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Bentley's P.O.V

Once I left Ava's house yesterday originally I was going to meet my father but he got an 'important' call and had to leave town even though he's almost never here. I just laid around my house for the rest of the evening. Taking a minute from thinking about my 'father' I choose to use that word loosely , I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

Faded blue jeans hung loosely on my hips. A long sleeved plaid shirt with a white t-shirt inside with one of my favorite red and black Jordans on my feet. I looked good for sure but I didn't feel good. I just had a feeling today was going to be a long day which usually meant that I'll have to deal with some type of drama. Shaking the feeling off I ran downstairs to the kitchen running into Barbara. Who I was trying to avoid. Why you may ask? "Ben you okay Hun? Your father promised he'd make it up to you but for now Carl made your favorite breakfast." She said with a sad smile.

That answers your question? Every time my father sets me up as I would put it Barbra goes on a 'make Bentley feel better' rampage which includes ALOT of cooking,and chocolate which doesn't help. I appreciated the effort she made to make me happy but in all honesty I didn't care anymore when it came to my father. Granted I couldn't wait to see what this make up present was going to be I'd long grown used to being disappointed.

After eating breakfast I left to go pick Ava up for school but she called and said she'd walk since Stacey stayed over at hers. A few minutes later I pulled into the schools car park. Climbing out of my all black Mercedes I walked over to the guys who were sitting on Ryan's car talking about the party I'm sure. "Hey," I said greeted lazily Ky on the back. "Don't hey me Benny! Like you ditched me Saturday I thought we had a date!" He whined with a horrible girls voice no doubt making fun of my ex. " Dude the party was Awesome and somebody got lucky." Kevin announced wiggling his eyebrows.

"Seriously though Jake how was the sex? Rate it between 0-10." Kevin asked looking at Jake excitement gleaming bright in their eyes while mine just held shock. " You got laid?" I asked flabbergasted not that Jake couldn't get laid it's just that well...he hasn't got laid in forever.

Not because he couldn't but because he didn't want to after getting his heart broken from Emily aka one of Stacey's minions. Which was a great reason to remain celibate for so long I guess.
"Yes Bentley I did and I'll rate the sex at about 9." He answered boldly while looking at his phone.

This was typical though, five football players sitting in the car park talking about their sexual escapes. "She's that good? Damn so this was like a one time thing or you're going to make it frequent?"Ryan asked folding his arms over his chest. " I think you should make it frequent. Not to remind you but the last time you had sex which not to mention was your first was almost two years ago. But if you don't want to continue I don't mind taking your place we all know my dick is like twice your size anyways I'm sure she'd be happy to get an upgrade." Kevin interjected while we just stood silently looking at his now reddened cheeks.

"What? I know it was mean but dude just think of it as encouragement to bang hot chicks as much as possible." He weakly defended himself shrugging his shoulders. "Why do you talk about girls like that? You do know there is more to a relationship than sex right." I finally said surprising everybody even myself. From only being in a relationship for the sex to not caring if I have sex in my new relationship. " Oh shut up Mary, you're only saying that right now because you my friend ain't going to get pussy for a very long time with Ava as your chick." Ryan said causing everybody except me to laugh.

"Don't worry man your hands will work for now I'll buy you some lotion what brand do you prefer?" Kevin asked with a dumb smile plastered on his face. "I'm confused who's Mary?" Ky asked looking puzzled. Yeah Ky... well let's just say he isn't the brightest crayon in the pack but we still love him nonetheless. "We are talking about Bentley's non existing sex life now that he's with Ava idiot." Jake said hitting him behind his head.

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