❄️Long day❄️

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Bentley's P.O.V

Walking down to the once noisy kitchen it suddenly went silent causing a tired sigh to leave my lips. I could feel Barbara and Carl's eyes following my every move. " I made your favorite. Chocolate chip pancakes." Carl stated with a smile to which I just looked at him voided of any emotion. Honestly after getting that phone call yesterday I've been in a bad mood. Cooking my favorite breakfast was just a lame attempt to change my sour mood.Placing my food in front of me the both of them looked at me as I silently picked at my food allowing my thoughts to run wild.

"Hun you wanna talk about it?" Barbra finally asked her voice laced with concern. Shaking my head I pushed my full plate forward picking up my bag and car keys before walking out the kitchen without saying a word. Pulling into the school's car park in about fifteen minutes I hopped out of my all black Lamborghini.

Walking into the empty corridors the bell may have rung about twenty minutes ago for first period and honestly I didn't care. Walking past my class I went to the stands out on the field pulling out a cigaret while smoking I reflected on how messed up my life is. And sadly it seems to be getting worst as the days go by.


Ava's P.O.V

As usual I woke up this morning to an empty house and after having breakfast I walked to school. So here I am getting my books out of my locker for first period which was chemistry when I heard the voice of my best friend causing a smile to tug at my lips. "Oh thank God you look less holy today." She said commenting on my outfit today which consisted of a grey nike track suit and my hair in a messy bun. Seeing that she hated my outfit yesterday so much I was grateful that I wouldn't have to hear her complain about my fashion sense today.

Turning around I smiled while looking at her outfit which consisted of a grey top with ' I hate Mondays' written on it with a plaid shirt over that and some denim shorts. "Stacy you do know today's not Monday right?" I asked knowing that it wouldn't be the first time she wouldn't know the day of the week. Most of the time she seems to be living in a different universe.

"Yes Ava I do know today isn't Monday. Although I don't know what day of the week it is my t-shirt is a general statement." she said proudly making me giggle at her forced stupidity. "Today's Wednesday Stacey." I said while smiling at my green eyes friend. After the bell rang Stacy and I walked to our class together or as Stacy put it her most hated subject forever, Chemistry.


Our first few periods flew by quickly and before we knew it was lunch time. After getting something to eat Stacy and I went outside and sat down under a tree while enjoying the good weather. "Ugh why is this dumb ass coming here?" Stacy asked irritated. Looking up I saw Jake and three other boys I knew were on the football team walking towards us.

"Hey Ava." Jake greeted smiling down at me. " Hi Jake." I said returning his smile shyly . "Before I forget this is Kevin, ky and Ryan." He introduced the boys to which all three of them said hi while waving at the same time. They were all really tall although everybody seems really tall compared to me at times.

Kevin had short black hair which was combed and styled with gel away from his face which made his dark eyes look darker if that was possible almost black. Ky had dark brown hair which made his honey brown eyes pop. He had a boyish smile all in all he was really cute. And lastly Ryan had short blond hair which was parted to the side which didn't move even though breeze was blowing. He had a pretty nice smile as well but not as nice as Bentley's.

"We were wondering if by chance you spoke to Bentley today?" Jake asked while glimpsing at a very bored Stacy who was looking in the other direction. " Nope I haven't actually." I answered glimpsing over at my friend. The four of them stayed with Stacy and I under the tree for the rest of lunch much to Stacy's disdain. They were all pretty nice surprisingly I thought all jokes were mean. We just joked around Stacy even joined in and it seems she made a new friend ... Ryan.

After lunch we had literature for two periods and yes we had to work in our pairs but my partner didn't come to school so I just decided to read a chapter by myself. Half way into the period a load 'smack' sound echoed through the silent class. Turning in the direction of the noise Jake laid on the ground clutching one side if his face and Stacy stood holding a plastic binder over his head.

Stacy could turn anything into a weapon and that's exactly what she did. She was sent to the office and Jake went to the nurse's office with a black eye. After school I waited for Stacy at our locker patiently waiting to hear what he punishment would be. She came marching in my direction purple hair flying in all directions, all in all she looked crazy to be honest. And that is exactly what Stacy is CRAZY!

"Well?" I asked waiting to hear her punishment for hitting Jake. " I have detention for the rest of the term." she said angrily slamming her locker shut. " I did nothing wrong the tard literally tried forcing me to read the dumb book!" she said dramatically. "Stacey he was just trying to make you do what's right." I tried reasoning with her. " Whose side are you on Ava!?" she screeched. "Yours I just think you should at least try reading or listening to the book being read or something." I replied softly not wanting to upset her even more.

"Ava!" turning in the direction I heard my name being called I saw Ryan walking over to me. "I got to go Ava bye." Stacy said before walking in the direction of her after school detention. " Hi." I said to a smiling Ryan who now stood in front of me. "Bentley asked me to drop you off at his house he asked Jake too but your friend kinda messed up his eye." he said while laughing.


After grabbing my bag Ryan and I left school and headed over to Bentley's house. As soon as the car came to a complete stop I sprang out thanking The Lord that I didn't die. " That bad huh?" he asked while smiling. "No not really." I said trying not to make him feel too bad. Lets just say I don't know how Ryan got his drivers license he drives like a mad person. " Aww Ava your so nice but I know I drive a little fast." he admitted to which I nodded my head in agreement.

Walking into Bentley's house we were met with the awesome smell of a Chef's cooking. Making our way to the kitchen like moths drawn to a flame we met a very busy Carl and a silent Barbra. Which was weird. Sitting with her chin resting in her hands her normal warm smile which seemed to be permanently glued to her pale face wasn't there today. Her wavy black hair was combed in a tight pony tale and she wore a uniform?

"Hey Barbra and Carl." Ryan greeted to which he was answered back with a monotone 'hi' from both Barbra and Carl. The sound of the front door opening and then slamming made everybody's head turn in that direction. Storming into the kitchen came a very angry looking Bentley. " Where's your father?" Barbra asked Bentley. "He didn't bother to come." Bentley said in a rough angry voice while grabbing a bottle water out of the refrigerator and walking out of the kitchen.

Not knowing what to do I just stood there. I guess everybody just stayed where they where taking in what just happened. "Ava you should go talk to him." Barbra said after what felt like hours of silence and I kinda wished she said nothing. "Okay?" I said unsure of why I had to go talk to him and not her. Slowly walking out of the kitchen I took my time walking up stairs to Bentley's room.

After standing at his closed door for what felt like forever I finally mustered up enough courage to knock. " Come." he said simply his voice sounding muffled through the door.Slowly opening the door I stepped in and closed the door behind me. He laid on his bed looking up at the ceiling not knowing what to say I walked over to his bed standing at the edge for a while before to take a seat.

"You okay?" I asked softly. "I'm okay I guess are you okay?" he asked while turning to look at me. "I'm fine." I said smiling softly I decided to change the topic seeing that most likely he wouldn't want to talk about whatever got him in such a bad mood anyway. " So Stacy gave jake a black eye today in literature class when he tried to make her read." I said while smiling at the memory . "Really." He said while laughing a breath taking smile graced his perfect features.

It felt good to see him smile a comfortable silence fell over us after that which was okay with me. Turning my head I looked back at the wall not wanting to stare at him for too long. "Ava-Marie." He said just a little above a whisper causing me to turn to face him. Leaning in he captured my lips with his soft pink ones.


Okay that's another chapter...
If your reading this it means that your still reading the book so I'm guessing I must be doing something right? Vote and comment !!! <3
And I'll be updating soon.

Bye for now

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