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Ava's P.O.V
(Two days later)

"So you're not going to smile?" Stacey asked with a poker face on. At the moment Stacey and I were sitting on my couch, tv on and nobody looking at it.

Maybe your wondering why Stacey's trying to make me smile. I guess I've been in a bad mood for the past two days. Why? Well I haven't talked to Bentley. "Happy?" I asked plastering a quick fake smile on my face. "Dude that was so fake!"Stacey laughed playfully pushing my shoulder in a dramatic manner. "Yeah I know." I agreed joining in laughing. " I think your thinking to mu...,"Stacey got cut off by my phone ringing.

"Hey babe." Bentley's voice tickled my ear causing me to smile. A real one "Hi."I said softly. " And after trying for hours he calls says hi and she smiles." Stacey complained. "I was just calling to tell you that you wouldn't be seeing me for the rest of the week something  came up so I have to leave to take care of it. I won't be there for the lit. presentation on Friday sorry." He explained. "That's okay." I answered although I was disappointed. I finished writing it already so I guess it's just for me to simply read it to the class on Friday more or less. "So I guess I'll see you soon I love you Ava- Marie." He said before hanging up. For the first time, I was almost going to say it back. Although I think it's a bit too early I think I Love Bentley Johnson.

"Okay he hung up, lets go!" Stacey exclaimed springing up off the couch successfully snapping me out of my daze.


Half an hour later we were sitting at the cafe downtown. The afternoon sun kissed my skin as Stacey and I sat eating which is the best way to comfort me. "Ah... w...w..where did Bentley say he was going?" Stacey stuttered her emerald eyes boring into my brown ones. "He said that he had to leave for the week why?" I asked confused as to why she'd just ask that question randomly.


Stacey's P.O.V

My eyes are deceiving me. Yeah they are. No they aren't! Walking out of the flower shop carrying a bouquet of roses was no other than Bentley Johnson. "I was thinking we should....," I trailed off still looking at Bentley. Shit, " What are you looking at?" Ava asked looking at where or should I say who I was just looking at. I am so smooth! This fool just made me get caught...or is it the other way around. Her face instantly feel. I mean she just saw her man walking with roses which sure as hell aren't for her.

She just looked at him as he walked towards his midnight black Lamborghini, damn he had cars for each day of the week. Anyways that's the difference between Ava and I she's what  any normal person will call a punk. While she sat there just looking at him like a piece of candy I would've already crossed the street and he would've had to answer to me. Deciding to sit back and allow her to handle this her way I said nothing, which rarely happens.

Bentley drove off leaving behind well I don't know what face or feeling she's feeling right now I'm guessing a lot because her face was completely blank.
After almost forever of silence she finally spoke, " You think it's for Candy?" She asked while playing with her figures. Sometimes I swear that I'm black and Ava's white but that's a topic I'll leave for another time.  "I know your mind is going all over the place with ideas why he just bought those roses but the only way to be sure is to ask." I said sounding like a female Doctor Phil.


Ava's P.O.V

It's exactly 2:07am and I can't sleep deciding to listen to Stacey's advice although I thought I could've waited until tomorrow which it is technically I decided to call Bentley in desperate need of some answers. Picking up my phone I dialed his number, "Hello." He answered on the third ring sleep causing his voice to sound deeper evoking a tingly sensation to corse through my body. And that's the thing although I know I should be angry, I wasn't. I was pretty sure he'd have a logical reason for buying red roses at three in the afternoon. Right? "Baby are you okay?" He asked concerned. "Yeah. I couldn't sleep and was wondering if you could come over?" I asked unsure. "Yeah give me a few minutes." He said before hanging up.


Thirty minutes later I opened the door for Bentley who was in grey long pj pants and a white t shirt. He looked tired. Now I felt horrible for waking him. "I'm sorry for waking you." I apologized while locking the door. Deciding I would say nothing until later that morning about the flowers problem he silently followed me to my room where we fell asleep together.


Slipping out of bed quietly so I won't wake Bentley I got dressed in some simple jeans and band t. After completing my morning ritual I walked out of my bathroom into my bedroom. "Good morning," Bentley greeted smiling softly at me. "Good morning," I replied coldly flinching at my own words. "What's wrong baby?" He asked sitting up on the bed in all his half naked glory. When did his shirt come off? Snapping out of my temporary trance I asked the question that was eating me alive.

"Where were you yesterday afternoon?" I blurted out not really knowing how to properly form the sentence. Tilting his head slightly to the side with his eye brows raised, " I was out Ava why?" He asked. "Just curious that's all," I replied halfheartedly with a shrug of my shoulders.  "You just asked me where I was simply out of curiosity? Ava we are having a real conversation so say what you really want to say." He said firmly while looking at me with a bored look on his face. "I want to know where did you go yesterday afternoon and why did you have to buy roses." I said boldly shocking myself. Normally I would've just said to forget the entire thing and move on acting as though nothing happened.

"I had a family emergency that's where I was yesterday afternoon Ava but you tell me what or who you thought the flowers where for?" He asked faking interest. Now I felt dumb I shouldn't have taken Stacey's advice it always back fires. "N...,""Don't say no one Ava because you thought something so say what you thought." He said getting off the bed while looking for his shirt I'm guessing. "Candy." I said honestly in a low voice. I wasn't going to lie that one thought made sense to me at least.

"And there it is you don't trust me. Ava I'm trying here so seeing that I'm not good enough please tell me what I need to do to show you that this is genuine." He said his voice breaking at the end. Two things where evident at the moment: 1) I screwed up and (2) Bentley was pissed or hurt. Face turning a bright shade of pink, jaw clenched, hands formed into tight fists. "Ava. I'm not perfect yes I have secrets which I choose to keep secrets which don't affect you just me. I do these things for a reason but I will never cheat on you and honestly I have too many problems to deal with right now to put up with your childish bullshit." He snapped before storming out of my room.

Shucked after he said those words I felt like the ground beneath my feet collapsed. Feeling as though the room was spinning I stumbled over to my bed where I decided I would be spending the rest of my day. Because the truth is sleep is natures free pain killer.


Well...what do you guys think Bentley's hiding? Do you believe him?
Bye for now

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