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Ava's P.O.V

Ten minutes ago I was peacefully curled up in Stacey's comfortable bed enjoying my sweet slumber. Then I was literally dragged out of bed by both Stacey and my ever so loving mother.

"Come on get up sleepy head. Here drink some coffee." She sang handing me a warm cup of pumpkin spice coffee while driving way over the speed limit.
"Today's Sunday please inform me way I have to be up at the crack of dawn mother?"I asked lazily doing very little to hide my annoyance while taking slow sips of my wonderful coffee. "Ava it's almost lunch time and I just wanted my baby home is that wrong?" She asked guilt tripping me. Something she was very good at must I add.

"Oh." was all I could say yet somewhere in my head I knew her actions had much more behind them than what she was trying to sell me at the moment but I allowed it to slide for now using the time to enjoy my coffee and breakfast muffin she thoughtfully bought for me. Pulling into our drive way a very familiar black car sat on the curb. "He's in the house isn't he?" My question sounding more like a statement. "Yes he is. He's really cute Berry...," I climbed out of the car walking away from my babbling mother. I didn't want to hear her swoon over the person who most likely is going to break my heart officially in the next hour. All different scenarios were swirling around my mind. What he was going to say to break things off.

Something along the lines of, "Its not you it's me, I'm hopelessly in love with Candy. I'm really sorry I couldn't love you Ava- Marie." I felt bile slowly rise in my throat just thinking about it. "You okay berry?" My mother asked while climbing out of the car while I just stood steering blankly at our dark brown front door. If I was in one of those cartoons you looked at on Saturday mornings as a kid my face would be green at this moment. "The door wasn't locked hunny." She said opening it and walking in leaving me glued to my spot. Fair racked my entire body, this was crazy! I was afraid to enter my own house. Mustering up enough courage I finally stepped into the foray of my home. Two steps, they took more energy and effort than they should. Standing completely still I listened hard. The only movement came from the kitchen where my mother was busy doing whatever she was doing.

With a frustrated huff I marched in the direction of my room. A large spark of confidence surged through my entire body, but sadly it died as quickly as it came. Once my eyes landed on the sight. He just stood across my room looking at me expectantly. I wanted to run, my breathing became urgent as though I just ran a marathon. The air around me started to feel extremely hot. While I was having a mini panic attack he just stood there. Calm, cool and collected. A foreign emotion gleamed in his ocean blue eyes though. Looking into his calm oceanic orbs I slowly started to calm down. We just stood there, looking at each other. Time seemed to freeze.And then reality came crashing in, at least for me. Causing me to snap out of my trance I seemed to slip into by simply looking at the idiot. Mustering up all my courage I tried to create a proper sentence hoping that I would be able to get it off my lips.

He was going to hurt me, I knew that ever since he said he wanted me. But I willingly gave into the idea, constantly convincing myself that we could be different. That he wouldn't do that to me. He said he wouldn't. He promised. Then my grandfather's words rang through my head. "A promise is a comfort to a fool." In this situation I was the fool. I found comfort in his empty promises. I allowed myself to fall. And now that I was looking face first at the ground bracing myself for the brute force of the impact which was going to rip through me and leave me useless. I regretted it. I regretted ever believing. I regretted every blissful kiss, every gentle caress, every moment we ever shared.

If I had the power I would take it all back. Return things to how they were before Bentley Johnson crashed into my life changing everything. With my thoughts assaulting me emotionally my heart felt as though it was slowly cracking.

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