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Ava's P.O.V


Wrapped in Bentley's protective embrace, I could lay here all day. The sun gently kissed the horizon as the dark skies faded into bright blue, today was a beautiful day. My positive line of thought was knocked out of my head by the urge to puke. Wiggling trying desperately to get free from Bentley's embrace but he only tightened his grip on me in his sleep. The taste of bile slowly rose in my throat my movements grew frantic. Frustrated with the entire situation I hit him on his chest. His blue eyes instantly snapped open. "Ouch." He winched while rubbing his chest I didn't care though I was free. Running to the bathroom I emptied all my stomachs contents from yesterday into the toilet.

Sometime while I was puking I felt my wild hair being pulled away from my face while he rubbed my back. When I was sure I was done after dry heaving for what felt like forever I got off my knees and walked over to the sink and grabbed my toothbrush I wanted to get the disgusting taste of bile out of my mouth. Looking up Bentley's bright blue eyes closely followed my every move. "I'll be back in a sec baby." He said gently kissing my forehead before he left the bathroom to go wherever. After taking a bath I decided to put on a simple plane white t shirt and shorts. Walking over I lazily threw my body onto the bed I wanted to go downstairs but I'm way too lazy to walk down  so many stairs right now.

I just laid there blankly looking at the ceiling. "Baby." Bentley said on entering  the room. "Yes?" I asked without looking at him. "Could you go...uh....," He drawled out. " Do what Bentley?" I asked finally sitting up to see that he was holding a small brown bag.

"Pregnancy test. I bought four just to make sure." He said shyly while looking at my carpeted floors. " I'm not pregnant Bentley." I said with a smile. "You're having morning sickness, you have mood swings, babe I'm not saying you are I'm just saying to take it to make sure you're not." He said seriously while looking at me.

"I'm not taking the dumb test I.am.not.pregnant and if I am it woud mean that you did the exact thing I specifically told you not to do." I said stressing my point on the verge of going on a rant. "Your so stubborn, okay you think you're not let's bet if you aren't I'll buy you ice cream. If I'm correct and you are pregnant you'll still get ice cream I'll buy an extra large in your favorite." He bated me. With the mention of ice cream especially my favorite my mouth instantly started to water. I could almost fell it melting on my tongue while the flavor exploded on my taste buds. "Fine." I said walking over grabbing  the brown bag out of his hands. Curse these weird cravings of mine.

"I can't pee." I complained to Bentley.


After almost thirty minutes of drinking water I finally had enough pee for all four tests Bentley insisted on taking. Now we just sat waiting for the results with the timer set we just had to wait ten minutes before we knew if I needed to kill Bentley or not. "I'm not pregnant so you could get that dumb look off your face." I said looking at a smiling Bentley who sat next to me. "Babe you sound like you're trying to convince yourself." He said before bursting into a fit of laughter. The scene made a surge of joy to run through my body it's very rare that Bentley is ever in such a good mood. Even on his best days its clear that he's always worried yet in this moment he was genuinely happy. The door bell being rung caught my attention I'm guessing it's because I was looking for a distraction I hate test of any kind and the fact that Bentley was this happy because we had to take one scared me that he knew something I was trying to avoide.

"I'll get it." I said before quickly leaving the room. "Hi?" I said in a questioning manner. 'I should really use the peep hole' I mentally scolded myself. A six foot brunet with dark brown eyes stood before me. "I'm Brent Johnson. Bentley's father I need the both of you to get dressed I'm waiting outside. Don't tell him know it's me it's an emergency." He explained calmly though he seemed to be in a panicked state. "O.oo.ok." I stuttered dumbly. Bentley had some similarities to his father they were around the same height and Bentley got his smile. It's pretty cute that Bentley resembles both of his parents. Slowly walking up the stairs I racked my brain for a way in which I could get Bentley out of the house without telling me him his dad's outside. "Who was at the door?" He asked exactly when the timer he set on his phone buzzed announcing that the tests  were in deed ready.

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