, felt the excruciating guilt of how he had pushed her away during the Lieutenant's test. And she had forgiven him. Like she always did.

'So listen up, I'm the one who is never gonna let you get away again."

Her face had been so solemn after his fuck up of cataclysmic proportions when standing in Brett's apartment his pathetic attempt at apologizing had left him terrified that he had pushed her too far.

"Your'e not the decider."

But if there was one thing, Kelly Severide was good at, it was being Stella's archilles heel.

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