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Ava's P.O.V

He looked deep into my eyes with darkened pupils and whispered, "I love you Ava-Marie." He said it with so much conviction that I almost believed him. Standing straight unwinding my body from against his and from his embrace I answered his statement simply.

"No you don't Bentley." Walking into the pouring rain I entered the awaiting cab leaving behind a confused and maybe hurt Bentley.


Standing waiting for someone, anyone to answer the door the rain took full advantage brutally assaulting me with every patter. I welcomed it with open arms though. It reflected exactly how I felt emotionally. Each rain drop only added to my completely soaked attire leaving me cold and broken.
Not from the constant patter of the rain drops but something. What exactly the something was I didn't know.

"Oh Hi Hunny." Mrs. K greeted cheerily although it was almost midnight welcoming me into her home knocking me out of my trance. "She's in her room." She instructed simply before disappearing. With a huff I walked over to the only door in the house which was spray painted black...because the color white was too 'boring'. Standing in the door frame awkwardly my mouth felt wired shut.
"Hi." I chocked out nervously not quite knowing what to expect.

"Well it took you long enough! We aren't going to the the whole sappy thing. I forgive you blah blah blah . Go change and then our crash sleepover shall begin." Stacey said a dazzling smile adorned her features. Her smile allowed me to temporarily forget about my problems- whatever they were. And that's exactly what I was going to do. I was going to forget about my problems. At least for tonight. After changing and drying my thick unruly hair as best as I could I crawled into bed beside my widely awake best friend. "So as a I'm sorry Stacey present we're going to watch Girls gone wild." She said a huge boyish grin taking over her features.

"That's basically porn Stacey eww. How about we watch uhhh... The note book." I said after a while.
"And lady's and gentlemen the Virgin Mary has returned!" She screamed dramatically spreading her arms. The word virgin alone caused my face to instantly heat up. Looking away I started softly tugging at my hair one of the many things I do when I'm nervous. "No!?!" She whisper yelled although we both knew nobody was listening to our conversation.

Not trusting my voice at the moment I simply decided to nod my head giving her the answer. Her mouth going into the shape of a 'O'. "I want every single detail Ava Marie and here I was thinking you were going to die a virgin with one hundred and one cats. Not that I find anything wrong with such a lifestyle if you were considering." She said laughing at her idiotic joke by herself sobering up she sat quietly looking at me expectantly. I remained completely silent Bentley and I never really talked about if we could or couldn't talk about our sex life.

Heck a few hours ago I didn't have a sex life to talk about."Oh it was that bad huh don't worry it'll get better." She said patting my shoulder as if it were encouragement. "We separate for only twenty four hours and THAT happens." Her voice slowly fading as I unnoticeably started slipping into a coma like state. The last thought that crossed my mind was that a lot could change in twenty four hours and sadly a lot did change.

The changes casted what looked like a dark pregnant cloud that only now started to rain. Her pain and turmoil passing on to me through her ever so generous amount of rain fall.


Bentley's P.O.V

Everything was spinning, the screeching sound rocked through every cell of my body. Never had one line meant so much and now it was flat.        Dead.
The word didn't make sense to me. I refused to allow what laid before me to sink in. Doctors and nurses rushed into the room pushing me aside desperately trying to put life back into her. It wasn't possible I'm guessing, "Time of death 3:45am." a nurse said in a disappointed voice. The words spoken by the pudgy mature lady engulfed me. She was so tiny innocence shined in her pale deathly skin.

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