Friends with benefits

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"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" My dad screams to me as I cry. "PACK YOUR THINGS AND LEAVE. NOW!" I packed my things and went to my friend Brianna's house. I get to her house and knock on the door hoping she's home. She opens the door and says: Jaden!? What's wrong! Tell me what happened!? I explain what happened as I cry. Brianna: Jaden..I'm so sorry . What are you gonna do?

I don't know Bri . Can I stay here tonight I promise I'll leave tomorrow! Brianna: you can stay as long as you need to you know that! You: I'm gonna go outside. You get outside and call Jake.

Jake:hey sis! what's up?
You: dad kicked me out.
*he hangs up*
*You go inside to talk to Brianna*
You: Hey Brianna my brother is coming to get me from LA.
Brianna: alright girl I'll miss you.
You:I'll miss you too.

~Time goes by~
Jake runs to the door knocking quickly
You run downstairs to see Jake and quickly open the door.
You: JAKE !
You hug and Jake says: did dad hurt you?
You: no gladly.
You leave and drive to LA.
Jake: hey sis we're here wake up!
You:that was quick!
Jake: well you fell asleep not to long after getting in the car!
You: oh yea..
Jake: come on I want you to meet my roommates!
You in your mind: Roommates? He never told me he had roommates.
(You guys get out of the car and walk to the door)
Jake: boys I'm home! *Jake yells*
You: Wow this place is big.
*Jake walks you to the couch*
Jake:Hey guys come to the living room! He screams.
???:HOLD ON! a boy yells from upstairs
*All the boys run downstairs*
*You and Jake go up to the middle of the room*
Jake: I want you to meet my sister Jaden, she's gonna live with us. Over there with the blonde hair is Sam, black curly hair is Corey, and the brown hair is Colby! Jake turns to you and whispers:if you wanna be mean Colby's name is Cole, Sam's is Samuel.
You:Hey boys!
*They all say hello*
You: Jake I'm tired where is my room?
Jake: oh yea! Let me show you!
*You both go upstairs*
Jake: your room is right here next to Colby's,I'll give you a tour of the house tomorrow!
You: I'm going to bed love you Jake.
Jake:Good night sis, love you too.
*Jake walks back downstairs*
*Colbys talking to Sam*
Colby:dude she's kinda cute.
Sam:brother you have a crush on every girl you see!
Colby:But she really is pretty though!
Sam:Well whatever you do don't let Jake find out.

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