I've Got You

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For Stellarideschild.

Post the RPG, Stella is in hospital, and when she is discharged..she still needs some looking after. The bits we didn't see..


Maggie Lockwood stuck her head around the door, and her face softened. Strictly speaking, she should ask Kelly Severide to get off the patients bed, but Maggie was a romantic at heart, and she had seen this firefighter go through too much heartache to begrudge him his need to be close to his wife right now, so she quietly closed the door and left them alone.

Inside the room the monitors were keeping a steady vigil to the side of her, hooked up to her arm and chest, but her husband was carrying out his own, lying half across her, mindful of where the shrapnel had sliced into her, oblivious to his own discomfort, or the tight width of the hospital bed. Kelly had an overwhelming need to be close to her, and this is how he wanted to do it so he could touch her warmth and feel her heartbeat under his fingers.

For Stella, in sleep there was a comforting weight around her, not heavy, but a sense of safety and a familiarity that she was accustomed to, instantly chasing away the shadows that lurked at the pheripherary of her brain.
Her eyes flickered open, surprised by the struggle that simple action required.
It took a few seconds to assimilate where she was, the dim lighting around the hospital room, planned to make her reentry into consciousness a little easier, but the flicker of the stream of light, sparked one of the last memories she had, after those words....

"Take cover!"

A memory spun and respun, a vortex of fear, crashing through her and into a scream that tore from her throat, her fingers clutching at his shirt, eyes wild and round in her face.

"Hey, hey, ......" Hey...."

She stared at him as awareness still struggled to find its way into her brain.

"I've got you.. I've got you...."His face was next to hers, anxiously looking over his shoulder at the monitor, torn between yelling for a doc and holding her shaking body against him.

Slowly, her arms crept around him, and her head buried into his chest, and Kelly held her, muffled sobs disappearing into his chest.


Stella couldn't decide which one of them looked worse, Kelly or her. His face was drawn, his eyes puffy from lack of sleep, and hers wasn't much better when she had glanced in a mirror earlier and seen the dark shadows under her eyes.

"Kelly, you should go home and get some sleep."

"I'm fine. I got some while you were sleeping."

"You can't rest in that chair.."

"Im fine."

He had been with her almost twenty-four seven at Med for the last two days, and he looked exhausted.

"You're so stubborn." Stella was lying with her face turned to one side, with Kelly having pulled his chair nearer to her, resting his head next to hers, so their faces were inches from each other.

His laugh remained trapped in the blueness of a spring sky, his mouth barely moving. "I could say that about someone I know, too."

The wound on her ribs was sore, and she had barely slept, the explosion replaying itself in her dreams until she woke up screaming.

Stella reached out with a finger and traced the outline of his lips. "Did I worry you?"

He didn't need to respond because clouds chased through the blue sky, creating a turbulence that couldn't be mistaken, staying fixed upon hers, varying shades of light, altering the color, and she saw the fear.

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