Don't Ever Let It End

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A White Knuckle Panic..

S9 Ep 15..

It's the chapter after THAT proposal... the one that had the entire fandom screaming in joy! ....

This is what they did next....

For severideKidd/ Romanogers Stucky Forever..... AND us......


So this is how it felt like when you got engaged. Properly engaged with a proposal. A heady tumbling and flip flopping of her heartbeat inside her chest, or was her heart flip flopping between her chest and her mouth? Because it really felt like she couldn't stop smiling. It hadn't been like this with Grant. In fact, they hadn't had an engagement at all. Just a hastily arranged licence and County Court wedding, with her cheap bouquet of flowers and a closeout dress.

Sylvie gave Stella a curious look as the PIC came out of the showers and had opened her mouth to say something, but Stella was lost in some kind of daydream and didn't even seem to notice her as she zipped up her bag and slung it over her shoulder.

"See you next shift, Stella." Sylvie said to her, departing back, shaking her head and smiling as Stella walked out, not even having noticed her.

Kelly had just grabbed his own bag as Stella came round the corner, both of their faces wearing identical smiles, his hand automatically reaching out for her and wrapping his arm around her waist as they walked out of the firehouse at the same time as Casey and Chief Boden were walking out on the forecourt, both unable to miss the way the Squad 3 Lieutenant kissed his girlfriend's head and the private cocoon that they both seemed to be wrapped up in. For a split second, Matt wondered if....


"Let's go get some breakfast. I can hear your tummy rumbling. "

Kelly leaned over in the car, his hand going around the back of her neck, pulling her in towards him.
Their kiss was sweet and gentle, lips just pressing light touches against each other, Stella holding his face with one hand around his cheek, their eyes locked together.

"You really know the way to my heart, I gotta tell you." Her breath was soft. "A marriage proposal and breakfast in the same shift.....It must be my lucky day."

"My lucky day." Turning his lips into her hand, he placed a light kiss into the palm.

"We could stay here all day?" Stella whispered.

Neither of them seemed particularly inclined to move away, just breathing each other in, moment's that were unlike any other they'd ever had between them before.

"We could.... but I would also really like to take my fiancée to breakfast before I take her home ....because I'm not taking any chances with her saying she's hungry for at least the next several hours!"

Stella's face curled into a grin.
"Fiancée! Oh god!!!! I love it!"
Her squeal of delight was a high-pitched shriek, and she would have climbed into his arms if the centre console in the car would have allowed it.

Kelly laughed, blue eyes dancing, drowning in the happiness lighting up the face of the best thing that had ever happened to him.


The Pilich station grill diner had a steady stream of patrons at that time of morning, comuters grabbing breakfast on the go and shift workers, typically first responders, hospital and hotel workers sliding into the leather seated booths post shift, exhausted but knowing they would sleep better with a feed.

Stella was sitting next to him, her thigh joined next to his, her body half turned towards him as he handed her the menu.

Fiancée. It still seemed surreal. Stella would have thought she had dreamt it, and would not have believed it if he wasn't sitting in front of her now, smiling at her in a way that assured her he really had asked her to marry him.

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