❄️A "Normal" day at school

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❄A 'Normal' day at school❄️

Ava's P.O.V

The loud buzzing of my alarm clock woke me up from my peaceful slumber. Rolling out of bed I marched into my bathroom to get ready for the long day I faced. Spending eight hours in that hell hole, also known as school. Don't get me wrong I love school it's just the people there I could do without .

Putting my mental debate on hold after taking a shower I looked at myself in the mirror. Dark brown eyes,shoulder length curly black hair and a caramel complexion was what stared back at me in the reflective material. I stood at maybe 5'4 all in all I wasn't anything special. I was just simply me . Ava- Marie Knight.

After getting dressed in a black jeans , black nirvana t- shirt and my black vans I ran downstairs to my empty kitchen. I live with my mother who is  a doctor but she's always working so 95% of the time I have the house to myself which I actually don't mind at all.

After grabbing an apple I left the house and started my short walk to school. Although I'm seventeen years old I don't have a car unlike most of the other teenagers my age in this town. My mother, even though she could afford it, she doesn't see the need for me to have my own car when I live walking distance from school ... let's just say I see the need. It's just another thing we'll never agree on I guess.

Walking through the gates of Richwood high. I couldn't have seen a more fitting name for this hell hole. The students parking lot looked like a picture straight out of a magazine. Porches, Range Rovers , Audis, Lamborghini's of every series and  color littered the paved space because the rich brats who attended this school deserved the best. Mentally rolling my eyes i walked into the hectic hallways instantly disappearing in the crowd.

In Richwood high everybody had a label and you hung out with the people who had the same label as you . Am I a cheerleader- nope, so therefore I don't hang out with cheerleaders. Am I a 'genius' - nope so therefore I don't hang out with geniuses. I'm not overly rich or gothic or emo or a nerd...Get it ? It's an un written rule that everybody seems to abide by which I find quite dumb to say the least, but in this concrete jungle what I think doesn't mater.

For I am unnoticed. Yep that's it. My social label in Richwood high, I've attended here for my entire school life yet as I walk through these crowded halls the only people who are noticed are those who have a social label. Yet at times it seems that I'm the only person here without one.

While carrying on my own mental rundown of this lovely establishment I didn't hear my name being called. "Ava!!"
"Gosh Stacy I'm not deaf." I said irritated. "You sure about that, I've been screaming your name for almost five minutes." she said while rolling her green eyes.

Stacy is my one and only friend I've made over the years and she is also my best friend. We are like night and day but we get along just fine because where she's weak I'm strong and vice versa. With her big green eyes , tall slender figure , long blonde wavy hair that goes past her waist and perfectly tanned skin her beauty was truly both inward and outward. While I followed all the school's rules Stacy on the other hand marched to her own beat.

In more or less word Stacy's what you call a bad ass. And that's exactly what her outfit she wore today just as every other day screamed... well today it was literally written on her t- shirt.
She wore a white crop top with the words 'bad ass' written in black italics, black cut up jeans and black combat boots with her hair messily flying in all directions. And not to forget the black smoky eye effect she had going on . I don't think I need to mention that this outfit was out of the dress code - but it seems that nobody around here follows that other than me .

As if confirming my thoughts the school's 'it girls' passed us filling the hallway with the scent of expensive perfume and the sound of their thousand dollar heels assaulting the ground. Dressed in mini skirts , tops , and short shorts which no doubt cost more than they should , their hair combed almost to perfection. Their faces caked with pounds of makeup giving the illusion that their skin was flawless an illusion I had no problem in believing. They walked as though they were the only ones on the corridor and for a second it seemed so until the loud chime of the bell snapped me out of my thoughts.

Stacy and I quickly walked to our lockers grabbing our needed books for our first class then walked to our class. The good thing about this was Stacy and I had almost all the same classes except art seeing that I'm a horrible artiest while Stacy is amazing. Walking into our first class being history and finding our assigned seats. Class quickly started with the boring monotone voice of our teacher Mr. King whom I would have to listen to for the next two periods. Ugh!!! I hate Mondays.


Thankfully the day passed by quickly and before I knew it Stacy and I were making our way out of the school's exit. I was a bit distracted with Stacy's constantly talking about the schools latest gossip which I was slightly interested in and the text from my mother saying that she won't be coming home tonight because she had to work late which wasn't anything new. While trying to reply to my mother's text and a quick "uh huh" to Stacy which is all she really needed to keep the conversation going about the latest gossip I managed to walk into a wall? Or what felt to be a wall sending my phone flying out of my hands and me falling backwards. Mentally bracing myself for the fall with my eyes tightly shut I waited for the pain to shoot through my body...but the impact never came.

Slowly opening my eyes they landed on the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen ... which only meant one thing. These beautiful eyes could only belong to one person. Bentley Johnson. The Bentley Johnson. Star football player, most popular boy, unnecessarily rich....oh how this list could go on and on. But what was strange was that I was being held from hitting the ground in a tight secure embrace in his arms. With his signature smirk showing off his perfectly white teeth, "You okay ?" Bentley asked looking down at me. With a awkward 'yeah' he released me from his embrace picked up my phone handing it to me and walked off.

Star struck, I caught up to Stacy who didn't even notice what happened but had successfully carried on a full conversation without anybody listening to her. With a soft smile I said my favorite line "uh huh." Seeing that my mother wasn't going to be home today Stacy decided to stay at my house for a little while before going home. We watched movies and I even got her to do home work. Which took over an hour of me convincing her too but she did it after all. After a few hours she decided to go home leaving me alone yet again.

Changing into my sleep wear which consisted of boy shorts and a over sized t-shirt I laid in bed staring at the ceiling and one re -occurring thought or should I say person - a particular blue eyed person to be exact caused a smile to tug at my lips. That person being Bentley Johnson, but then reality came crashing down ruining my day dream. That reality being that I'm me and well ... Bentley is Bentley. He's Mr. Poplar and in Richwood popular people don't speak to people like me. Speaking is a bit far I should just say notice people like me. For I am unnoticed and it shall remain that way. Putting my mental fairy tale to rest I looked back on today and the only words I could use simply  sum up my first day back at school was 'Normal'. And with that last thought I slipped into the darkened nothingness of sweet slumber.

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