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           SMUT!! You get home and rush to your room as you lock the door and start kissing. You moan quietly as Colby kisses your neck squeezing your thighs.
You mumble quietly:F-Fuck me cole.
Colby:What princess?
You: I said fuck me!
Colby:But Sam's home and he barged in last time!
You:Well that's why we locked the door and he knows to knock from what happened last time!
Colby:Your right.
Colby slowly pulls your pants down as he kisses you playing with the brim of your panties.
Colby:What? As he smirks.
You:You know what your doing.
Colby:Ugh fine I'll stop!
Colby slowly pulls down your panties as you tug at his belt slowly getting it undone,you start pulling his jeans as he kisses your thighs, as you look down you notice he has a boner.
You: Fuck me Cole!
Colby:I'm working on it!
As you pull down Colby's boxers he hovers over you and kisses you. As he slowly enters your folds you let out a little moan, as he starts slowly thrusting you let out a moan.
You:F-Fuck Cole
As Colby goes faster your nails go deeper into his skin while he grabs your hips tighter. You both are getting closer to your high the faster you go.
You:C-Cole I'm getting c-close!
Colby:M-Me too! He groans.
As you both release Colby plops down beside you while your both trying to catch your breath.
You:Cole that was..amazing.
Colby:It was indeed princess.
You:I need to shower.
Colby:You want me to join?
You: I don't care.
You both get in the shower and wash yourself and get out and both grab a towel.
*Colby stares at you as you dry off*
You: You gonna keep staring? You've seen me naked a million times!
Colby:Sorry your just so..
Colby:never mind.
*You get dressed and put this on*

You:I'm going downstairs I wanna hangout with Devyn!Colby:Alright I need to talk to Sam anyways

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You:I'm going downstairs I wanna hangout with Devyn!
Colby:Alright I need to talk to Sam anyways.
              ~Sorry if it was short~

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