My Girl..

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This was requested by lovecouples...

What does Kelly think when Stella dresses up 'shit hot' to go out........with the girls?

Girls just wanna have fun, right?

But how does Kelly react when his wife attracts some male attention from someone other than him?

This chapter happens somewhere in S11 post E4ish...........It did happen Derek et al just forgot to include it....!!!! 😉


Stella shook the cocktail shaker, bouncing off the sound of the clink and rattle of ice. Straining the liquid into martini glasses, she handed one each to her best friends before taking her glass and holding it up in salute.

"Cheers!" They all cried in unison, each taking a sip, Sylvie almost gagging at the strength of the vodka in the Cosmo.

"Stella! Honey, we will be drunk before we even get out of the door!"

Violet put her arm around Sylvie laughing.

"Oh honey, you are too cute! I think that may be the point of having a few drinks before we go out!"

Violet was rocking her neon pink sequin mini dress, her bare, toned legs killing the club look, her hair tonged into glorious curls that bounced around her shoulders. It was the first time since Evan that Violet had allowed herself to dress up. When she had stood in front of the mirror to inspect her final look her confidence had wavered for a few moments, a flash of a memory haunting her from another night when she had dressed up. The night of the gala. That had been when her world had been..... happier. But she had put her best smile on for her girlfriends and the long overdue girls' night that Stella insisted they all needed.

"Have you forgotten?! I grew up in Fowlerton! Girls'nights were one bottle of wine shared by four of us and a takeaway pizza!"
Sylvie took another tentative sip, licking her pink glossed lips. "I swear this is going to my head already!"
She was wearing a long sleeved gold sheath dress that reached just above her knees but with a provocative low back that showed off her creamy skin, needing clever intervention with bra tape to hide any tell tale support required.

"Drink up, Sylvie Brett! There's another one waiting!" Stella ordered, flicking back her long black hair that had been straightened to hang past her shoulders like a silk curtain.

Right then the door opened and all three turned as Kelly came in after his run, dripping with sweat, his T and shorts plastered to his body.

"Hi, Severide." Sylvie greeted, taking another sip of her cocktail, the alcohol adding a little rosy flush to her face.

"Severide." Violet raised her glass at him. There had been a mutual respect between Violet and Kelly ever since his heart-to-heart with her about the manifestation of grief and learning to overcome it and despite her initial reservations she had come to value his support.

"Ladies." Kelly's eyes hovered uncertainly over Sylvie and Violet, not knowing whether he should compliment them or not on their glamorous appearances. For someone who had more notches on the proverbial bedpost than the average man had in ten lifetimes, Kelly Severide could be remarkably shy. And Stella knew that and read his discomfort, seeing his eyes darting towards their bedroom seeking an escape route.
Opening the fridge she took out a bottle of water and walked over to him, not missing the way his eyes widened slightly as he took in her black assymetric sleeveless top that finished just above her navel and the bodycon skirt that moulded her hips, a thigh-high split revealing her beautiful legs as she walked towards him. Her red high heels clicked loudly on the Loft floor, a small smile playing around her equally red lips.

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