You've Lost That Loving Feeling

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S8 Ep 19. Light things up.

Some sweet person asked for the missing scene from Cruz's bachelor Party, but I lost their name..🙈😳.....but here it is...


Do you really think it's a good idea? I mean, seriously, who has a bachelor party the night before shift?"

"It'll be fine.... don't worry." Kelly dismissed his girlfriend's reservations and continued to scan through his cell for last nights sports reports.

"Oh, trust me, I'm not worried because I shall be waking up with no hangover, AND having had plenty of sleep."

Kelly put his cell down and rolled over towards her, amused by her holier than thou expression, wrapping an arm under her and pulling her towards him.

"Why do you think we're starting so early? Brunch...A game of golf and a few beers, and we'll be back home in plenty of time for you to kiss me goodnight." Kelly kissed her, his hand snaking under her camisole.

Stella rolled her eyes and stopped his hand and pulled away from him, sitting up cross-legged, detangling her hair with her fingers.

"Cruz doesn't play golf! And nor do you, so I'm betting you sink beers all day, and end up at a strip joint.... or Molly's."

"Number 1. I do play golf! I just haven't for a while. And for your info, I'm actually very good at it! Number 2. The only person I want to see stripping off is you. And number 3. If we end up at Molly's, then I will have seriously failed Cruz."

Stella shrugged carelessly, climbing out of bed while Kelly ogled her ass in her snug black pyjama shorts, which Stella didn't miss. Leaning over him, she whispered.

" How about we have this conversation again this evening, when you're hammered....... at Molly's." She challenged, convinced she was right.

"How about you stop talking and get back in this bed, and we can stop wasting the free couple of hours I have before I go out." Kelly went to grab her wrist, but she snaked away laughing.
"I need to get showered, and unlike you, I have things to do, like visit the dental clinic, and then work this ass at the gym." She gave her butt a tap, but as she left the room, she reached for her camisole and took it off, dropping it on the floor.

"Just in case you do end up at a strip joint, this is what you've got for comparison....." She backed out of the room, winking as she disappeared from his view.

Kelly's face split into a grin, throwing off the sheets, racing after her towards the bathroom.


Twelve hours later, the door to Molly's was flung open amid noise and staggering bodies falling in, everyone inside the bar turning as one towards the sounds of raucous laughter coming from the entrance.

Stella's first instinct had been for her guard to go up against a potential unruly group, and then the next instant, she was shaking her head to Sylvie and Emily, sitting at the bar in front of her, and all three watched open mouthed as the boys from shift two staggered in, all in various states of dishevellement.

Cruz's shirt was undone and hanging out of his pants, red lipstick drawn on his face, which really was not a good look on him, and slung over his shoulders, was a purple velvet coat with a wide fur collar..... but surprisingly, Cruz seemed to be embracing it. And wait....was he carrying a gold colored cane?! A pimp stick?!

"Oh my god..." Stella groaned as they all stumbled forward, headed by her boyfriend, who grinned at her, glazed blue eyes pretty much declaring his lack of sobriety.

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