❄️Progress? (2)❄️

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Bentley's P.O.V

After practice I walked off the field showered and changed, then I walked into the building heading towards the library. Which made me think, comparing Ava to my ex girlfriend who by the way is Candy. yeah I know I said it was nothing serious but at least to me it was all about sex. I mean I don't really think she classifies as a girlfriend but we had a few flings. Lets just say if I had a 'problem' she was the girl I called to fix it.

Ava is totally different. For starters she's really smart while the only thing Candy could memorize is maybe the brand of make up she used per day. Ava's naturally beautiful, she's genuine, this list could go on forever to be honest she was everything I have ever wanted in a girl of my own. Incomparable to all the others she is what I think perfection is.

Walking into the library my eyes automatically feel on a black haired beauty who may I add looked quite studious at the moment. I stood at the table for a while just admiring her before I decided to speak not wanting to look like a freak. "Ready?" I asked softly which caused her eyes to snap in my direction. "Yes." she said while gathering all her stuff and putting them into her bag.

Walking out of the library together I couldn't help but feel as though we were one step closer to being a couple. I'll call it progress even though we had a thousand steps ahead of us before we were an item we were moving in the right direction at least I hope we were.Before the four weeks are over Ava-Marie will me my official girlfriend. Sounds like wishful thinking; which it was. I don't even know if she's attracted to me or would even give me the time of day if I asked her out but there was only one way for me to find out and that was to try.

Walking out of school into the parking lot I opened my all white Mercedes Benz G-class SUV and walked around opening the passenger door for Ava. " Nice car or and ...by the way your shirt is on backwards." she said softly which caused my checks to instantly turn hot and red. Taking off my black and white nike t- shirt I put it on the correct way while making sure to gave Ava a good view of my abs that's what girls like to see right?

Ava makes me feel like a love sick puppy yet I wouldn't change that feeling for anything in the world. Hopping into the driver seat of my truck I started the half an hour drive to my home. If that's what I could call it seeing that it felt nothing like home should feel just a cold house.


Ava's P.O.V

Ten minutes into the awfully silent ride over to Bentley's house I attempted to distract myself from my nerves by looking out the window at the lush vegetation. I will admit that I used those ten minutes to reflect on his perfect tan beach board abs. He just keeps getting sexier by the minute if that's even possible at this point and that's when I heard it. My all time favorite song playing on the radio Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood which always seems to brighten my mood when I hear it. Mentally singing along to my jam I allowed the music to take me away.

"Ava wake up." Bentley said softly. Sitting up in my seat my eyes increased in size just a bit due to what stood before me. I mean I knew in Richwood there were rich people but I've never seen a house this big. This house made most, if not all the rich people in Richwood look poor and compared to my house it makes my mother and I look homeless. My house could easily get lost in this monstrosity without even trying.

Taking off the car Bentley came out the car and before I could even open my door he was at my side of the car taking my bag even after I'd turn down his help. The inside of the house looked as though it was taken straight out of a luxurious magazine. Glossy white marble floors, crystal chandeliers, art which looked like it coast a fortune. You didn't really have to put much thought into knowing the art was pricey both because of its detail and the house it say in. All in all the house was poche to say the least. "Ben, Benny is that you ?!?" a female voice shouted I'm guessing which belonged to his mother.

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