Mistletoe And Wine

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S10 E10... Winterfest...

So Stella is back from going dark on Kelly....And we all know how they wrote that episode..🙄

But it was Christmas! The season of goodwill and all that...? So shouldn't it have been at least a little festive for them?....


Stella stood back and admired her handywork. This was pretty cool, she thought. The tree was big and full, and totally suited the Loft. The smell of pine scented the apartment, a subtle and fresh smell tickling the nose, and the branches spread out majestically across towards the windows.

In previous Christmas's Kelly had kinda stayed non committal about the whole festive thing, and with both of them on being on shift, they had made do with a token effort of a last minute store bought effort, sporadically decorated with a few baubles.
But this year, she wanted it to be special. For two reasons. Firstly, they were now engaged, and secondly, she had some work to do with their relationship after Boston, and what better way to do that than to make sure they had a really special Christmas. She had never meant her going away to promote Girls On Fire in other States to get out of control the way it had, and it was something she'd regret always, but right now they were here, and together and she was going to prove to him how much she loved him. And more than that, she wanted to build traditions , ones that they would carry forward into the future.
So today while he was out teaching at academy, she had gone to a tree farm as soon as he had left, after talking Gallo and Ritter into going with her and help carry the ten feet purchase up to the Loft, and then spent the day, dressing it with all the baubles and decorations she had been buying from little Christmas markets in Boston and in Chicago.

The sound of a key in the lock alerted her that Kelly was home. She hastily flicked the lights out, and the Loft was shrouded in darkness just before the door opened, with only the evening Chicago buildings offering the combined relief of shadows and ethereal light.

Putting his bag down and shrugging out of his jacket before hanging it up, he glanced around.
He had expected Stella to be at home, disconcerted by the silence and darkness, their recent separation still very raw in his brain.


Relieved, he released a held up breath when she came up behind him and put her arms around his waist.

"Hey. How was your day?" Her murmur fluttered against his ear.

Putting his hands on top of hers to hold her closer, he leaned back a little against her, his heart settling.

"Standard. Couple struggling, but think they'll get there. ... why are all the lights out?"

He turned around in the circle of her arms and brushed a 'hello' kiss over her lips.

"Because I have a surprise for you. Come." Holding his hand, she led him further into the Loft and flipped the switch for the tree lights.

Catching the twinkling lights by the window, his face broke into a surprised smile. Stella stood next to him, watching his reaction.

"What do you think?"

"I love it." He was still smiling.


"Yeah. I do. It looks great."

"Look at the fire trucks."

He stepped closer to where Stella was pointing and started to chuckle at the red fire trucks and the ambo hanging from the branches.

"Where did you find them?"

"At the Christmas market."
She'd gone yesterday with super holiday fiend Sylvie Brett. "Next year, I'm gonna have them personalized with the engine numbers." Stella announced proudly.

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