❄️Fun Day❄️

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❄️Fun Day❄️

Ava's P.O.V

Waking irritating sound of my phone vibrating on my bedside table knocked me out of my sweet slumber. Lazily rolling over I grabbed my silver phone answering it causing Stacey's voice to echo in my ear. "Get your lazy ass up for goodness sake Ava  it's Saturday!" She yelled eating herself a tired sigh that blew out from my lips. "Well good morning to you too Stacy." I said irritated while sitting up in my comfortable bed. "Yeah yeah get dressed I'll be over to pick you up in an hours time." She commanded not even waiting to hear my reply before ending the call.

"Rude much." I murmured before getting out off my bed and heading towards my bathroom to get ready because clearly I didn't have a say in the matter.While taking a bath I too the time to reflect on the events that happened this week. And sadly nothing of interest happened after my little accident with Bentley Johnson. The week more or less was just filled with assignments and sleep.

Combing my curly hair in a messy bun and doing a simple makeup which just consisted of lip gloss and mascara I left my bathroom satisfied heading over to my closet. After shuffling through my closet I settled on wearing a white crop top with a infinity love sign printed onto it with some denim shorts and my green vans. Looking at my fully dressed reflection I had to say I looked good . My mental flattery was cut off by my doorbell being rung.

Grabbing my phone and money I ran downstairs opening the door and was met with a very bored Stacy. "Well you couldn't have taken any longer to open a damn door Ava I could have died out here in this heat!" She exclaimed while rolling her eyes which is a frequent practice of hers. "You don't think your being a bit dramatic I took less than two minutes Stacy." I said matter of factly to my fussing friend. "Just come on and my don't you look nice girly." She said while throwing a winking my way. "You look good as well." I complimented smiling softly at her. She wore black shorts, a pink crop top which had 'Bitch' written in black italics with her hair in a high pony tale.

Walking out of my house Stacy and I walked towards her brand new pearl white mustang. "Where are we going Stacy?" I asked once we safely got into the car. "Just sit back and relax babe." She instructed before pulling out of my driveway. After an hour of driving and listening to Stacy blab on and on about gossip we finally pulled up to the mall. After shopping for a few hours we decided to take a break and get something to eat at the local cafe. While eating I looked out the window that's when I saw him. Walking on the sidewalk with one of his friend I recognized from seeing him around school.

Bentley Johnson, his blond hair laid messily on his head which made his blue eyes stand out even more if that was even possible. His strong jawline and dazzling smile which seems to cause butterflies to erupt in my stomach every time I see him smile.

Even though he was dressed in a simple plane white v- neck t- shirt and jeans he still managed to look flawless without even trying. "Right Eva." Stacy laughed snapping me out of my drool session. I'm guessing it was a joke which of course I missed because I was to busy looking at Bentley, but I laughed and agreed to whatever she was talking about. After that I decided to give Stacy my full attention. Once we were finished eating we decided to spend the rest of the day relaxing at my house.


Stacy left after a few hours leaving me and my thoughts alone once again. While sprawled out on my comfortable bed staring into the thick darkness that hung over me the only person that kept coming to my mind was no other than Bentley, and in that very moment I realized something. I had a crush on Bentley Johnson. And as every other time reality made sense out of my fairy tale thinking. Bentley and I are apart of two completely different worlds and this wasn't a Disney movie where two people from different worlds learn to love each other and live happily ever after. No this was the real world and nothing like that happened...ever. I mean he doesn't even know I exists for crying out loud. I mean I'm the unnoticed girl and I don't think I would want that to change anytime soon. I like my life just the way it is. Drama free. Well as drama free as it could get with Stacy as my best friend.

Before slipping into sleep one thought registered which caused a small smile to spread across my features. Today was a fun and I really couldn't complain about anything. I spent the day with my best friend, shopped and just enjoyed each other's company. I got the cute shoes I was dying to have or yeah last but not least I got to see Bentley on a weekend. I guess it's official I've got a crush on Bentley Johnson although I know nothing is ever going to happen between us. A girl could dream right? I mean Cinderella did.

Hey guys so I hope you're enjoying the story. This chapter was a bit short but I guess it was just a filler before all the action really starts. Please vote and comment I will really appreciate it.

Bye for now  🎀itgrl🎀

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