❄️A new begining❄️

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Ava's P.O.V

My heart accelerated ten folds rocking my rib cage as though it wanted to escape. I don't blame it I was way over my head. Taking a calming breath I allowed my brown eyes to asses it's reflection in the mirror. "You look beautiful buttermilk." Stacey complemented me before leaving the room.

Wiping my clammy hands on the ivory material that covered my body I turned away from the huge mirror. It was true I looked good, my make up was in place and my hair was beautifully combed in its natural curly state in an up do. The sweetheart neckline satin material dress molded my body perfectly. Although the color I chose did cause a bit of trouble at first I guess even though most of what my grandmother said to me the last time I saw her was way out of line she was right by saying I shouldn't wear white to my wedding.

"You ready sugar?" Ky asked stepping fully in the room in his ivory dress shirt and three quarter dress pants. "Yes." I answered shortly before interlocking our arms together leaving the room. I chose Ky to give me away because he as well as the rest of Bentley's friends has always been there for the both of us whenever we needed them. That and the fact that he begged me for weeks also helped me make my decision. "You look beautiful so lift your head." He whispered as we walked down the candle lit sandy path.

The cool sand caressed my bare feet while the Caribbean sun hung low in the faded blue skies as if kissing the skies goodbye. Looking in front of me stood the man who thought me to love. Standing with his hands in his suit pocket his blue eyes that I knew so well lovingly looked into mine. His blonde hair was actually neatly combed which I'm pretty sure was Stacey's doing. At first I thought that having everybody I loved at my wedding wasn't possible yet now standing where I am it seems that I was always surrounded by the people who truly loved me and that was more than I could have ever asked for and is all I'll ever need.

To my left Stacey sat with our daughters who were now one who she struggled to keep seated. Both dressed in matching white and gold dresses they looked adorable. Standing next to Bentley were Ryan, Kevin and Jake seeing that they were all his best men seeing that the title of best man almost caused World War 3 it only made sense to have four. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen today I've been given the great honor of joining these two beautiful people in holy matrimony." The priest said looking between Bentley and I.


Bentley's P.O.V

"I Bentley Johnson take Ava-Marie to be my lawfully wedded wife." I said gazing into her beautiful dark brown eyes as the setting sun casted an orange glow onto her face. "Ava wanted to do her own vows go ahead love." The priest said sending an encouraging smile her way. We talked about writing our own vows which we decided against. "I know what you're thinking but I just wanted to say that I love you with all of me and I have no doubt that you're the one for me. I promise to be honest and compassionate. I will always be by your side when you need me even if you need to get something about work off your chest I know nothing about at three in the morning I'll try my best to stay awake to listen to you. I'd be the best wife and mother that I could be to you and our children. Just like the moon, I'll make any compromise so that you'll be happy. I look forward to our new beginning Bentley." She concluded a single tear sliding down her cheek. It was crazy that she quoted the story about the sun and the moon my mother loved to tell me growing up. I guess she had time to tell Ava the story before she left.

"Ava do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest finally asked. "I do." She said smiling largely. "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride." He said in his thick Caribbean accent. Pulling Ava's body to mine I gently molded my lips against hers enjoying the feel of my wife's lips against mine. "I love you Mrs. Johnson." I said before lightly pecking her pink lips. "And I love you Mr.Johnson." She replied before using her thumb to remove her lip gloss off my lips. Truth is I'm just going to be getting her lip gloss on my lips all day plus I'd like to think that the color looked good on both of us.

"Now we party!" Kevin screamed running from under the tent that the alter was under. Grabbing my wife's hand we casually made our way down the private beach while the kids and the others went back to the house. "I thought I made it clear that I didn't need another ring this one's even bigger than the first one." Ava fussed looking down at the diamond ring that now symbolized that we were married. "I know but I thought that you deserved a bigger one and in my defense we also decide not to write our own vows because somebody said that she was too shy." I said pulling her body to mine just how I liked it. "I know but I thought I owed you after what I put you through not wanting a wedding and all." She explained averting her eyes from mine to the sand.

"Baby you owe me nothing. We are now married and by the way you look absolutely breathtaking you just need to remember that no matter what we go through I grow to love you even more everyday." I said before capturing her lips in a soft passionate kiss. "Now we have a plane to catch in a few hours so go spend time with the kids and the others." I said looking down at her flustered face. "Why do we need a honeymoon we are already on a beautiful private island." She sighed looking up at me, I knew that she was anxious about being away from the girls this being the first time she'd gone anywhere without them for more than a few hours. "Well the island isn't really that private seeing that the kids and all our friends are here. It's only for a few days and you're going to love it trust me." I said before lightly losing her before we walked back to the beach front house that we were staying in.


"So we are staying here until tomorrow and the guys and I are babysitting the girls for a week, mostly me but I got it Bentley don't worry." Stacey said irritated that it was the tenth time I asked her to repeat her words. "Da!" Tyler screamed running towards Stacey and I. "Yes princess?" I asked lifting the oldest of my one and a half year old twins off the floor. "I sleepy." She said rubbing her eyes. "Well let's get you changed and in bed." I said carrying her upstairs to the master bedroom where Ava was already giving Skyler a bath. "Let's get you in with your sister." I said causing her to hold on tighter to my neck. "No." She said tightening her grip on my shirt.

"She doesn't want to bathe that's why she came to you." Ava said taking a tired Skyler out of the tub. "Okay how about you just brush your teeth and change then go to bed?" I bargained with my grumpy daughter my words earning me a nod before she reluctantly loosened her grip allowing me to place her in front of the sink where I brushed her teeth. After successfully dressing her in her pjs I put her in the king sized bed next to her sleeping sister kissing them both good night. " I love you princess." I mumbled kissing her one last time before leaving the room.


"Where are we going? And why couldn't we bring the girls?" Ava asked as we sat in the jet as it took off. "We didn't bring the girls because then it wouldn't be a honeymoon baby and I'm taking you somewhere you once said you've always wanted to go." I answered before kissing her on her temple. "Paris?" She asked excitedly a huge smile taking over her worried expression. It was the first time that she was going to be away from the girls for a long period of time so her worry was understandable but we left them in good hands. People we trusted and I also hired a nanny to look after all seven of them because truthfully they're all big babies with the exception of the two toddlers.

"Yes baby Paris." I said pulling my wife so she now straddled my waist. She needed to get her mind off worrying about the girls and I was willing to do that for the next twelve hours we had on this plane the best way I knew how.



Ladies and gentlemen that was our last chapter 😢
I hope you guys enjoyed it. I just want to say thank you all for reading this book and the sequel would be up soon I'll give you guys a few days to read this chapter first though. I'll post another chapter on this book telling you when it's up.

Question & Answer

Q- what was your favorite chapter of stereotypical love?
A- I'll have to admit that I love all the chapters and enjoyed writing everyone even when it became stressful.

Stereotypical Love(BWWM/Interracial)Where stories live. Discover now