Lieutenant Kidd

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Magenta Gold requested an extended scene to when Pelham told Stella she could stay at 51 as Lieutenant. To be honest, I didn't know for a long while where I wanted the scene to go, and then in my head, Stella said to Kelly, 'we should do something to celebrate.' Well, Chicago is a big city, and there's always something special to do......
I really think we all need a Kelly Severide in our lives... 😉

Thank you, Pinkliberty.... For making sense of what I wanted to say and showing me the woods behind all the trees... ❤️


Wallace Boden inclined his head at her from across the bar, confirming what Pelham had just told her, a small smile on his face, and tempering his own delight. He was overjoyed to be keeping Kidd, and as much as he liked and respected Pelham, Stella Kidd was part of the 51 family, and one of the joys of his career had been watching her growth so far and as his protégé he was equally keen to see how she would step up into the Lieutenant's role.

Stella still couldn't quite believe that Pelham had given up truck 81 to her. Wow! Wow!

"Oh my god, Kelly! I wish you had been here when he told me! It's like all my dreams are coming true!"
Stella had run to the kitchen in Molly's to call him.

The one person that she had really, really wanted to share this news with , had been practising drills, and Stella was beside herself because he hadn't been there.

Kelly was smiling as Stella almost hyperventilated on the other end of her cell, eyes wide, barely able to stand still. It was definitely one of those 'Stella, breathe' moments.

"I thought I was all your dreams come true." He teased, getting into his car.

"Well, that goes without saying, duh!"
She rolled her eyes and blew a kiss through the screen. " But now I get to see you every shift at 51 too!"

He nodded in that understated way he did when quietly indulging her excitement.

"It's a pretty great thing Pelham has done for you."

"I know, right?! We need to do something to celebrate!"

"Uh... I can think of one way....when I get you home?" Kelly offered, and Stella giggled, thinking that wasn't a bad idea at all given her number one most favorite past time of all time was getting laid by her fiance.

"Well, I still have nearly two hours working the bar before you can think of doing anything to me!"

Twenty minutes later, she got another surprise when Hermann came up behind her just as Kelly walked in, telling her that he was happy for her to bail early and make a getaway.


"Yeah.... go on, get outta here...It's pretty dead tonight.. and guess you deserve it tonight!" Hermann gestured towards the door. "Before I change my mind!"
Not waiting to be told twice, Stella ran to grab her jacket, Hermann catching Kelly's eye and winking. Kelly held his thumb up in a discreet gesture of thanks and headed towards the door with his hand in Stella's.


"Hey, where're we going?" They had passed the exit that would take them towards the Loft.

" I thought you said we should go and celebrate, Lieutenant Kidd?" Kelly said, continuing to drive in the opposite direction to home.


"Yeah.... I have an idea. " But he continued to remain secretive even under Stella's non-stop interrogation unti he pulled down East Solidarity drive and towards the lake shore.

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