Saving Water

708 19 3

Buckle up s8 Ep 5

The Burn Notice and the Blind items.

So remember, when Foster thought she had a scoop for the 51 newsletter about 2 2nd shifters taking a shower together?.....And everyone seemed to know.......?
Let's take a spin around the 51 showers and see what's going down.....

As requested by Darling 456...


Her head spun around as cool air hit her body, her mouth opening in surprise, water trickling into her eyes.
Kelly put a finger on his lips, blue eyes twinkling with all kinds of mischief and stepped inside the cubicle, which was fairly stretched for space for one person, let alone two. It was a risky thing he was doing, joining her in the 51 shower but he'd come round the corner and seen her with her towel and toiletries and the devil that often sat on his shoulder gave him a little poke and he hadnt been able to resist the temptation.

And Stella was a girl who had walked into more than her fair share of trouble in her twenty-nine years, and had taken a risk or two herself in her time so when she saw her boyfriend pull back that curtain, she just smiled in playful anticipation because this wasn't the type of bother she was going to say no to.
Her bottom lip disappeared under her two front teeth, her cheeks curving upwards as she reached for him and pulled him under the cascading water.

Kelly pressed her back against the tiled wall, putting one hand up against the wall, his chest grazing nipples, which had automatically sprung up while his eyes casually took a slow route down her wet body.

Trailing a finger down his chest, she watched him from under her dark wet lashes.

"To be honest, I was feeling a little stressed, and this might be just what I need."


Nodding, she pouted a little, drawing circles down his abdomen, inching slowly lower.

His mouth stretched into wickedness, and underneath the drumming of the water, he lowered his head and whispered a string of lewd promises into her ear. Kelly didn't need to second guess himself about what he could do to her with his hands and mouth, and the words he murmured made her shiver despite the hot water.

Leaning in, he tasted the juncture between her neck and shoulder, and then behind her shoulder, licking the skin and water, a heady cocktail that made him irrationally suck the skin harder than he should have, knowing it would mark her. From past mistakes with her, he knew this spot would be out of sight when she was in her uniform. The same spot she had for him, behind his right-hand shoulder.
Her head arched up, a yelp escaping at the bite, but at the same time, her hips moved, encouraging more intimate exploring.

Foster was loving being at firehouse 51. They were a bunch of good people, some crazy personalities, but they had this whole family vibe going on, which was actually really great to be a part of. And yeah, despite the reasons why she was here, she was beginning to really fit in here.
Hanging up her towel up on the shower rod, she turned on the water, humming a little tune to herself.

"Ow!" The yelp of pain came from the stall next to hers, and automatically, her head swizzled in that direction, her medic antennae shooting up.

"Kidd?" It really sounded like her, even over the running water, and given the only other female in the house was Brett, that high-pitched noise definitely wasn't her.

"Y.. Yeah...?" The response was strained.

"You o.k, girl?"

"Yea... uhh.... Yeah.. I ...errr hit my head." Kidd sounded a little out of breath.

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