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Authors Note! (Please read)

Okay so I'm very sorry but I really don't know why but the chapter I just updated is the rough sketch instead of my revised edited version. Plus for like the past three or how much ever chapters none of the pictures I put up are showing and it's really frustrating. (I didn't mean to rant but) SO- I'm going to delete the chapter I just posted and post up the edited one. 

GOOD NEWS!!!!! (And I am so excited anyhow)

So I started working onnnnnnnnnnnnn THE SEQUEL!!!!

and I'm even more excited (just a smidge) On my new book.  I Literally got the idea while sitting in my room listening to Shawn Mendez (I love his music <3) YAh! So the title and the discription i would post it up maybe tomorrow along with the sequel's description (yah never know ;) )

Idk if it's not obvious but I'm supper hyper atm!!

Question and Answer??!!

What is your favourite sweet?

My answer- I don't have one cuz i love me some sweets!! But i do love kit kat, i love gummy bears and gummy sharks ( the blue one) i don't know if it makes a difference if it's a bear or shark though but any how i love those.

Please comment your answers although i may or may not delete this u could always comment of the new chapter. Bye for now my lovely readers. 


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