❄️Project Ava❄️

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❄️Project Ava

Ava's P.O.V

"Ava hunnie wake up." A delicate voice repeatedly sang bringing me out of my peaceful slumber . Sitting up in my comfortable bed my sleepy eyes landed on my mother's figure standing at my door which caused a sleepy smile to tug at my lips. She was beautiful with her flawless caramel complexion wild main of brown curls that fell a little past her shoulders. Her warm hazel eyes that seemed to glow whenever she smiled and thick curvy body that complemented it all. I looked nothing like her unfortunately the only thing I inherited from my mother was her complexion. The clear facts left me to believe that I looked more like my father. My father died before I was born which only left my mother and I. "Good morning mom." I said half asleep while walking into my bathroom. After doing my hygiene stuff I decided to wear a navy blue floral dress I bought at the mall recently putting my hair in a tight pony tale.

After grabbing my bag I ran downstairs and was hit in the face with the delightful smell  of breakfast. Sitting down at the island I looked at my mom while she finished preparing breakfast. "So hunni how's school?" she asked while smiling. " Its okay." I answered as enthusiastically as I could fake. While eating my pancakes and eggs my mother made she spoke yet again.While mentally I was wishing she could just shut up. I may sound a bit rude but she tends to do this every time, she'll work and never see me and then try and fit as many conversations into one. " Want me to drop you to school?" she asked while picking up her keys. " No thanks I'll walk." I said while walking out of the front door as quickly as I could.

After my relaxing ten minutes walk to school in the cool spring breeze I walked onto the school compound and decided I would wait for Stacy at my locker seeing that our lockers are actually next to each other. Walking quickly through the noisy corridors with my head down. Thankfully this time I reached my locker without any accidents. Opening my locker I took out the book I would need for my first period which was literature. "Ava?" I heard while turning around and what stood before me caused my jaw to go slack going into the shape of an 'o' and the book I was holding in my hand to slip from my grip. "Wha....," I dragged out. "I'm guessing you really like it you're speechless!" Stacy said excitedly. Her once long blond hair was now short, about shoulder length and colored pink and purple. Two different shades to be correct and as though the hair wasn't enough she now had a nose piercing. All in all I have to admit she looked pretty cool though which was just like Stacey. She could do the craziest things and still manage to look good. Her white top which had queen bee written on it which she paired with denim shorts and black combat boots. " I like it really." I managed to squeak after a long pause. "Same here but Ava why do you look like you're  a bit late for Sunday school?" she asked a bit confused which in turn confused me. "Huh?" I asked while looking at the time on my phone. "Your dress silly! It's hideous you look at least five. Why didn't you put your hair in pig tales while your were at it." she said while laughing causing her pale face to turn a bright pink.

I saw nothing funny about the supposed joke. "Shut up Stacy." I said a bit irritated scowling at my best friend. "But ...," whatever she said was drowned out by the bell thank God. While making our way to literature class while Stacy complained about how much she hated literature which was something she did for every class. I don't think there is any class Stacy enjoys to say the least. Looking up from the ground my eyes meet with a pair of beautiful blue orbs that belonged to no other than Bentley Johnson, and maybe I was dreaming but I think he actually smiled at me. Honestly I think I was dreaming too but it was cut short when Stacey's words finally made sense to my foggy mind. " We'll call it project Ava." She announced smiling at me lovingly which made me wish I was listening because I don't know what she was talking about. With a nervous chuckle leaving my lips we walked into our literature class where we will be for the next three periods much to Stacy's horror.

Bentley's P.O.V

" So I was thinking we should go to your family's lake house out of town for spring break what do you think?" Jake  asked coming out from nowhere. He tends to do that a lot start a conversation randomly leaving you a bit confused. "Good morning to you too Jake." I greeted sarcastically while grabbing my bag out of my car. "Good morning." He answered sheepishly while smiling. "And yeah we should do that for spring break." I answered his question a bit later . Walking into school while talking all the girls seemed to stop what they were doing just to look at us which seems to be a habit. I mean I don't blame them at all just  look at us! Me being simply sexy and Jake not falling too far behind with his brown hair hazel eyes and his muscular six foot frame which he earned from playing football. "You said you had something to tell me." Jake stated automatically catching my attention. "Oh yeah...I really like this girl." I dragged out nervously while scratching the back of my neck. "And who may that be?" He asked with a huge goofy smile on his face. And as though just on time I saw Ava walking down the corridor towards her class accompanied with her purple headed friend. Her head hung low while she seemed to be in her own little world unaware of the effect she had on me.

"Her." I said simply while looking at Ava. She looked nice as always with her curly hair styled away from her face. Although she was looking at the ground a beautiful  smile graced her features. She wore a navy blue dress which I must admit would have looked horrible on anybody else but she seemed to make it work somehow. All in all she looked breath taking a daily practice of hers even when she wasn't trying too. "Which her dumb ass?!" Jake whisper yelled his eyes anxiously roving around the cramped space. I almost forgot that we were  in the crowded corridors filled with people, but to me once Ava was around nobody else seemed  to exist. Cheesy I know. "Blue dress." I said simply not wanting to get caught talking about her. That's when she looked up from the ground and looked directly at me and at that very moment I wanted her even more than I did for the past six years  if that was even possible. "What's her name ?" Jake  asked knocking me out of my day dream. "Ava-Marie." I said with A small smile. " So ...what's your next move?" Jake asked already knowing I had a plan, which I didn't have a full one but I had an idea which was obviously better than having none.

"We're going switch all our classes." I said mater of factly. "Why?" He asked looking at me lost. " So we would have the same classes as Ava."I replied  confidently. "And why do I have to switch classes with you?" He asked for clarification and honestly I didn't have a valid reason other than, " Because you're my best friend."
And  surprisingly he agreed.

Ava and I are in the same grade but different classes which changed exactly ten minutes ago. While walking to my class although I'm a period late I couldn't get the smirk off my face. I guess for the first time in a long while I was actually genuinely happy and it was all because of a particular brown eyed girl.


Hey guys so if you're  reading this it means that you're  still reading my story which is awesome!!!
I'd just like to thank you all and I hope you continue to enjoy the remainder of the story 😃

Bye for now

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