❄️Morning after❄️

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Ava's P.O.V

Rolling over my rested eyes flickered open. The morning sun seeped threw my bedroom window casting a warm glow across the room. Sitting up in my empty bed images of last night flooded my memory. Both Bentley and I's clothes scattered across my bedroom floor confirmed that the memories were in fact real and not a dream.
A goofy smile manipulated the muscles of my face.

Climbing out of bed the smile was instantly knocked off I was completely sore. Every muscle below my waist ached. It's as if I did extreme exercise yesterday which thinking about it I guess I did.

Awkwardly waddling over to my bathroom I took a long relaxing bath. The extremely hot water helping to loosen up my tense muscles. Getting out of the bathroom after my half an hour bath I did my other hygiene stuff. I threw on a pair of yoga pants and a grey Nike sweater. Walking into the kitchen there stood a very busy Bentley in all his shirtless glory. His muscles flexed as he expertly mixed whatever he was cooking.

Vertical red marks on his back which were caused by me clawing my nails into his back were on full display. The memory caused my face to flair an instant blush taking over. Thank God I'm too dark to see the color change.
Tired of standing awkwardly in the corner of the kitchen I snapped out of my day dream and fully walked into the kitchen. "Good morning." I squeaked. Walking over I took a seat at the island which is really small compared to the one at Bentley's house.

I don't think I should even compare anything at my house to anything at his because the size difference is mega. "Mon amour bonjours," he said huskily. A sly smirk slowly taking over, his blue eyes fixed on mine patiently waiting for my reaction. My reaction to my shirtless boyfriend. Who has been gifted with the body of a Greek God. Who is making stirring batter of some sort sexual and just spoke to me in I'm guessing French. Honestly I don't know what he just said but the entire combination is extremely sexy.

My breathing becomes ragged and a breathy whimper left my parted lips. While Bentley simply stood looking at me like a predator looking at its prey. A devilish smile caressed his features revealing his perfectly straight pearly white teeth."You're so responsive, I love it." He said huskily. A thick silence fell over us the air filled with tension. I'm guessing it's sexual and I'm confused. Is this even normal he just got me all hot and bothered with three simple words whispered in a foreign language.

The sound of Bentley's ringtone sliced through the thick silence putting a temporary halt to my senseless internal debate. "What." He barked quite rudely must I add. The conversation seemed to be a one sided one with a quick okay he hung up. His once cool and collected appearance fell replaced by one of stress and panic. "We have to go to the hospital now." He said before running out of the kitchen and up to the step while repeatedly reciting a chorus of 'fuck's'.

Quite confused I slowly walked over slipping on a pair of my old black and white Chuck Taylor's. I stood at the front door waiting for the return of a distressed Bentley. Although I wanted to ask what happened and why I had to come I opted to remain silent. Rushing out the house we now sat in his all black Lamborghini as he sped down the high way towards the hospital. Then a disgusting thought crept into my sub-conscience ... his mother's at the hospital. His reaction to the call only made sense. God I hope she's okay.

The silence and uncertainty floated through the cramped space of the car. Bentley's eyes never left the road as he sped with his destination in mind his hands tightly clutching the leather staring wheel. His knuckles in turn turning a pale white, his jaw muscles constantly flexing. Screeching to a stop at the emergency entrance he literally jumped out of the car while I scrabbled out trying to keep up with his explosive movements. I don't even think how he parked is legal but now isn't the time to think about parking laws his mother could be dying.

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