It's Her Home Too...

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A little frivolous chapter from S9. EP9 when Kelly's possessiveness about his cool apartment is challenged when Stella tells him she's expecting a delivery....

Kelly was muttering to himself, disgruntled as he sat down at his desk and made a half-hearted attempt to go through some academy paperwork. After a few seconds, he pushed the sheaf of papers away, shaking his head and closed his eyes. He had the beginnings of a tension headache and was now also irritated because he knew he had brought it on himself by stressing over what his girlfriend was planning to surprise him with. He didn't like surprises. And he liked change even less especially if it was something like what he was fearing, probably a large piece of pretty furniture or something equally frivolous. God! What if it was a new couch? With lots of fluffy cushions! His head started to throb.

Casey popped his head in through the office door.

"What's up, Severide? You look like you lost a buck and found a quarter."

"Nothing." Severide's tone was short, but immediately regretted it and he opened his mouth to ask him if he knew anything about Stella's secret delivery but the bells rang out calling for truck 81 and ambo 61 and Severide lost his opportunity as Casey raised his brows, reversed and headed out.


Stella was driving the truck giggling to herself remembering Kelly's face when she had told him that she had something for the Loft. She knew exactly how his mind worked and how at this very moment he would have likely given himself a stress headache imagining all kinds of things that she might have bought for his beloved apartment. But as much as she liked to wind him up she was certain that he was going to love what she had bought.
Casey gave her a sideways look and grinned despite himself. Stella was clearly up to something and it had something to do with Severide he bet judging by the tortured look on his friend's face earlier. However, there was no doubt that Stella Kidd was good for Severide. That much was obvious from the gentling in his behaviour and these days there was a settled manner about him Casey hadn't seen before. Having Stella at the Loft was great because not only was she good fun, but since she had moved into the Loft, having a female around the place had brought a softer dynamic to the place. But lately, he was wondering whether maybe the two of them could do with having their own space. As much as neither of them had ever made him feel awkward, he still felt maybe it was time for him to find a new home. He made a mental note to talk to Severide about it.


You alright?" Severide had knocked on the door seeing Casey's pained face.

"Yeah. Waiting for the Aspirin to kick in." Casey had been lying down but struggling to shift the headache he had acquired since he had bounced along the roadside on their last call.

"Do you know anything about a delivery Stella has ordered for the apartment?" The squad Lieutenant seemed tense.

"Delivery of what?"

Severide shrugged. "That's the thing. She wouldn't say." He frowned a bit crankily. "I don't deal well with change. She knows that."

"Well, it's her home too. She probably wants to put her stamp on the place." Casey offered pragmatically.

"Hmmm.. probably." Severide turned around to leave, his mind still ticking over but Casey stopped him.

"Hey.. you and Kidd. If it's time for me to move on and you guys need the loft to yourselves just say the word. I promise I'm all good."

"Didn't I just say I don't deal well with change?" Severide reminded him laughing.

"You did."

And later after shift when Kelly found himself alone in the Loft he couldn't believe both Stella and Casey had bailed on him and left him to take the delivery of whatever it was...arriving sometime between eight and two! He sat on the couch tired and grumpy. It would serve Stella right if he rejected her delivery he thought petulantly but deep down he knew he would never do that to her and he also knew he would end up conceding to whatever it was that she had bought. Casey's words had been spinning around his head. "It's her home too and maybe she wants to put her stamp on it."
He loved living with Stella and he was working on being more empathetic to her needs. And maybe this was probably a good test for him.

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