At Last

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For micexposito.... ❤️
Because we needed this...


People talk about that moment when you first see your bride, in her dress and the feeling that you get. In the pit of your stomach. And that's exactly how it had been when she had started to walk towards him. Like a sucker punch of overwhelming emotion, and he thought helplessly that he might cry. The world and everything in it had faded away, and all he could see was her. The things they had been through together to get here. This was it. The person he had been waiting for his entire life, some kind of ethereal vision in her dress, who stole his breath. And she had chosen him, and that was the greatest privilege of all.

Could you die from happiness, she wondered, her hand clasped tightly inside his, feeling him rubbing his thumb on her new wedding band.
Because right now, she honestly thought that she was going to combust from joy, the smile on her face so wide that she thought her cheeks would split!
And her husband's smile was equally wide. Her husband! Husband! Oh my god, she could scarcely believe that they had done it. Married! All their previous plans thrown to one side and instead a hasty last-minute wedding with all of the shift coming together as the wedding planners. And even though a few hours ago it hadn't seemed like it was going to happen, the ring was on her finger, and she was Kelly's wife. At last.

They were standing in the steering room on the boat, taking a breath, just looking at each other, wide-eyed.

"What are you thinking, Mrs Severide?"

Stella couldn't help but squeal. "Oh, I really love hearing you say that!" Putting her hand on his cheek, she stared into his eyes.
"God, I love you. That's what I was thinking."

Kelly nodded, in that understated way he had of doing, telling her, he was thinking the same thing about her, all the while an acute awareness of the unfamiliar but special kind of security afforded by his own wedding band. The kind of security that meant that his heart was at last safe, in the keeping of the most beautiful human being he had ever met. It was a really good feeling, he decided.

Behind them on the boat all their friends, no, 'their family', were waiting excitedly for them, patiently allowing them these couple of moments just to themselves to process the monumental thing they had just done.

"Shall we?" The crinkles around his eyes deepened in the diffused light of the small space, and this time it was she who nodded, a fullness in her being, that transcended everything that had come before it.
Every girl has a dream, and Kelly Severide had been hers. It had just taken a lot in between for her to find her way to him. She squeezed his hand.

"Yeah. Let's do this."

Planting a kiss on her mouth, Kelly turned and led her into the crowd, his body unconsciously shielding her as the rainfall of paper confetti fell upon them amidst loud cheers and clapping, whoops and stamping of feet, for the new Mr and Mrs Severide.

And then they were in the center of a group hug, arms around each other kisses, smiles, but more than all of that, love.

"Honey!!! I'm soooooooo happy for you!!" Sylvie's delighted scream tore through the cacophony of noise, and Stella homed in on the cerise pink dress of the girl who had become her best friend.
The girls threw their arms around each other, both hugging in the way girls do, the evenings of shared bottles of wine and tears, half drunk ramblings of hurting hearts, far away.
Behind them, Violet and Kylie sandwiched them in for some 51 girl love.

"Congratulations, boss!" Cruz grabbed Kelly's hand and squeezed it. "For a while there, we didn't think we'd see a wedding today, but you did it!" Alongside him, Capp and Tony awaited their turn to offer their congratulations to the man who led them each shift, Tony unassuming and quiet and Capp, with his trademark mischevious, grin.

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