We're ok?

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Jake:Are you ok I heard you scream!
You:Cole caught me.
Jake:Well not my problem
You:Seriously Jake?
Jake:yea he shrugs walking back downstairs.
You:I'm gonna go swimming! You yell.
Jake:Okay love you!
You:Love you too you yell putting on your bathing suit.
*You walk out of your room heading downstairs to the pool*
You:it's probably gonna be cold you say before diving in.
You:WOW THATS COLD you scream.
*You turn around to look at the pretty plants in the yard*
*You feel someone's hands touching your hips*
You:Stop fucking touching me! You scream out.
Colby:Sorry god damn! He says raising his voice slightly.
You:Just get away from me! You yell getting everybody's attention in the house.
Colby:Oh shut up. He says raising his voice again.
You:You tell me to shut up? ME? You scream at him.
Colby:Yes cause no one wants to hear your whiny voice. He says getting louder.
You:Shut up! Just shut up! You scream in his face tearing up a little.
     *Sam and Jake come running out*
Colby:Nobody wants to hear your shit. He yells.
Sam:Hey Colby calm down! He says grabbing his arms.
You:I fucking hate you. Go fuck yourself.
Colby:Love you too.
You:Don't even talk to me anymore.
Colby:Yea ok.
           *Sam and Colby stay outside you go in and change and sit on the couch with Jake*
Jake:It's not your fault.
You:it is my fault.
Jake:Hey don't say that.
Jake:Cause it's not!
        *Outside with Sam and Colby*
Sam:Just calm down!
Colby:I'm trying too!
Sam:Take deep breaths.
Colby:Okay okay. He says taking a deep breath.
Sam:Are you calm?
Colby:Obviously not I need to talk to her.
Sam:Well just wait a little while cause things are a little heated right now.
Colby:I know.
Sam:let's go to my room.
             *Sam and Colby go inside*
Jake:Jaden you should go to your room.
You:Fine. You say walking upstairs.
Jake:I'll come up in a bit.
*You Slam your door as you get in your room*
You:Let's see what's new. You say getting on your phone.
            *Sam has sent a Message*
You:What does Sam want you say getting on Snapchat.
Sam:Can you guys just talk?
You:Just have him come to my room.
Sam:Ok I'll tell him.
Sam:He's coming.
*You get off your phone to a knock at your door*
Colby:Look I'm sorry.
You:It's ok. Im the one who yelled at you first.
Colby:I should've just left you alone. He says looking in your eyes.
You:Im sorry I just didn't sleep well that night. You say hugging him.
Colby:Are we good now?
Colby:Come on let's sit down.

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