❄️The worst❄️

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Bentley's P.O.V

Ava was rushed to the hospital approximately three hours ago and I just sat here. Staring into space. It was the first time I've been back to the hospital since everything with my mom. I hate hospitals from the pale white walls to the sickening smell of germicides and disinfectant that hung in the air. Less than a week ago I sat in this very hospital and looked at my mother take her last breath. Now I sat waiting news on the love of my life and my unborn child. Life isn't fair. "Oh my God what happened." A flustered Stacey ran into the waiting room followed closely by Jake, Ryan and Ky. With a sigh I just sat there opting to say nothing. I couldn't loose two people no three people I loved more than anything all at once in the space of two weeks.

I think I dealt better with my mother's death because I knew I had Ava now all I do know is that I'm not strong enough. I was never strong enough."Bentley gosh you're such an ass! What.happened.to.my.best friend?" She asked shouting in front of me. "Look Stacey I'm not in the mood for your shit so sit your fucking ass down, shut the hell up and wait to hear from the doctors because I don't know what happened or what is happening." I said all my emotions coming out as anger at that moment. Silently walking away she found a seat furthest away from me. "And that my friends is how you tame a wild beast." Jake commented on the scene I just caused. Thankfully though we were the only ones in the waiting room. Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days as I sat there waiting.

Sometime after a doctor finally emerged from the emergency surgery room. Shooting up from my seat I agitatedly walked towards the grey headed man. Before a word could come out of the doctor's mouth Stacey was right beside me. "She just came out of surgery, she lost a lot of blood but we got her in the right time. The baby is fine and healthy. She hit her head really hard though she's in a coma." He explained looking at his clip board. I didn't know which reaction I should go with, part of me was happy that the baby was okay and then the other part of me was panicking about the whole coma thing. "W.wwhen is she going to wake up?" I stuttered not even recognizing my own voice. "It all depends could be some hours, days, months it all depends on her really." He said trying to convince me which didn't work . "Could we see her?" I asked my voice thick with emotion. "The nurses are running a few more tests and changing her when they're done they'll tell you when you could come in." He said to which I replied with a quick thanks before he disappeared down the endless white halls. "Baby?" Stacey asked looking stunned.

SHIT! Ava said she didn't want them, well especially Stacey to know after her behavior earlier today. Plopping down on the hard plastic chair I just ignored her. Ryan, Ky and Jake had proud smiles on their face while well Stacey I don't even know she was still processing. "Bentley!!!" She shouted yet again. "Stacey you really need to stop shouting at me I swear." I said massaging my temples she was going to be the cause of a migraine which I could already feel forming. "Well?" She asked expectantly. "Well what?" I asked playing dumb. "Ava's pregnant. That's why she was acting so weird these past months. That's why she was so protective over the hia girl." She thought out loud. "Gia." I corrected her. "Whatever. You knew?" She asked me. "Stacey I am the one who got her pregnant I think I'd be the first to find out." I answered irritated. "And you dumb asses ?" She asked the guys. "We kinda figured it out." Ky said which caused me to snort. I guess what he meant was Jake and Ryan figured it out and told him. "She gained weight, she was having mood swings plus she wanted ice cream randomly. Half of Ava's behavior lately screamed pregnant or crazy either one." Ryan's said which caused me to smile.

"I can't wait to see the baby he's going to be sexy. Could we name him?" Ky asked. "No." I answered simply. "I can't believe this! I said all those mean things this morning about pregnant people and well that Gia girl. Gosh Ava most likely hates me." She said to no one in particular. "Yes, yes she does." I said feeling a bit vindictive I mean she did get Ava all worked up this morning so I guess we're even now. Plus Stacey is pretty much the baddest meanest girl I know so my comment isn't going to do much to her right? Wrong! Soft sobs were heard coming from her looking around at the guys they looked at me the same way I was looking at them. Stacey isn't a normal girl if you know what I mean. Do you try to comfort her or just leave her to figure it out herself? Choosing to do the latter I silently got up and walked out of the waiting room to get some fresh air. "Ben is she okay I heard what happened the principal called and." Barbra spoke out of breath I'm guessing she ran from the car to here which is hella lot for Barbra seeing that she hates to exercise. "She's okay I guess she's in a coma and the baby's good." I said cracking a small smile that didn't reached my eyes.

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