The Perfect Christmas Gift

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For those who asked....
A sequel to the last chapter...🎄🎅


Stella had been fixated on the 6-inch box, lying under the tree on top of a pile of others, for the last several minutes. The wrapping was the same as all the others, holiday green, with gold embossed ivy leaves, and a little gold ribbon tied into a bow. But that ten dollar carton could pretty much change their lives in three minutes.  Her mouth went suddenly very dry, and a hundred butterflies started to perform acrobatics inside her stomach.

"Brunch is up."

Startling Stella from her thoughts, Kelly held up a plate to her. Nodding, she stood up but then hesitated, glancing at first the tree and then at her husband. When should she give it to him? Now? About to take a step towards the tree, she stopped. Maybe they should eat first. Otherwise, all the food he prepared would go cold....Chewing her lip, she stood rooted to the spot.


Caught in several different minds, Stella's escalating nerves got the better of her, and she turned away from the tree and headed for the dining table, where Kelly was waiting  for her.

"Where's your glass? Carrying a bottle of champagne and carton of orange juice towards the table, he looked over his shoulder at her.

"Oh, I.... I'm good, thanks. " Holding up her full glass, her forced smile was anything but convincing that she was good about anything, right now.

"You didn't drink any? Too much orange..?" He teased.

"No... No..... I got sidetracked..." Averting her eyes, she sat down at the table, putting her glass down on the table and stared at the plate of eggs benedict, the eggs perfect, the hollaindaise smooth and the bacon,  crispy  just how she liked it. "This looks delicious, babe."
But what she was really thinking was that she might hurl with the nerves that were very quickly reducing her insides to jello and even the perfectly prepared plate of food in front of her was not affording much of a temptation. She gave herself a mental shake. What on earth was wrong with her?! It was a pregnancy test, and Kelly hated surprises, an inner voice reminded her. What if he didn't like this way of finding out he may be becoming a dad! What if he didn't want to have a baby at all?! Stella's palms turned clammy, and she was sure the color drained from her face.  She hadn't thought this festive surprise through. She realized panic stricken. She should give him some warning, shouldn't she?

"Happy Christmas, honey."

Kelly raised his glass, smiling at her, his blue eyes softly tender, and Stella swallowed back a sob. She was being ridiculous. Of course, Kelly wanted a baby. Stella knew that because she had overheard him on the phone to Casey, telling him that he couldn't wait for them to start a family. That had been just over three months ago, and Stella herself had been thinking the same thing. She'd been Lieutenant three years now, so she was happy with where her career was, and her maternal instincts had been kicking in for a while now. Kelly's response when she had broached the subject with him was a grin as wide as the Chicago river, scooping her into his arms and carrying her into the bedroom insisting they start trying straight away and afterwards reaching for her packet of birth control pills from the nightstand and throwing them in the trash.

"Happy  Christmas, baby." She raised her glass in his direction before putting it back down.

She took a fork and put it into the eggs, but her appetite had completely desserted her.

"No good?" Kelly asked, disappointed with the way she was staring at her plate, and Stella returned his look blankly. "O.k. You're acting weird. What's wrong?" Putting his glass down, he scrutinised her face.

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