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Bentley's P.O.V

"That makes absolutely no sense. Stacey didn't she go to Africa ?" I asking trying to figure this mess out. "Yeah I was over at their house when she left she gave Ava a booklet, emergency numbers and everything." She said just as stressed and puzzled as I was. "These numbers don't even exist the fucking hospital doesn't even exist neither does the charity she claimed to be working along with." Ryan said looking at his computer. You may want to know what's going on... well a few hours ago we decided to try to get in contact with Ava's mother to inform her about Ava's condition. And it seems after much investigation that Ava's mother either dropped off the face of the planet or simply lied about where she was going. I'm leaning toward the latter but why would she do that? And where would she go leaving Ava by herself although it wouldn't be anything new.

"Maybe the foundation isn't registered or is registered under another name or something." Stacey said trying to think positive although only negative things were being offered as facts. "I'll go ask a doctor what organizations other doctors go to Africa to help out then we'll go from there." Jake said standing from his seat where we all sat around a table in the hospital's cafeteria. With a loud sigh I just shifted in my seat hoping to find a more comfortable position. "Dude when was the last time you slept?" Ryan asked looking at me from behind his laptop. Three nights ago would be the truth, "Last night." I said looking down at the energy drink that stood proudly before me. "That's a lie both you and I know that. You could go home I'll stay with her tonight." He offered looking at me concerned. I've been declining his offers for the past two nights and every time he looks at me it's clear that his worry for me is just growing. "Okay." I said with a sigh. Ava's been in a coma for three days, three days too long. These have been the longest seventy two hours of my life and as every hour that rolled by a little piece of me dies. "You okay?" I asked turning to Stacey who's been quiet which is strange.

"I should be asking you that you look like the living dead." She said looking at me concerned. I guess that's the closest to showing feelings Stacey would ever get. "I'm still sexy though." I joked which earned me a soft smile from her. "I know I've called you really bad names in the past but you can't die just yet my best friend and God child need you." She said before punching my arm. "Is that your idea of an apology Stacey?" I asked her. Her colorful hair held in a high messy bun and dressed in all black although I'm pretty sure she's wearing pajamas. "Its the closest thing to it you'd ever get out of me." She admitted sticking out her tongue at me. "That was so sweet and I got the entire thing on video." Ryan said before locking his iPhone. "I hate you dude." Stacey said showing him the finger. "And I love you too Stacey boo." Ky said coming out from behind her crushing her in a hug. "Ky if you don't get off of me I will cut you." She threatened him. Releasing her from his grip he ruffled her already messy hair before plopping down in his seat. "Okay." Jake said earning all of our attentions. "Good news is there are three charitable foundations that do request volunteer doctors. Bad news the foundations haven't sent volunteers to Africa for the past three years. Also the nurse showed me the list of volunteers from Richwood Ava's mother wasn't one of them." Jake said.

"Then that means someone in Africa kidnapped Ava's mother three years ago." Ky said looking scared. "Ky shut the fuck up that makes no sense she left a month ago." Stacey corrected him quite ruffly. "Look we aren't going to be able to figure this out on our own I'll hire a personal investigator tomorrow." I said feeling flustered after receiving that information. "Well aren't you a big spender Mr. CEO." Kevin joked. "Don't you have to start training Monday?" Ryan asked me. "Yeah." I said already feeling overwhelmed with everything that's on my plate. "I know that you don't want Ava to be alone so we could take turns. I'll look after her during the morning." Kevin offered. "I'll look at her after lunch till late afternoon." Stacey offered. "I'll look after her with Ky at night." Jake said. "I'll stay once my mom doesn't want anything and you could stop by whenever you have breaks or when you're done working we would call if anything happens." Stacey concluded.

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