Important Person Stuff

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This one is for miceposito.... thank you for waiting!!❤️

When they see us coming S6 Ep 18.

The FEDS have taken over 51.  Stella can't corner her boyfriend in the turnout room  ..... and Sev reminds her with some amusement that he has important person stuff to do..... 

So what is Stella going to do with that...?


The whole firehouse was swarming with the FBI agents, making it seem claustrophobic, with Stella feeling like she was constantly tripping over them. They were stalking someone called Martin Berccarra, a  violent fugitive on the run who was holed up in an apartment opposite the firehouse, so they had commandeered their house much to everyone's irritation. There was palpable tension running through the house with the Feds pulling rank on the firefighters but worse than that for Stella there was the almost zero opportunity to corner her boyfriend for some discreet making out during shift which was her favorite hobby.

"Don't give up on that mission."
Kelly insisted when she complained to him about the lack of opportunity.

And seeing as he was pretty stressed about his mom and Benny getting back together, she was sure he could use a distraction because he was clearly not going to change his mind about having dinner with both his parents tomorrow night.

She smiled to herself, thinking about the times she had followed him into the turnout room and quickly managed to steal a few kisses which he had given up readily or she would stand next to him while he was taking his turnout gear off and whisper erotic promises into his ear while he got more and more aroused, laughing when he would grab her hand, dragging her to the back of the room and ask her to pay up on her promises.

"You look important.... " Agent Cortez came up behind them.
" I just mean you're an officer."

"Lieutenant Severide." Kelly introduced herself.

"My boss wants to see you." The female agent virtually ignored Stella waiting impatiently for Kelly to follow her. "He's set up in your Chief's office."

Kelly turned to Stella.

"Sorry..... important person stuff."

Emphasising the word 'Important,' he backed away from her, shrugging his shoulders with an air of resignation, but his mischevious grin gave away that he was really enjoying baiting her.
She rolled her eyes at him, thinking to herself, 'just you wait,' as he walked away with agent Cortez. 'Im going to so make you pay for that.'

The cogs in her brain set off, churning at a hundred miles an hour. They had another twelve hours of shift, and somehow she was going to make him reget saying that!


Kelly was pissed off. He had got into it with Benny earlier that day against his better judgement, and they had exchanged some pretty rough words over his mom, planning to give Benny another chance.

And as always, he now felt like shit over it, a little voice nagging at him that he may have crossed a line.

"Hey.... Kelly. "

He turned round, his face softening when he saw her. He could use some Stella comfort for his bruised feelings.
She was in shorts and a CFD T, and her face was flushed and bathed in a sheen.

"I've been doing some P.T, and I need to jump in the showers, but I don't want one of the Feds walking in, so can you just give me some cover?"

Even though the fugitive they were after had been apprehended thanks to some help from Casey and Severide, the FBI agents were still about, packing up their equipment and seeming to take a long while to do it.

Kelly was silent, and Stella raised a questioning eyebrow.

" Yes? No?"

"Yeah, sure." His head had moved on from Benny, but he was thinking he could do with losing some of that angst in the shower with her, not standing outside it.
But despite his fondness for testing the rules, he recognized having sex in the shower with his girlfriend while there were a dozen or more federal agents in the building would probably be a step too far, even for them.
He adjusted his pants, his dick reacting to the raunchy images in his head, something Stella didn't miss.
Looking down at the visible fullness in his groin area, she smiled. Yep.. that was exactly the reaction she had been hoping for.

En route to the showers, Stella stopped by her locker and made Kelly stand guard while she kicked off her sneakers, pulled off her T and then shorts, making sure her boyfriend, the 'important person,' got an eyeful of her clothes being removed and dropped on the floor around her feet. Kelly swallowed back a curse, his breath hitching, trying to focus on whether anyone was heading their way but not able to stop and look over his shoulder at the expanses of flesh coming into view Jesus! Her bra came off, her breasts, firm and proud taunting him.
Did she just slide a palm over her nipple? For a second, it crossed his mind that maybe she was teasing him, but then he thought, no, he couldn't see her doing that with all these strangers overunning the place.

But Kelly had misjudged Stella because right now, she was doing a really good job of pretending she was oblivious to him sending hungry looks her way.

"Make sure you stand outside the stall, in case they come this way...."

She pulled open the shower curtain, unhitched her towel, and handed it to him while he stood there staring at her naked body.

"Yeah... But..." Kelly began.

The next second, she yanked the curtain closed, leaving him alone with his imagination.

Stella smiled, pleased with herself, turning the water on gasping with pleasure when the warm water hit her skin.

" Oh, the water feels good!" She called out.

Great! Kelly frowned miserably. He was glad the water was having more luck than him! They had had sex in the 51 showers before now, a few times and thinking about those occassions now was not helping the tightening of his balls.

Kelly spent several minutes with his hands in his pockets...trying first to whistle a tune and then count backwards from 100, anything to distract him from the visions of his naked girlfriend behind the curtain. Just as he got to number 28, he heard a low buzzing noise start behind the shower curtain. What was that?


"Stella? "

"Yeah, babe....I'll just be a few more minutes." She answered, sounding a little breathless. Mmmmm...uhhhĥ..."

"What are you doing?!"

The buzzing noise continued.


What the fuck? She sounded like she was....

He yanked open the curtain, and Stella stood there leaning against the tiles with a glazed look on her face.


Shrugging helplessly, Stella held up the vibrator that she had raced out to buy from the adult store and hid discreetly in her washbag.

"Sorry......Important person...... stuff......" She murmured in her post orgasm voice, which made his mouth go dry.

Lieutenant Kelly Severide didn't know whether to laugh at his girlfriend's humorous ingenuity or cry that he was going to get no similar relief until at least after the end of shift.

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